Up front, I am not nor profess to be much of a Movie Reviewer, I went to the movie with pretty low expectations. I enjoyed the first one and the third one, but the second one left a lot to be desired. Well here goes - wrap a brick in a pillowcase and then apply repeatedly to forehead! Now that was less painful, made more sense, and cost less money than this movie did.
:lol: My 10yo has been begging to see it. Based on your review, I think I'll rent the old ones for him instead.
My family went to see it yesterday, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We also liked the The Raiders of the Lost Ark, and The Last Crusade. Totally agree that The Temple of Doom was not that good. Saw all three last weekend to refresh our memory. We will be buying the newest one when it comes out on DVD.
Four of us went to see the new one. Great action, laughs, and reminders of the older movies, When you go watch it, hit the potty before you go in, because you'll HATE missing any of the movie. Will most definitely buy it on DVD. Would have loved to have seen it on IMAX. I'd rank this as the # 2 of the series, with Raiders 1st, this one 2nd, Grail 3rd, and Temple as " wish I could forget it" 4th.
It is hard to know what to think based on the differences of opinion I've seen on this movie -- not only here, but elsewhere. A friend emailed me saying it was terrible and not to see it, but Rotten Tomatoes' averaged reviews give it 79% positive rating. There are not many movies that get that high a rating there unless they are pretty good. Add to that the reviews in this thread and I am completely confused. I will probably see it, but not until I've seen Iron Man first. I've heard nothing but good about that movie.
If you are an Indiana Jones fan you will love it! If not, probably not. Agree with using the potty, it is non-stop action. I thought about it, and The Temple of Doom does have one redeeming factor,it is the only one where Harrison Ford has his shirt off!
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal SUCK Was beginning to think I was the only non-critic that disliked it, but my favorite blog had this review today. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal SUCK (SPOILERS AHEAD!) Dear George Lucas, (CC: Steven Spielberg) Please stop ruining movie characters from my childhood. It was bad enough when you turned Darth Vader into a snot-nosed, annoying, midi-chlorian soaked nine-year-old brat who made protocol druids in his spare time and who matures into a wooden actor for the next two films who shouldn’t even be cast in a car commercial. It was difficult to get past the steaming piles of feces masquerading as Star Wars prequels but although I still spontaneously scream out curses when I think of Jar Jar, I also understand that you were pressed for time having barely twenty something years to hammer out a script. But, you still had the Indiana Jones franchise in your graying beard so we forgave you. Sure, Temple of Doom wasn’t all that great but it did have its moments. Luckily, The Last Crusade salvaged the series and we all went home happy and tingly. But you couldn’t leave well enough alone… I don’t want to imply that the Crystal Skulls is a bad movie because it’s not. It’s much worse than that. It’s difficult for me to convey the level of sucktitude that this movie possessed but I’ll give it a try. Nobody should go into an Indiana Jones movie looking for realism. But I do ask that the movie be more realistic than Howard the Duck. The plot is a directionless mess that serves only to get to the next chase scene. Indy is chased through a warehouse. Indy is chased through an Atomic testing site. Indy is chased from a 50s diner (in a scene reminiscent of Marty hitting Biff in Back to the Future). Indy is chased through Peru. Indy is chased through a jungle somewhere in South America (It could have been Peru, my eyes kept rolling to the back of my head). Indy is chased while in an amphibious vehicle by an amphibious vehicle. Indy is chased through a temple. There’s more chase scenes but I think you get the idea. I’m just going to start using bullet points to give you descriptions of the more craptacular plot points since my desire to write in paragraphs about this movie is waning: Gophers are used for comic relief. (Gophers are never funny. See Caddyshack) Monkeys are used for comic relief (Just in case us cynics didn’t enjoy the gophers.) Indiana Jones survives an atomic test blast by hiding in an fridge (This happens in the first 10 minutes and it would have been a better movie if he had just died then and there and the rest of the movie was about Sallah giving an eulogy reflecting on that time they went digging in Egypt for the Well of Souls. Yes, I would have been more satisfied spending my money on a flashback episode about Raiders of the lost Ark. I’m not even kidding about this) Shia LaBeouf’s character (the name hardly matters at this point) uses a snake as a rope to help rescue his mother and Indy from quicksand. But Indy would rather sink to his death because he’s afraid of snakes. Remember how much Indy hates snakes? My eyes rolled so far back in my head that they actually did a first ever 360 degree roll.) Industrial Light and Magic use the same swarm effect that was already used in The Mummy except instead of a swarm of flesh eating scarabs they use a swarm of ants. And because that’s not scary enough they make the ants the size of baseballs. And you thought that quip about Howard the Duck being more realistic was a joke? Spielberg uses stock footage from Close Encounters of the Third Kind at the film’s “climax”(we’re using terms very loosely here). The reveal that Indy is Shia LaBeouf’s character’s (the name hardly matters at this point) father can be seen from so far away that you feel like one of those guards from Monty Python and the Holy Grail who watches as John Cleese runs at them again and again before running one through with his sword. Shia LaBeouf’s character (the name hardly matters at this point) swinging on vines to catch up to speeding vehicles. Kate Blanchett looking like at any moment she should say “I do believe Marsellus Wallace, my husband, your boss, told you to take ME out and do WHATEVER I WANTED. Now I wanna dance, I wanna win. I want that trophy, so dance good.” Did I like anything about the movie? I did. Right at the beginning, before Indy appears, you see a man knocked to the ground. The camera cuts to his shadow as he bends down and picks up a fedora that he places on his head. Chills up and down my spine. After that, it felt like someone kicking me up and down my spine. Now can someone serve Lucas a restraining order to keep him from making any American Graffiti sequels and/or prequels? http://www.cynical-c.com/?p=10528#comments
Did anyone see Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s review of this movie Wednesday evening? I did and I said DAMN!
:shock:OK, I didn't care for the movie much, but dern, it was just a movie! That's going pretty far out there. :?