Internet lagging

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Emma Caroline, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    My kids are always complaining that out internet is too slow. We have Earthlink which is connected through TWC. We pay for 15 and that is as high as Earthlink will go. Do ya'll think we would have better service if we went straight with TWC? Most of the time with a network test we show only about 9. We do have a big draw on our internet with 3 kids and all their stuff--plus we cut satellite and stream lots of TV. Any suggestions on what will give us the best speeds without costing a fortune. I keep the earthlink because we are trying to hold on to an old, old mindspring address but I could let it go if needed. Also, Earthlink is cheaper then TWC (that is why sometimes I wonder if TWC limits our access since we are not direct with them)

    Any thoughts or suggestions?
  2. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    The key there is "3 kids". It's probably slow because your pc's need a clean up from all the active junk files the internet leaves on the PC. Kid's are prone to download "free" software that is $ free but data mining active. Trash all those browser toolbars, check your uninstall list for bogus programs, do some file cleaning, reboot, and then review your speed.
  3. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    ddrdan hit the nail on the head. We also have earthlink through TWC and I just did a speed test and it was 15.74mbps down. But, we only have two of us using it and keep our machines cleaned. Another trick you may try is to change the channel of your wireless router.
  4. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Why would you go to Earthlink and not TWC directly? With TWC you can easily get a 30/5 plan out here. I know because that is what I have, and I get about 32/5.5 on speed tests.

    But I agree, the problem may be more that the computers have issues than the speed of your connection. Unless multiple people try to stream video, youtube, netflix, hulu, etc.
  5. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Don't know about the OP but I only pay $41.95 through earthlink for my 15mbps service and the 30/5 you have would cost $54.99 for the first 12 months only and would then go up even higher! Then again, we really don't need more than the 15 that we have.
  6. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Right, and 15/1 through TWC direct is only $34.99. 6 dollars cheaper.
  7. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Again, for the first twelve months only! What does it go to after 12 months? I guess my real problem is that I hate TWC. Had them many years ago and their CS was terrible. So was their TV. At that time every time it rained my tv reception would go out. I realize they have improved dramatically but their policies sometimes still make no sense. I've had my internet for over 10 years through earthlink/TWC and just last week I got my first bill of $5.99 for a charge they just instituted for using their modem. Was no charge when I signed up so they decided to start charging me $5.99 a month for a 10 year old modem! I bought my own and took theirs back to them immediately.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
  8. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I guess everyone's experience is different. I have had TWC for the past 7 years and had no issues ever. And their CS has been amazing. I call up about once a year to make changes to my plan so that I can always get their promotional rates. The last time I called about 2 weeks ago, I talked to them for about 20 minutes on the phone just about stuff going on in Raleigh (Their CS office is in RTP). I've always had my own modem and my own DVR, so all I pay for is the service and $2.50 for a cable card.

    I honestly can't remember the last time their service went out, it had to be at least a year or two ago or more. Very reliable for me. I think about 3 years ago I had an issue with my cable card, they sent a tech over to delivery a new one in person the next day.
  9. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    I dated myself when I said "many years ago." I'm talking about before HD came along! I'm sure they are much better now and I would probably use them again if there was a need to. But, since my 15/1 works fine for me and my Directv is awesome, I see no need to take the gamble.

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