JCS Programming Debuts on Time Warner's On-Demand Channel

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    SMITHFIELD/SELMA*Through a collaborative agreement with the Town of Selma, Johnston County Schools now offers broadcast programming of special school district events on Time Warner Cable's On-Demand Access Channel.
    The service is available to cable subscribers immediately, but any Johnston County resident can access the programming by contacting the Town of Selma and securing the digitized box necessary to access channel 1233.

    "We are the first school district in the state of North Carolina to request such a partnership and we are excited about the prospect of bringing Johnston County Schools news directly into the homes of our Johnston County residents," said Dr. Anthony Parker, Superintendent.

    Currently, three district programs are posted for viewing: the annual Salute to Veterans production, the Superintendent's remarks at the opening of school, and the annual Principal of the Year event. The programming is located on channel 1233.

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