Is the Free Bunny still available?

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Curious, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. Curious

    Curious Well-Known Member

    I think Kaci originally posted here a free black bunny with cage, etc. Was just wondering if it was still available. Someone in the classifieds wants one for their son before Easter. Thought this might be a good home for the one Kaci knew about. Info below or go to classifieds-general merchandise

    Home > Classifieds

    We found 1 matching ad. Now displaying the final ad.

    WANTED: Rabbit/Bunny
    Categories: General Merchandise No

    Ad Number: 58356
    Date Posted: 03/28/2007
    Contact: K
    Clayton, NC

    E-Mail: Reply to Ad
    Web Site:

    If anyone has or know someone who sells or wants to get rid of a son wants one as a pet...need before easter. Thanks
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much:-D
  3. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Make sure they aren't just gonna let it go after Easter when they get sick of it. :( Thats how we got our 2nd bunny. He was about to be "freed" after being in the house for several months...he would have died.
  4. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Yeah, bunnies are really popular pets for a few days/weeks at Easter ... but can live long lives (like my best friend's bunny Dimples ... annoying rabbit ... lived a long and bitchy life .... bossed the cats around, was a bunny with a 'tude! *grin* ).
  5. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    Are they housetrainable and can they be kept from chewing everything up, like a regular rodent would do? Just curious, I hear they can be good house pets.
  6. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    We have two that are litterbox trained, but they are chewers! They have to be supervised while they are out. Wehn we can't directly supervise, they have cages/"playpens" in the livingroom. We went through lots of speaker wire!
  7. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    Yes, I agree with PG, they can be litter box trained, and they do like to chew on things if left unsupervised for long periods of time. We kept Dimples in a large sized dog crate to play in, when we couldnt supervise him. We also went through speaker wires, books, anything laying around on the floor ... when we'd get distracted by watching TV or talking on the phone or something else.

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