I'd really like to get a few cases of beer imported from Manchester UK, where do you begin with something like this? Anybody got experience with trying to get something exported, then imported? Any ideas other than me flying over and filling my suitcase up and flying back? Actually doubt I could even do that since 9/11. I really dont want to break any laws or anything like that, but want to do it on the cheap. Thanks!
1)You need to find a company in the UK that sells that beer and has a license to export it. This is your best bet because they will have the connections to get it shipped and the expertise for the proper paperwork. 2) OR find a local company here that imports (has a broker, etc) and see if they can purchase it for you and import it. You will most likely have to absorb the shipping, duty/tax and clearance charges. 3) you have to make sure that NC allows alcohol to be shipped into the state PM me if you want me to help look into it for you.
There was a product which is manufacturered in the UK which I wanted. I contacted the company about how to go about purchasing some of the product. To my surprise they told me there was a distributor of the product in California and gave me all the info to contact the company. A couple of weeks later I rec'd the package and was extremely satisfied as to how eager the distributor was to help me. I don't know if you will be as lucky to find a distributor here or not.
You can check with Art Vandelay. I believe he was in the import/export business. Might have some insight.
Actually that is the number one reason I don't frequent them more often. I don't react well to being yelled at, regardless of intention. Yes Mom, you were probably at the root of that!
That explains why I didnt get it. I hate Seinfeld. Other than 1 or two episodes, i'd rather watch paint dry
Look in Yellow Pages under Beer Wholesales. Long Beverage comes to mind, Mutual Distributors, Empire Distributorsand ther are others that carry even more obscure brands. One of them may actually have what you want in stock or can special order for you. I would start with Empire, then Mutual. 8) BTW - What is this magical elixir that you seek??? Enquiring minds want to know!!!