JCS Middle College Accepting Applications for Fall

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Johnston County Middle College accepting applications
    Students earn college credits while obtaining diploma

    SMITHFIELD-- The Johnston County Schools Middle College High School, a
    higher learning facility for juniors and seniors, is currently accepting
    applications. The regular application deadline is Friday, May 5th.
    Applications received after this date will be considered based upon
    space and availability. Applications may be obtained from any Johnston
    County high school counselor, student advocate, or by contacting the
    Middle College.

    Entrance to the Middle College is based upon the application and an
    interview process. The criteria for participation in the program
    includes the completion of English I and II, Algebra I, and Health and
    Physical Education. As well, students should have passed standards for
    NC Competency Math and Verbal and Computer Skills Multiple Choice and

    The Middle College, located on the campus of Johnston Community
    College, allows students to earn their high school diploma while also
    allowing them to earn college credits.

    "Middle College is a great way to get ahead. It prepares you for
    college by putting you in it," said senior Tiffany Weber.

    Many Middle College students have found that traditional high schools
    have not met their needs and they are looking for smaller class sizes,
    school hours that are more accommodating to their schedules and a place
    where they can get a head start on their intended degrees. Class size at
    the Middle College is around 10 to 15 students. Classes meet between the
    hours of 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.

    The Middle College is ideal for students who feel they would excel in a
    more independent setting with a strong emphasis on academics and without
    the extracurricular opportunities typically available in high schools.
    Students make their own schedule and provide their own transportation.
    Middle College students must demonstrate that they are mature, motivated
    and have a strong desire to succeed and move on to postsecondary
    education and that they can take a leadership role in their education.

    "I like the open campus feel and how we are treated as adults. The
    expectations are a lot higher but we rise to them. The teachers really
    help us achieve new heights," senior Colton Gregory said.

    The Middle College follows an 18 week semester schedule with nine week
    grade reporting periods. Students have the opportunity to take up to
    three high school courses and are allowed to enroll in community college
    courses into which they place based upon SAT scores and/or placement
    tests. There is no charge for tuition or books for students accepted
    into the program.

    To graduate from Middle College, students must meet the requirements of
    one of the North Carolina courses of study: career preparation, college
    tech preparation or college/university preparation.

    All interested upperclassmen in Johnston County are encouraged to

    For more information on Middle College or to visit the campus, please
    contact the school at 919.989.6208.

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