JCS Reporter: Find Out What's Happening in JoCo Schools!

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Student Services Invites Community to Annual Family Fun Day
    The Fourth Annual Family Fun Day, hosted by the Johnston County Schools Student Services Department, will be held on Saturday, April 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Entitled "Enjoying Me*Free From Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Violence, the event will take place at the gym of the old Smithfield Elementary School on Rose Street in Smithfield. A dunking booth, pie-in-the-face game, moonwalk, and caricature drawing booth will be featured. In addition, there will be a clown, community vendors, student participation, and food.
    For more information, please call Sway Archible, ATOD Coordinator, at (919) 934-9810, extension 235.

    Class of 2009 Day at Corinth-Holders School
    Eighth graders at Corinth-Holders School will be involved in a day-long conference at Corinth-Holders that will help prepare them for high school and their futures. Counselors from Smithfield-Selma High will address registration issues with the group, and there will be six breakout sessions conducted by our faculty. In small groups the students will take aptitude tests to get an idea about what they are inclined to do best as they plan for the future, a presentation will inform them about becoming involved in high school activities and sports, and ideas from Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens will be presented. Our class of 2009 will dress to impress that day as they look toward the future.
    For more information, please call Betsy Huddleston, Assistant Principal, at (919) 365-7560.

    SSS Student Accepted to Science Technology Program
    Nan Daniels from Smithfield Selma High School has been accepted into
    North Carolina State University's Satellite Program (Science and
    Technology Enriching Lifelong Leadership in Tomorrow's Endeavors). It is designed to introduce sophomores from rural North Carolina high schools to science and technology related educational and career paths on the NC State campus each May. Thirty five students from across North Carolina were selected to experience a wide array of demonstrations,
    lectures, and hands-on laboratory experiments with the assistance of professors and currently enrolled students from the College of
    Engineering, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Textiles, and the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
    For more information, please call Phil Lee, Principal, at (919) 934-5191.
    Also at SSS, the Navy JROTC unit took a field trip to New York City in March to learn about America's history and experience military life. The cadets stayed in the same barracks as the visiting 9-11 firefighters from other states during the tragedy. The cadets also visited the Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, and the U.S.S. Intrepid. They also toured the New York Harbor on a Coast Guard ice breaker. On the return trip home, they stopped at kings' Dominion briefly to celebrate their successes this year.

    Dental Sealant Project at Selma Elementary
    As part of the North Carolina Oral Health Section's continuing efforts to provide preventive services to school children, the staff will be conducting a sealant project at Selma Elementary from April 11-14 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day. A sealant project involves providing dental sealants for a limited number of children as well as preventive educational activities for teachers and their students. Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings placed on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to prevent tooth decay. Students are identified by a dentist prior to the project to determine if they would benefit from the placement of sealants. Students who receive dental sealants must meet financial eligibility requirements and have parent or guardian permission. For this sealant project, a public health dental team from the NC OHS will set up a portable "dental office" at Selma Elementary in order to provide dental sealants for children.
    As a preventive measure, dental sealants are underutilized in NC. One NC OHS goal is for 50 percent of school children to have dental sealants. According to the NC OHS 2003-2004 Assessment Data, only 41 percent of 5th grade students had dental sealants on their teeth. In Johnston County, 37 percent of students had dental sealants on their teeth. The application of sealants only takes a few minutes, is painless to the child, and provides the child with protection during the most cavity prone years. When combining brushing, flossing, drinking fluoridated water and dental sealants, children have the potential to be cavity-free adults.
    For more information, please call Robin Herridge, Principal, at (919) 965-3361.

    Benson Students Donating Hardback Book to Benson Library at Author's Tea
    Fourth grade students from Beth Rogers Language Arts class at Benson Elementary will be dedicating a Young Author's Shelf" and donating their first hardbound published book to the shelf at the Benson Library's Author's Tea on May 1. The shelf will be dedicated in honor of Mrs. Louise Lambert, a retired teacher who is now in her 90s. A plaque in her honor will be placed on the shelf. The book will be presented at 3:30 p.m. The tea will culminate at 5 p.m.
    For more information, please call Beth Rogers at (919) 894-4233.

    Cleveland Students Competing in School Spelling Bee
    Cleveland Elementary School students will participate in a schoolwide spelling bee on Wednesday, April 13 at 9 a.m. in the cafeteria. Classroom bee winners will compete to determine who will represent the school in the district's annual countywide spelling bee.
    For more information, please call Patty Langley at (919) 550-2700.
    Also at Cleveland, the school will take pictures of its Student of the Month on April 20 at 9 a.m. in the commons area. These students are chosen each nine week period.
    And, WRAL's Greg Fishel will be at the school on April 21 to talk to second grade students about the weather. The presentation will be held in the gymnasium. Fishel's visit will be followed up with a weather unit in the classroom to fulfill Goal 2 of the Science competency standards in the Standard Course of Study, which states: The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate tools to build an understanding of the changes in weather.
    For more information, please call Freda Caines at (919) 550-2700.
    The school's annual PTA Spring Carnival will be held on Saturday, April 16 from 10 a.m. to
    3 p.m. at the school. The event will feature a Velcro Wall, exhibitions and demonstrations, face painting, a cake walk, a pie throwing contest, and giant inflatables in addition to lots of food.
    For more information, please call Maureen Citrak at (919) 550-2700.

    Wilson's Mills Annual Read-in Day Scheduled
    Wilson's Mills Elementary School will host its annual Read-In Day featuring guest readers from across the county.
    For more information, please call Dee Edmundson, Principal, at (919) 934-2978.

    Clayton Middle Starts Staff Health and Wellness Program
    The Clayton Middle School staff has committed to becoming more physically fit and strengthen its team with a competition called "A Walk to Myrtle Beach." Calculating that it would take 200 hours to walk to Myrtle Beach, teams of teachers*grouped according to grade level taught and disciplines represented*log the number of hours engaged in physical activity. The participation log is checked weekly and the leading team is announced by the Principal each Friday. The first team to log the 200 hours wins a trip to the beach. Along the way, however, teams will be rewarded for their participation.
    For more information, please call Launa Martin at (919) 553-5811.

    East Clayton to Celebrate North Carolina Day
    On Friday April 15, 2005, East Clayton Elementary will have the 2nd biannual North Carolina Day. This is a day filled with activities and presentations which allow students to explore the history, culture, fun and even tastes associated with our great state. Each class will have a schedule of presenters throughout the day, rotating every 30 minutes. The presentations begin at 9:00 am and end at 2:30 pm. Presenters include Duke's Lifeflight Helicopter, Birdman Dave and his feathered friends telling Cherokee tales, a clogging demonstration by the DanceArt Cloggers, and a reenactment of Blackbeard, the pirate. There will also be an Autograph Alley where "famous" North Carolinians will sign autographs.
    For more information, please call Dr. Peggy Smith, Principal, at (919) 550-5311.

    Four Oaks Middle Raises Money for Heart Association
    Sixth grade classes at Four Oaks Middle School competed against each other to raise $3,083.96 for the American Heart Association during March. The annual event included food, fun, and games.
    For more information, please call Robin Barbour or Steve Millard at (919) 963-4022.

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