immigration opinion

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by peppercorns, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    for senators and the rest of the good folk somewhere making laws we can't understand.

    We do not need to give amnesty to anyone. If they are illegal - send them home and let them come here via the legally sanctioned methods - or not at all. How many AMERICANS need to be hurt or killed because of illegals with no license and no sense not to drink and drive. We don't need more education programs to teach them it is bad, we need to begin to deport any illegal that breaks the laws. Any law. From DWI to breaking and entering to speeding; send them back to their own country. Our country, all the way to our counties, looses millions of dollars that are shipped out to other countries. That money should be paying for our schools, social security, medical, and roads. We feed them, cloths, them, give them medical care the list goes on and on but I don't see a reason to give any of these things to a non-citizen! They do not and should not have the rights that I do. Their own consulate supplies them with bogus Social Security numbers and ID!!! America need to be a big brother to itself before it can be one to other countries. Let Mexico feed its own hungry! I could care less about its economy. Mexico has NAFTA. How many billions of American dollars are we going to ship to Mexico and Central America? Send Mexico back it's people and keep our money here. No amnesty!
    The illegal drive – even thought they have no license. If they are ticketed and they are let go! Do you honestly think these people ever showed up in court to pay the fines? No! They just get a new id and another fake social security number and moved on. We are stuck with bills, despite having insurance. If an illegal gets treated at the hospital or his kid get the hiccups, we pay for the emergency room visit throught medicaid. Where is the justice? Send the lawbreakers home. Once you catch an illegal – don’t let him go – send him or her home!!
    Just like Castro dumping his jails into Miami, Mexico lets us have the poor guy with no education and common sense, so he can send money home to his family. Why? So they can spend it in MEXICO and help the MEXICAN economy. Worried about the War on terror? Ha! The real war is right here. It takes money to run things and the illegals are depleting this country of money.
    My hat’s off to anyone who comes here legally. Legal immigration is the true American way of building this country and was set in motion hundreds of years ago, by all our relatives. This sneaky, illegal mess with fake social security numbers and driver’s licenses, with countless dollars going out of the country, with criminals being set free, need to stop. Illegals would stop being so rampant in North Carolina if we had stricter controls and if they thought they would get sent back if caught committing a crime. Maybe people would think twice.
    You want to do something? Let’s develop laws saying that English is our official language, anyone who hires, rents or sells to illegals will get hefty fines, and make the sure that everyone who applies for a driver license can read and write in English as well as fully understand the laws of our land. Most importantly, lets get rid of the laws that bind our Immigration Department from being a lame duck and allow them the right to deport anyone who is a criminal. Being illegal is a criminal offense and should be treated as such. I don’t care about the illegal’s civil rights, he shouldn’t have any. I say, let’s give civil rights to the American people who fought for them and deserve them. The legal American citizens need a voice.

    I tend to agreee very much with this train of thought.....

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