illegals and driving!! = ouch

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by peppercorns, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    unlicensed, uninsured, illiegal driver hit the truck in which Kiddo and I were riding on SAturday afternoon.
    He, i'll call him Mex, was traveling eastbound on lassiter road when he lost control of this full sized red pick up truck. he swerved across into my lane and then off the road. Hitting a fence and a mailbox. Then he gunned the engine to avoid getting stuck in a ditch, came back onto the road and road in my westbound lane. Taking evasive manuvers my BF tried to avoid him and we got hit just behind the passenger door. We were pushed sideways across the road and into a ditch which caused us to roll 2 times. We land upright. We both jumped practically out of the truck to check on Kiddo who had been sitting in the bed of the truck feeling pretty cool since this was the first time mommy ever let her ride in the bed ,(now the last time). She held on like crazy and didn't get thrown until the last roll over. Nothing short of a miracle that she survived with only a badly sprained ankle. (not sure but the truck may have rolled on it.) The truck rollled over on my hand - since it was holding onto the top of the truck out the window. Needless to say my hand is a bit messed up and my BF ended up with a very messed up shoulder.
    Mex kept going. He slowed down in the middle of the road and then gunned it to get the heck out of there. He didn't make it very far, since his truck began to fall apart. He was going to run but they didn't arrest him!!!! He had not completed his escape and was stuck over a mile away only because the truck didn't go. He got three tickets and that is it. THe fact that he is illegal had nothing to do with it and he was let go. THe owner of the truck had insurnce but he lent it to this guy.
    So from experience or knowledge, tell me how to nail this guy to the wall. He destroyed a three year old truck with only 30,000 miles on it and his recklessness almost killed my child!!

    Another unlicensed, illegal hit a good friend of mine. He paid his fines and then hit someone else a few months later - still no license and still illegal!!!! After they pay the fines where the heck is immigration to escort these illegals out of the country????
  2. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Dear God!!!! I am glad no one was seriously hurt or killed. How is you baby's foot? And I cannot believe and I am quite MAD:evil: that "mex" did not get arrested.

    Ya see, this is the stuff that really gets me. I can't even go down the road 5 mile over the limit without getting pulled. Yet, a guy like this gets off easy. He could've killed someone!

    Peppercorns, you and your family are in my prayers........PM if there is anything I can do. I know you don't know me but you never know when you can use anyones help.
  3. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    WE are doing ok - We just left the doc office and she is visiting a friend since the kids are off from school today. (hence the reason I am on the computer)- We am going in a few to take a look at what is left of the truck.
    Thank you and all for all the thoughts and prayers. "Someone" was definately watching out for us.

    On a side note. Poor Kiddo really had a rotten weekend. Friday, her date for the prom told her what he was looking forward to AFTER the prom, ( a "piece" shall we say). She told him to go scratch and he told her that her would take someone else. Nice guy huh? I feel so bad for her but I am so proud that she stuck up for what she believed in. So I must say that not all the butt-heads in the world are illegal, many of them are good old legal Americans.
  4. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    All I can say about that boy is, "WHAT A DUD". That is his new name. "Dudley". Or "Chump", "Sleaze Ball", "Jack ***", oh the names....

    That is just as tacky and rude as it gets. Your daughter deserves WAY better. I hope this kid gets turned down by every girl in the school now. And I hope your daughter gets to go with the nicest, handsomest boy there. She ought to pass out flyers about him to warn all the other girls. LOL
  5. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    I am glad you are all right.
    We take measures to make sure our kids are buckled in when they are car/truck and I am sure you had your seat belt on. I can't see letting my kids or anyone for that matter riding in the back of a truck with no belts or anything else to secure them.
    God and your guardian angels were watching over you 3 that day.
  6. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    Thank goodness you guys are OK. Wish I knew what to tell you about the illegal. Was he drunk? That will get him deported. With it being a wreck not involving him being drunk, there's not a lot you can do. SORRY!
    Unless you hire a lawyer who can push some people around to get him deported. Seems if they know someone is illegal, they would load them up right there on the spot. I hope and pray for a quick recovery. I'm proud of your daughter turning down the loser wanting to get lucky!!
  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    My husband is on the fire dept and you would be absolutely shocked if you knew how many wreck calls they go to where "Mex" has caused a horrible accident and left the scene before anyone gets there. It's at least 4 out of 10 calls (maybe more). And you are right . . . nothing is done . . .nothing at all. The other week they had a call and "Mex" had rolled his truck and his buddy was ejected. "Mex" tried to get his friend to get up so they could run and when his friend could not stand "Mex" drug him off across a field. According to the amount of blood at the scene it is a miracle if the guy even lived.

