In the book Store

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CraigSPL, Sep 6, 2009.

  1. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    So I'm in the book store the other day and wander over to the self-help section and run across a series of books I thought would be interesting. They included such titles as:

    How to start a business: The fine art of fencing

    From the Menu: How to order a hit

    Fashion 101: Cement shoes aren't for everyone

    Landscapers Guide: How and where to hide the bodies

    Tommy or Straus: What's in the violin case

    And my personal favorite:

    How to make money: The secret art of counterfeiting

  2. carolinasun

    carolinasun Well-Known Member

    WOW, they are heavy reading!!! :confused::confused:

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