I'm just wondering.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by WhatNow, Jul 3, 2010.

  1. WhatNow

    WhatNow Well-Known Member

    if you have visited the Clayton DMV office, what was your experience like. I had a HORRIBLE experience with TWO of the employees there recently, ONE ESPECIALY!!!!! I cannot even believe the hateful and nasty attitudes displayed even towards a CHILD. I'm so angry about it. And I HAD to just "take it" because I knew if I said anything, my needs would absolutely not be met out of sheer spite. By the time I FINALLY got my business done I was just happy to leave. I honestly feel that if I had said anything to them about their attitude, they probably would have called the cops & lied. AND I PAY THESE PEOPLE'S SALARYS. And every person I have talked to about it instantly knows who the two people are before I even tell them. Seems they have quite a reputation. I need to find out how to file a complaint. SO, SO MAD!!!
  2. thewildmom

    thewildmom Well-Known Member

    I have had multiple bad experiences with one individual in that office. She is unbelievably rude. Taking a nervous 15 year old to get their permit and having the DMV employee growl at them is difficult to take without comment. But as you said, I was afraid to say anything for fear that it would get WORSE (if that is possible!). There is at least one nice employee at the Clayton location, and fortunately both of my sons did their driving test with her. I must tell you that my one trip to the Smithfield DMV office a couple of years ago was no better. Maybe there is a requirement that there be at least one grouch per location...
  3. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, there were 2 incredibly rude employees there last I went. One likes to bark orders at people walking through the door and then herd them up in the corner waiting area like sheep. The other sits there and judges you as being lower than a cockroach in the animal kingdom and tells you what a danger you are to people on the road. You know who I'm talking about just by the shear evilness and smugness in her face.

    However, I have lucked out both times I've been there and I first got a really nice middle age gentleman and then a quiet woman who looked like she hated it there as much as I.
  4. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    I must be lucky. I've been there to update my license (change my address) and twice with my son...no issues either time. I would definitely complain if someone had been rude to my child. That is uncalled for behavior.
  5. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    I must have been lucky too. I consider it one of the nicer places to go. We have used them 4 times with great results and attitudes.
  6. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member


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