    This happens way too often. Why do we bother to pay high insurance rates if others can drive without a driver's license and insurance and never get in trouble? Why don't we all just drop our insurance and take our chances out there? I bet folks would slow down and obey the laws a little closer!

    Glad to hear that your family is ok, Peppercorns. It could have been so much worse!
  8. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Pepper, thanks for posting, i was gonna give ya a call today to see how Kiddo was doing - let me know if i can help in any way. That illegal stuff just burns me - if they are here illegally driving w/out a license, why in the world was he not arrested and on top of that trying to flee the scene:shock:
  9. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Glad you and your dd are ok Pcorns!
  10. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Ken... I am not disputing that riding in the back of trucks is unsafe but you ain't in Jersey no mo.

    It's amazing to my siblings and I haven't been hurt or killed as many times as we have rode back and forth from farm to farm in the back of a truck.:rolleyes:

    Glad y'all are okie dokie pep!
  11. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Attention Mister High and Almighty

    1) They were doing nothing wrong and somebody who has committed multiple crimes hit them.
    2) Only a lawyer would be dumb enough to ignore #1.
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Thank God you are all OK Pepper, thoughts and prayers!

    How about we keep the focus on the moron who caused the accident, not on the innocent victims. :roll:
  13. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I'm with you buddy!... I am scared to death to let my pup-pups ride back there too. Even though, like I said I have rode in the back of a truck thousands of times... I am too skerd!
    I have seen a dog bail out of the back of the truck right in front of me and we were clicking right on along down the road. It wasn't pretty... and I backed up traffic because I stopped to make sure the puppy was alright (silly me) He/she was alright for the most part... but beat up/cut up/scratched up pretty bad. He rolled on the road for what seemed like a hundred times and then tumbled into the ditch and got up and walked back across the road.

    Again... I am so glad y'all are alright Pep... For SURE you 3 had a fleet of angels looking out for you!!
  14. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member


    Pepps, if you and Kiddo need anything, you have my number, use it.

    I am so glad you guys are okay.

    As for how I feel about this subject, check out last weeks Post, lol.
  15. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I thought it was illegal too, Ken. Maybe it's just in Wake County? Or maybe not at all.
  16. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Based on Koo's link, it is illegal for children under 12. Pepp's DD is a teenager.
  17. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you and your family is okay. I to hear alot of (Mex) involvement in car accidents and tend to leave the scene of the accident. I dont know where to start in getting this under control but it needs to be communicated to the public more. Maybe try the news papers and radio stations and hopefully someone could give you more knowledge. Take this to the public and fight for what you believe is right! Make a stand!
  18. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Hey, Pepps? The BF's truck ...

    "Teen Riding In Back Of Pickup Ejected - The Highway Patrol is still investigating the cause of a weekend accident that resulted in a teenager being ejected from the back of a pickup truck. It happened on Lassiter Road outside of Four Oaks. The truck veered off the roadway, struck a mailbox and fence, before overcorrecting and overturning several times on the opposite side of the roadway. A female passenger riding in the back of the truck was ejected. She was transported by Four Oaks EMS to Johnston Memorial then airlifted to UNC Hospitals. Another occupant in the truck was transported by 50-210 EMS to Johnston Memorial Hospital . Troopers have not released the names of those involved. "
  19. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Dear Lord that kid is lucky to be alive....
  20. elims

    elims Well-Known Member


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