Its tick-time! Check your kids and furry childrens when they come in the house. I was out in my dogs enclosure for no more than a few minutes last night, and found one latched onto my leg! I will be buying yard spray at Lowes in bulk and DH will be spraying everywhere this weekend!! :twisted:
:boxing: Got a few FLEA bites just from sitting outside for 20 minutes while the grill was going late yesterday. Going today to get Mattie more flea/tick treatement. Damn pests! :evil:
Frontline plus works very well for our pooches; I have been picking the ticks off of them, but they are already dead. We found a few on ourselves because we are braving the forest behind our house on the property, trying to blaze a trail so we can put up another fence (the dogs have figured out how to cross the creek :/). A good time to do it, as the stickers are nasty, but the trees are still kinda bare. We purchase our frontline plus on Ebay - way cheaper when buying in bulk. JMHO...
Thanks for the info. All the neighborhood kids go through the woods behind my house, daily. I doubt very seriously if there are any left for me or my dogs to pick up.
I pulled an embedded tick off of me 3 weeks ago.! Was out working in the woods also. Need to get stuff for the spreader also at Lowe's.