Black Dog Limited Edition Special $125. Saturday, July 19, 2008 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. PetSmart at White Oak Shopping Center, 265 Shenstone Blvd., Garner, NC. The Problem with BLACK DOGS Did you know that black dogs are usually the last ones to be adopted from shelters or rescue groups? Black dogs, and cats too, are euthanized at a higher rate than other animals. The general public is not aware of how doomed black dogs are when they are surrendered. Shelters across the country were overflowing with black-coated animals. This phenomenon is so common, it even has a name: Black Dog Syndrome. Here are some of the theories for this phenomenon. • They don’t show up well in photographs or in kennels. • Ridiculous superstitions give black dogs a bad name. • The age-old subliminal suggestion that “black is evil”, which makes otherwisereasonable people fear them - often without even realizing it. The bottom line is that there is an overabundance of black or black and tan dogs and most people simply don’t pay attention to them and they sometimes need a little extra attention. The next time you’re ready to adopt a dog, do consider rescuing a black dog. Size and color are unrelated to temperament. Of course, the real solution to “Black Dog Syndrome” is you guessed it! Spaying and neutering so that there won’t be any unwanted dogs of any size or color anywhere. but in the mean time... give that beautiful black dog a chance! Black is Beautiful, Sweet & unbelievably loyal! Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch. The license is not an endorsement by the State. (919) 807-2214, NC toll-free 1-888-830-4989, Mailing address: Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section, NC Secretary of State, P.O. Box 29622, Raleigh NC 27626-0622 JCAPL is an all volunteer organization. 100% proceeds go to JCAPL programs including, but not limited to, animal welfare, community outreach, advocacy, fostering, spay/neuter, adoption, etc.
Same here. Our black dog we have now is named Bear. 95 pounds of lovable dog. I know sadly that his time is almost up (he's covered in tumors/ liver counts not good/ etc.) but the time he's been w/ us (10 years now) has been wonderful for our family. We brought him home from the fairgrounds to give our other dog a companion. Never second guessed that this black dog was meant for our family. very docile but wonderful guard dog in the same token. Anyone looking for a dog, black dogs rock! Go take a look. We are not near ready for another dog. OUr other dog of 15 years passed away in November. But if I were ready, I'd be right at Petsmart this weekend! Anyone who gets a dog, how about some photos? stephanie--mom to 7
Here are two of them that we know personally. Both of them are WONDERFUL dogs!
Oh my goodness, we have a dog that looks just like Candy. We got her 2 years ago when she was 4 months old. The black dog thing, no one seemed to want her. DH fell in love with her through petfinder. She has the same expression as Candy. Very sweet and not a bit scary!
That's so sweet. Candy is a adorable! The other one isn't black, but she's another that people pass on often because she is an adult and had some health problems. She is as healthy as a horse now and SO loving and loyal. She lets the kids snuggle with her and lay their heads on her, she is the most easy going dog I've ever known.
LOL ....> ME TOOO .. I know them both personally. Candy been in my foster since April - can't see why no one wants to adopt her; she's so sweet! And Bria (the other) I got to know since she hang out for a weekend during foster babysitting, lol. She's a VERY sweet dog and will be great with family who doesn't wanna go thru pup stages because she's beyond all that stuff.
This is our newest baby, IBK (Itty Bitty Kitty). We adopted him 2 weeks ago from the JCAPL. He is so precious. He loves to sleep at the top of my daughter's head, curled up in her head and purring like mad. His official name is Mugen (Moo-gan)...which is Japanese for "Endless". We named him that due to his endless energy! But we call him IBK. He is such a little angel. We love him like crazy! I took this picture after he fell asleep right in the middle of playing...just like a real baby.
I know! Don't you just want to kiss that little belly?!?! I swear, he's so cute it's like having a walking piece of candy in the house. And what a personality he has. :mrgreen:
Yes I do, muah muah muah. I love cats, my son is highly allergic though. Oh well, he will move out one day. <wink>
who is this? I am fostering two kittens. greyhound and silver. I have had them for 2 months now. I dont know how all of this works but I am wondering when anyone will call me so they can be adopted out. My husband says they are not orphans anymore. :lol: I am just afraid they will get "big" and I feel kittens have a better chance of being adopted. I could be wrong though. In the mean time, they are very spoiled.8)
yer right - that cat looks like a little leopard. so cute. best doggie I ever had was black - my Rosiebud - she was eighteen she she died - I miss her.
I saw Candy on Saturday out in front of PetsMart and fell in love. Too bad big bad hubby won't let me have a new baby :cry::cry::cry: