I posted message below this morning on the Mobile Spay/Neuter thread. Just an update...I'm still a wreck! I miss my baby girl and I know she's missing her family. Took her sister for a ride and she loved it, but she's been looking out the door for Mandy. The vet said she came through the surgery fine, just still groggy. I can't wait till tomorrow at noon to pick her up! I just hope she doesn't think we abandoned her! She's still a baby to me!
I totally understand! When we got our ELvis, I scheduled and cancelled his neutering apptmt 4 times. I lost a dog while in surgery, so I am a basketcase whenever mine have to have surgery. When we got our Lisa-Marie, she was from the SPCA in Wake Co., so she was already spayed. I was very happy!
Well my baby's home---oh happy day! I picked her up at 12:30 and she's doing great so far! She's sleeping at my feet at the moment. The first thing she did when I put her in the car was drink 1/2 of my iced tea! (and yes, I let her!) She ate the cat's food when she got home, and now she's napping! I'll be glad when the stitches come out because she loves to run and jump and I'm not sure I can control how much of that she does! Any suggestions?
Congrats Curious! You have to limit her exercise and jumping until those stitches are removed. Take her on leashed walks to burn that energy. Keeping those stitches in and dry is mucho importante.
We kept our dogs inside and limited where they could go. We took them out on a leash when they needed to go out. The week went by pretty quick.
So glad it went well Curious. When i had little Gracie spayed last month, Dr. Debbie recommended i give her some baby benedryl for a few days. We did and it helped calm her down so she wouldn't burst her stitches. After about 3 or 4 days she was back to herself and happy as ever.
Thanks everyone! It will be a challenge since she hates the leash, but we've been working on getting her accustomed to it any way because she has to be on a leash when we walk on the beach. I had to take her back to the vet to get one of those cone collars. The little imp didn't lick her stitches at all at the vet, but after being home about 1/2 hour she started licking with a vengenace. So now she's walking around bumping into everything! She's so cute with it on! She's asleep again at my feet and seems content for the moment. Her sister doesn't know what to make of the new "hat"! She just keeps looking at her like she's crazy! LOL! I'll be glad when 10 to 14 days is up and she can get these stitches out.
Very good advice. That jumping could be tricky but she really needs to be laid back! Frogger <le...girl...pm me>
Disclaimer: I was ready to kill one of my sister's over this. We DO NOT get along and her carelessness is one of the reasons why. She had the cutest little puppy fixed a few years ago, but for some dumb reason, she left the dog outside in the yard while she was gone, somehow the dog got her stitches undone and she was found too late to save her. I would have kept the dog if she'd have asked! :evil: Moral of the story, keep the dog quiet for the first few days, bad complications can and do happen, especially with females.
Oh that's just terrible and so sad! :cry: Mandy is being good now, just laying at my feet, but I, too, worry when I have to leave her. I have to take my car all the way to Durham to the dealership for a recall repair in the morning. Have to be there before 9:00 or they won't do the repair. I'm really nervous about leaving her. What would ya'll suggest...contain her in the bathroom? Anyone have any better suggestions?
Did they give you one of those cones to put around their heads so they can't lick the incision? If so, the bathroom would probably be OK, or is she crate trained? She just doesn't need to be jumping around or able to catch the incision on anything. I freaked out last year when one of my cats got her stitches out after the spay, but it was about a week later, and she was fine, she just saved me on the vet bill, LOL! They can be "Houdinis" !
Yes, I had to go back and get one because she started licking her incision. And she is a Houdini indeed. The little rascal has already pulled it off 3 times! I finally tied it to her collar. She's asleep right now and seems to be resting well. I'll be so glad when she's completely healed! She's got so much energy and you'd never know she even had the surgery if you didn't see her belly. It's a challenge to keep her from trying to jump on the couch, loveseat, and my daughter's bed! Hopefully the pain medicine I gave her will help her sleep through the night!