Well at least at my house. My son is turning four this weekend and wanted to take his friends to the North Pole for his birthday. I was driving behind an ice truck and they had a sign on the back about snow!! www.snowmyyard.com SO.... we are having snow delivered on Sunday for his party!!! We ended up getting it from Bid on Raleigh, so we actually will get more than we paid for. It is a small family business and they seem like very nice people, hopefully it will go off without a hitch! For us Northerner's, it seems very odd to 'pay' for snow.... instead of pay someone to REMOVE the darn stuff. :lol: But he is my youngest and always gets hand me downs and a few extra Christmas presents for his birthday, so what the heck, right?? I just wanted to share the idea!
My oldest, who loves the outdoors, will be turning 9 in NY this year next week...we are hoping and praying that there will be tons of snow for him and his brothers to play in! As much as I hate the winter and don't miss the snow, I know they will love to play in it, throw snowballs, make snow angels, build a snowman, build a fort, etc. Even though they've done it here before, it's never the same with only 1/2"!