What the hay??? Less physical contact????? What's next....football...soccer...basketball and all contact sports???? Get real people! It's a wonder all of us lived through school without all of the physical scars (to say nothing of the emotional) kids nowadays are claiming to have. Report the bullies, handle the bullies, and let normal kids be kids. Heck they don't get enough exercise as it is. What are they supposed to do on the playground... sit and weave baskets???
Oh for Pete's sake:evil: . Get over it. Let Johnny and Tommy play and they might learn how to get along in the world when they are adults.
but little tommy might hurt little johnny and his parents would sue, thanks to our great judicial system.. get a grip people
Not so fast. My sons' school has banned tag also. Principal said it was causing kids to get hurt. NO LIE.
well it figures, with the kids these days its awful. There role models are Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles with no parental guideance or disclipline. I have a boy in my sons 3 year old class that is awful that's all he wants to play and all he cares about..
Wilsons Mills My son ended up hurting a kid last year by playing tag. When my son tagged the other little boy he fell and hit the slide, The principal told my son and me that tag was not allowed at their school for that fact! My jaw just dropped and told my son not to chase anyone else.
Wow, that is crazy! Maybe they should not play kickball too, someone may get a hit too hard and get a bruise.