I'm just not seeing anything that jumps out at me this year for Christmas... Any ideas for a 3.5 year old girl? And what sadistic person would send this to your house?? http://www.etoys.com/Iron-Man-Light-and-Sound-Jackhammer/PID/4766820/ctid/17/INstock/Y/D/
I always say, the people who give loud toys to kids hate the parents or don't have kids themselves. But as the years have pasted... I have grown to love the musical choir of all the toys going at once. And during Christmas time there is extra special music to hear, with the funny characters sing "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" yeah.
Well, according to a New York Times article, cellphones, laptops, digital cameras and MP3 music players are among the hottest gift items this year. No, not toys that look like their parents real ones, they actually are real gadgets. BTW, the jack hammer is a toy that grandparents give the grandkids (for them to take home, of course).
My sisters, parents, aunts and friends always thought it was just the FUNNIEST thing to get my twins the loudest, most obnoxious thing they could find.... me, I just made sure that 'funny' gift was the only one around every single time they were in my house or if we went to theirs....talk about funny. :mrgreen: seems like those loud, noisey gifts, became less and less as the years went on... :twisted:
Before we had kids, DH used to LOVE to get the nieces and nephews loud toys, now, not so much since we had DS. :lol: Although he couldn't resist buying every single one of them on both sides of the family the flying, screaming monkeys last year. I thought he was going to get killed. :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just for the record, as much as I would love to give my little nephews loud gifts, and have in years past, I have matured. This year I am giving them both quiet gifts, gifts that allow them to study and appreciate nature. ANT FARMS!:twisted:
My FIL liked to give my kids noisy things and once I just smiled sweetly at him and told him those toys tended to get lost or broken at our house. Seriously, my girls loved playhouses and kid sized stoves, refrigerators, etc. at that age. They had some cute ones that weren't too expensive at Linens and Things last year. Plastic animal sets were big at that age, too, and you can stick them all in a big storage box somewhere.
I've gotta admit, I've got 3 boys, have always wanted a girl, and if I had the opportunity to shop for a 3 year old girl, I'd be in Heaven!! I'm sure I could find something for the little darling!!
Agree with Pickle. My girls loved those kitchen sets, dress up kits (trunks of dress up clothes, shoes, accessories), and baby dolls w/strollers, etc. at that age.
CLEO--Try ttgo.com it's toys to grow on. Good prices, the toys seem to be good toys! Thats where my sons Christmas stuff is coming from! K
I will never forget as long as I live, my sister gave my nephew an ant farm for Christmas, and he was about 4 maybe 5, and he said, 'An ant farm? But I don't even like ants'. OMG, thats the funniest thing to me.....LOL..... little snot we remind him of that now, all the time, he is 21. We'll tell it at his wedding too. :mrgreen: