JCS Reporter: Find Out What's Happening in JoCo Schools!

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Career and Technical Education Week is February 7-11
    Johnston County Schools will observe Career and Technical Education
    Week with various activities at the schools Monday, February 7 through
    Friday, February 11.
    For more information, please call David Wehbie, Director of Career and
    Technical Education, at (919) 934-4361, extension 385, or Margaret
    Martin, Career Development Counselor, at (919) 934-6481.

    South Johnston Students Earn All District, All-County Band Seats; Band
    Receives Invitation to Honolulu
    South Johnston students Brittany Warren and Daniel Page were selected
    out of hundreds of high school instrumentalists to participate in the
    2004-2005 All District Band. After being selected through an audition
    process these students traveled to UNC Pembroke where they rehearsed
    with other selected students for numerous hours prior to performing a
    concert on Saturday, January 29th at noon for parents and guests.
    In addition, Leslie Barbour, Laura Tart and Brittany Warren were
    selected to participate in the 2004-2005 All County Band. These
    students will perform a concert on Friday, February 4 at 7 p.m. at West
    Johnston High School.
    *Note: The band has received an invitation to perform at the 65th
    Anniversary ceremony of Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii in December
    For more information, please call Dr. Bryan Martin, Principal, (919)

    South Johnston Names Special Education Ambassador
    Ester Garner, a National Board Certified Teacher at South Johnston High
    School, has been nominated as "Ambassador for Special Education."
    Garner has served in the Johnston County Schools for 22 years, including
    three at SJHS. As the Special Education Ambassador, Garner has agreed
    to take the lead in introducing others to the exceptional children's
    profession. Garner teaches Life Skills, which prepares students for
    employment, daily living, self-help and self-advocacy along with other
    academic pursuits.
    For more information, please call Marjorie Barber at (919) 894-3146.

    Buffalo Soldiers Drama Slated at McGee's Middle
    A dramatic performance about the Buffalo soldiers will be performed for
    McGee's Middle eighth graders on Friday, February 4 at 1:15 p.m. as
    part of the Artists-in-the-Schools program.
    Also at McGee's, Beverly Botsford will perform multicultural
    percussion with dance and storytelling for seventh graders on Tuesday,
    February 8 at 10 a.m. in the gym.
    Also at McGee's the school will be celebrating Career and Technical
    Education Week. Each day will have a theme and students will
    participate by dressing up. A speaker will be featured each afternoon
    from West Johnston to talk about vocational class offerings. On Friday,
    a Career Fair will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Approximately 20
    representatives will be on hand.
    For more information, please call Charlene Bowling at (919) 894-6003.

    Four Oaks Elementary News
    Students at Four Oaks Elementary School are participating in a tsunami
    relief drive through February 11. For more information, please call Katy
    Gurash at (919) 963-2165. Also at Four Oaks, Arthur Watkins of Farm
    Bureau will make a donation to the school's physical education program
    for the purpose of purchasing bicycle helmets. Students are learning
    bicycle rules. On Friday, February 11, Four Oaks Elementary School will
    host its annual PTA Parent-Child Valentine Dance from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
    in the gym. Admission is $2 per person. Kindergarten-age and under will
    be admitted free. All children must be accompanied by a parent or
    guardian. Music and refreshments will be provided. For more
    information, please call (919) 963-2165. On Friday, February 25, Tina
    Selden Cash will present "Notes on Character" to fourth and fifth
    grade students from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

    SSS Students Raising Money for St. Jude's
    The HOSA club is raising money for St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
    Interested persons can purchase paper hearts and display a message on
    the heart, which will then be placed on the school's bulletin board in
    the main lobby.
    For more information, please call Pat Deese, Advisor, at (919)

    West Smithfield Students Show Compassion for Tsunami Victims
    The Student Government Association at West Smithfield Elementary has
    implemented a project to help the survivors of the Tsunami. They have
    begun a schoolwide project by collecting "health kits" that will
    include: a hand towel, washcloth, comb, file or nail clipper, one bar of
    soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and band-aids. Students may also choose
    to donate money. All money collected will be used to purchase items for
    the health kits. Churches and civic groups are participating in this
    effort as well, which will continue through the month of February.
    Also at West Smithfield, members of the Smithfield chapter of the
    National Association of University Women visited West Smithfield
    Elementary School to place in each K-3 student's hand a book of their
    very own to read and enjoy. Literacy is a national goal for the
    association, so members felt it was important for them to demonstrate
    how important it is for students to read at home by giving them their
    own book. On February 17th, Jubilee Day, the association members will
    again visit to read to students in the classrooms. The members
    presenting the books were Lana Johnson, Carolyn Ennis, Shirley Cohen,
    Joyce Atkinson, and Hazel F. Sanders.
    For more information, please call Bridgette Spaulding, Assistant
    Principal, at (919) 989-6418 or Anne Koebley, ASP Coach, at (919)

    Cooper Hosting Kindergarten Information Session
    "Kindergarten, Here We Come!" will be presented for parents of
    upcoming kindergarten students on Tuesday, February 8 from 6 p.m. to 8
    p.m. The registration process, daily experiences in kindergarten, and
    activities parents can do at home are on the agenda. A pizza snack will
    be provided.
    For more information, please call Michee Olson at (919) 553-0256.

    Glendale-Kenly Collecting "Coins of Compassion"
    Second-grade teachers at Glendale-Kenly Elementary School have been
    collecting "Coins of Compassion" toward the tsunami victim relief
    efforts. Barton College student from Sri Lanka, Udesha Kotuwegedera,
    will present a Powerpoint presentation to the classes about the effects
    of the tsunami on February 8 at 10:15 a.m. in the media center.
    For more information, please call Elizabeth Willoughby or Amy Renfrow,
    Assistant Principal at (919) 284-2821.

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