Its My Turn To Ask 4 Help dig a little could be fun!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by nsanemom22, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I'm not in the habit of climbing onto soapboxes and speaking my mind. I don't ask from help from others because I was brought up to know when you did for yourself with courage and worked twice as hard when you had to... things would change because you made them that way. I'm reminded now not everyone has my options

    Our friend John Kauffman is stationed in Hawaii. Beautiful family, little girl named Maya.

    John and Clint are both UASF Brats. They grew apart over the years but have kept in touch. Clint was AFBrat only, John signed up at his first opportunity, so he's a career man.

    John sent us an email..thought it was going to be more pics of Maya but it wasn't. It was a request. The letter is below. 4042 is the biggest group I know as I don't attend church

    If no one from here can help can you pass the addresses and info on. It will be greatly appreciated. His email to us is below:
    I haven't emailed him back yet...have to do that soon. It may have been a blanket email that went out to many. But we're saving our amazon boxes and filling them up to ship them addresses. For me it's a mark of remembrance for my mother. Over the last 10-15 years he sent check after check after check to many military charity groups. Not just Christmas but through out the year. Everyone needs something. This year I'm choosing these soldiers for her.

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