Is this normal?! A moment of confession.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by crazymom2girls, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Ok, I have shared with yall before that I when I go to the gym it's mostly guys there. Well, lately there have been a lot of high school/college age guys. I love watching them! My husband's 7 years older than me and I'm totally in love with him, but it's so fun to watch these young bucks at the gym. I don't talk or flirt with them at all. By the way, the way the treadmills are set up, you can't help but see the whole gym. The only way I could avoid watching these guys is to put a blindfold on! I just think that maybe I enjoy it too much! It's so much better than watching TV. Is this normal?! :allears:
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i don't think there is anything at all wrong with looking, as long as you don't touch (that is what i tell my DH about women too) - enjoy the view girl:cheers:
  3. Of course! Besides I think my husband is the sexist man alive. I've said that before. I love staring at him when he's working out. There is nothing sexier than a man in his 40's in my opinion. They've had to time to live, love, lose, work hard, etc. My husband just turned 40 and I tell him all the time I can't wait until he has gray hair! He thinks I'm crazy, but I love a man with that salt and pepper hair. Can you tell I've got men on the brain today. I need to go read my Bible now...seriously! :lol:
  4. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Of course it's "normal"..whatever "normal" is. Enjoy the view. After all, I'm sure someone else has enjoyed their view of you.
  5. Ha ha! In my opinion, I look the worst when I'm at the gym. Guys look good because they are pumping iron and not sweating too much. Me, however, I'll running on the treadmill or the elliptical and I'm sweating like a pig! Plus, my hair is usually a mess. I really do feel the most unattractive at the gym!! I have to look at myself in the endless mirrors which doesn't help much!
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I know...what's up with all the mirrors at the gym??? I HATE THAT! I'm always looking around at the women there to try to figure out who you are, since I know we work out at the same place. You'll know when I'm there cause I've always got my boys with me, and the little one NEVER walks, he is always running to the playroom. (he never walks anywhere he goes, he's been running since his legs started moving, and he's FAST!)
  7. I'll have to look out for you. Usually when I'm there my little girl is the only one in the playroom. Now that her sister is out of school, it will be both of them. I go at all different times, but usually before noon. Like today I didn't get in there until 11:00. Most of the time I'm there by 9:00. There was one Saturday I went and the playroom was packed! Are Saturday's usually crowded? It was the only Saturday I had been there. I think it was the Saturday before Easter. Maybe everyone was trying to work off Easter candy!
  8. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    You never know who you may be checking out. I think I remember Wulf saying he goes to that gym ;)
  9. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Under the thought pattern of "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", you are guilty of presuming that men find women attractive when they are perfectly coiffured, dressed to the nines, etc. Not so. many men find women working out as attractive. And, no, we're not looking for the Russian women weight lifter types, nor the waif thin gymnasts. We like women who are working for themselves on helping themselves, and not being afraid of sweating to achieve it. After all, if a woman is keen on her physical side, perhaps she is in touch with her other "gifts" as well.

    Just mentionin'
  10. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I had to look back at the title to see if this was the "hussy" thread... :)

    It happens to me all the time. It's so distracting I can't get through my workout.

    Well, OK, it happened once, like 25 years ago and it turned out that she was just wanting me to hurry and finish up on the leg press.

    But the thought of it actually happening is kind of neat.
  11. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    My philsophy is like this when it comes to admiring pretty young women. Its about like admiring a beautiful rose bush in someone else's yard. You can look, but you know that the roses on the bush are not yours for the picking. There's no harm in looking. However, I do so in a most discreet and respectful way and I wouldn't make my wife feel slighted if she were with me.

    As a side note, I think many people (both men and women) enjoy eye contact if nothing else. Its the most simplistic (and innocent) means of gratification that someone else admires you. My wife and I have been married for almost 13 years and we're both past 35. I realize that its important for my wife to feel beautiful and in many ways, I know that see likes to know that other guys find her attractive, so I don't fret over another guy just casually checking her out, because I know it makes her feel better about herself. The same holds true for me, too.
  12. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Very well spoken, sounds like you've got it all figured out. :lol:
  13. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member

    Who is good?

    I hear so many people say that it is OK to look if you don't touch, but Jesus said that if you look on another person in lust then you have committed adultery in your heart. So if you can just admire without lusting then you are OK, but who hasn't committed adultery per God's standards? Blessed be His name and I thank Him every day for paying the price for MY sins.

    I pray that you have the strength to look without lusting, because I know I need all the prayer in that area too. Especially when our society says it's OK to dress provocatively(sp)
  14. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Well, your perspective is one thing. Mine is entirely different and non judgmental. Perhaps your message was not really answering what the OP was asking.
  15. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    That's all right, I will lust for the both of us. ;)
  16. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Well, I think what you say there rings true and it also reveals that, from a Christian's persepective, not one person is good enough to be saved on his own merits. We are to strive to walk the straight way, yet we are human and we err.

    Jesus was both God and man. It was entirely necessary for Him to be sin-free to die for our sins. Certainly, we should make an effort each day to live our lives according to the one in which He lived, however I think what Jesus was saying in that passage was expressed to show us our dependence upon Him as our Savior.

    Sin is a constant stumbling block for all. As I've grown older, I realize that I must be honest with myself. Try as I might, none of us can live sin-free. if you're getting of one, you're guilty of all. It is indeed good for us to attempt to live our lives without sin, but it surrounds us and we prove each day why we need Christ in our lives to help us through our trials and tribulations in dealing with sin.
  17. I agree, that's why I want to stay away from lusting. I guess I can admire them. I've never been forced to look at people like I am in that gym. It's set up that way. I just happen to enjoy what I see sometimes.
  18. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    LMAO! :lol::lol::lol:
  19. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    girl you are normal!!! i drool at the sweet young things at my gym too!! and the ones at the gas station, grocery store, work.....hotness catches my eye! ;)
  20. seabee

    seabee Guest


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