If you were granted the ability to do 3 things that you aren't able to do today what would it be? 1. Olympic swimmer 2. Transplant surgeon 3. Professional Documentary Filmmaker
1. A doctor who could volunteer for Doctors Without Borders as needed. 2. A Philanthropist, concentrating on finding every child a home with love, food, etc.. 3. A rock and roll star...yeah baby! One more, please: 4. President of the Universe. Thanks, Sherry
From my mother: 1. Lottery winner...multi-million dollar. 2. Beach house owner. 3. Never to have smoked...wants emphysema to go away for everyone. Uh, oh...she wants another one as well: 4. To find a cure to many diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. Gloria aka Sherry
1. cure cancer 2. lead singer for a band 3. personal assistant/stylist/shopper for someone rich and famous. :mrgreen:
I thought you were already famous and had a personal assistant...kidding around. Lead singer for a band and I want to be a rock and roll star...we could start a band. You could share the mic with Jon Bon Jovi...but he is still mine. Laughing, Sherry
1. Pass organic chemistry class with ease. 2. Play the stock market really really well. 3. To be a social butterfly and life of the party instead of a wallflower.
1. I'd like to be able to sing, dance, play the piano and draw 2. forensic scientist 3. Interior decorator
be able to sing (my boys wish this as well :mrgreen be a rock and roll star YES!! very very stankin rich and i would share the wealth with those in need
1 - Create & run a non-profit charity for families and children and still be able to pay my bills. 2 - Be able to travel more 3 - Have a maid to clean this damn house!
i like Red's, pretty much sums what i would like too. i always said if i didn't have to work i would love to do volunteer work.
1. Finally get done with college and have a CAREER!! 2. Win the mulit-million lottery 3. Start a safe haven for animals and children Of course there is sooo much more I wish I could do! Like grow another 5 inches :x
Well you could be worse things I would like to: 1. Be the age I act 2. Be a better Husband 3. Be a better Human Being