Last night the County Commissioners held a public meeting for residents to address their concerns with JC Growth and discuss the Blue Ribbon Committee Report. It was held in the Auditorium at West Johnston High. A whopping 35-40 people attended. If I were a Commissioner, I'd think Wow, no one is here to complain- so let me pat myself on the back for the awesome job I'm doing. I think I'll continue to approve growth as fast as I can because sure enough, Growth pays for itself!! Yee ha! In fact, because not many people spoke, I had the pleasure of listening to Mr. Wade Stewart tell me what a great job he's doing. He hasn't raised property taxes in 9 years, is building 2 schools a year (yet we're still overcrowded?), and I got a lesson on the chicken and egg theory along with Cleveland being compared to a gold-rush or gold mining town. It was so inspiring. Mrs. Pope was pleased to introduce herself as being a Commissioner for over 9 years and that she'll be there forever. More exciting news! Attendance was probably low because it was an election night. Time to party some more! Voters just gave the okay to raise property taxes. Note to self: The next time a thread is listed complaining about traffic, school overcrowding, no water, etc. etc. do not click to read. I should've known that most people just like to complain and will rarely do anything about it. I'll get off my soapbox now and end with a quote from my dear Grandmother: "You made your bed, you lay in it!"
Sorry kidsfly, I had all intentions of going, however, a family situation came up, and I couldn't make it. If you ask me, it was pretty dirty scheduling it on an election day. People have a hard enough time making themselves go to vote, but then to give up even more time with their family to attend another meeting as well?
Kudos on going. I, too, think it was very bad scheduling to have it on election day and they knew it. Glad they patted themselves on the back because I would not. Grace
I know, things happen. I guess after seeing all the outrage posted on here and hearing my neighbors repeatedly complain about how out of control the growth is I was expecting a big turnout. You can come out of the naughty corner now, I didn't mean to get "all Super Nanny" on you. :lol: