but this article about Ryan O'Neal and Farrah Fawcett is very hard to read. I pray that one of these days we somehow find the cure for cancer. :cry: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30620490/
so very sad, right along with this one I read today too..... http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20276981,00.html
Cancer of any kind is a horrible disease. I have watched lung cancer take my daddy's life, brain cancer take my daughter-in-law's life, cervical cancer and stomach cancer take two of my cousin's lives, throat cancer and stomach cancer take my uncle's lives and I hope to never have cancer in my life again. It does not pick and choose a certain person...male or female - young or old....a cure needs to be found and one way to help is to send donations to cancer research. This can be done through Relay for Life or fundraisers for specific cancers.
I have heard that rectal cancer is one of the most painful of the cancers. Sad to hear when anyone gets cancer.
I think they're all very painful. I hope everyone here is doing what they can for Relay for Life or another fund raiser for cancer research. One thing that makes it difficult to find a cure is that cancer is so many different diseases - there won't ever be "a cure for cancer" per se - just as there are now different treatments for different cancers, there will have to be separate cures found for each of the many different cancers.