Not really.... Found a kitten last weekend. Sick, malnourished, on the verge of being feral. Took kitten home. Fed, bathed, nursing back to health. Kitten outside with me getting fresh air (I know, brilliant!), dog/cat get sight/whiff of each other. <POOF> Kitten gone. In woods. Up unclimbable tree. She's up pretty high. Very freaked out, esp since we had to use the dog to find her and it was probably the dog that treed her. So.... Any references for tree trimming guys and how much this service might cost? Or is it even a possibility? How do you get a freaked out cat down out of a tree?
Of course I am going to try bribery, but I just don't think it's going to work. I want to be prepared for all options.
It will come down when it gets hungry. Ever see a cat skeleton in a tree?? :jester: Seriously though, I'd give it a little bit before calling in the troops. How longh has it been up there?
Eh, I posted too soon. I just got back, and the cat is not in the tree anymore. I underestimated her. Now, I can just trap her if I need to. Tuna on the back deck, but just a taste.
Me too, the tree is 100 yards out in the woods. Don't really know how a tree-trimmer would help anyway.
Glad she is out of the tree :hurray: All the cats I've ever had figure their way down the tree as soon as they feel like the threat is gone. Sounds like you're gonna be a good cat momma Cleo!! :jester:
Yeah, if I can catch her. I wasn't really in the market for the cat, but finding her in front of the Golden Corral in Smithfield made the bill for my son and I worth 17.00. Come find out, my husband is even more brilliant than I am. We managed to trap her easily enough the next night, I guess he wanted to surprise me with the cat so he opened the cage up outside thinking she would just cower and he could scoop her out. Riiiight... She bolted. Again. How do you trap the same cat twice? Hubby is going to pick up some sardines today, and we are going to wrap the cage and pad it with newspaper, and move it to another location. Any other ideas? We did see her yesterday in the daylight spying on us, so she is still hanging around.
So... I lined the trap with newspaper, put a can of sardines in it, and hid it in a plastic trash can laying on it's side. Nothing. Tonight, I will wrap the trap in newspaper and move it to another location. Guess I have to buy another can of sardines. Any other ideas? Some kind of snare maybe?