JCS Reporter...Find Out What's Happening in the Johnston County Schools!

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, May 23, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Students Chosen for Jr. Leadership Johnston Program (New)
    Fourteen Johnston County Schools students have been chosen to participate in the 2007 Jr. Leadership Johnston program this summer. Jr. Leadership Johnston is an excellent way for students in Johnston County to get first hand knowledge, experience, and exposure to major industries in Johnston County. It provides them with relevant career information and helps them prepare a plan for their future educational endeavors. “I also believe that it benefits students by developing leadership, communication, and team-work skills,” states Jo Anne Honeycutt, a Jr. Leadership Steering Committee member and Director of Career and Technical Education.
    Students chosen are as follows:

    ClaytonHigh School
    Brady Hedglin
    Rebecca Weidemann

    PrincetonHigh School
    Jonathan Bridges
    Jason Murray

    NorthJohnstonHigh School
    Emily Blackman
    John Ryan Keen

    Smithfield-SelmaHigh School
    Sarah Elizabeth Campbell
    Jonathan Daniels
    Regan Gatlin

    SouthJohnstonHigh School
    Sydney Johnson
    Cathryn Medlin

    WestJohnstonHigh School
    Dawn Locklear
    Joseph Partin

    Megan Little

    Students Compete at the State SkillsUSA, Advance to Nationals (New)
    Johnston County Schools students competed at the State Skills USA competition in Greensboro in April. As a result of their showings, the following students will represent their schools and Johnston County at the national competition in Kansas City, Missouri.
    Smithfield-SelmaHigh School:
    Smithfield-Selma High School had four students to compete in Greensboro.
    Derron Potts, 1st place in Customer Service, will advance to nationals
    Matthew Charity, fourth place in Customer Service
    SouthJohnstonHigh School:
    South Johnston High School had 18 students to compete.
    The following students received awards:
    4th Place: Chapter Business Procedure: Jordan Stewart, Nick Stewart, Marshall Thornton, Jason Martin, Kayla Eason, and Cameron Pendergraph.
    3rd Place: Related Technical Math: Danny Page
    3rd Place: Action Skills: Allen Scrivnor
    1st Place: Community Service: Stephen Parker and Reed Johnson
    Stephen and Reed will be competing in National Competition in Kansas City, MO in June.
    WestJohnstonHigh School:
    State Champion: Nicholas Nikas in Job Skill Demonstration
    Caitlin Hunnicutt, Meredith Tart, and Kaitlin Stover in Community Service Project
    For more information, please call Jo Anne Honeycutt, Career and Technical Education Director at Johnston County Schools 919.934.9810, extension 280.

    Performances at FourOaksElementary School (New)
    First grade students at Four Oaks Elementary School performed the musical "How Does Your Garden Grow." Students from Mrs. Surles, Mrs. Parrish, and Mrs. Carter’s class performed on Monday, May 14, 2007. Students from Mrs. Dees, Mrs. McLamb, and Mrs. Smith’s classes performed on Tuesday, May 15, 2007. Students from Mrs. Price, Mrs. Dodd, and Mrs. Gregory’s classes performed on Thursday, May 17, 2007. All shows were held in the Four Oaks Elementary cafeteria.
    For more information, please call Mrs. Dees at Four Oaks Elementary 919.963.2165.

    Spartan CampOpen to Interested Students
    Smithfield-Selma High School Head Coach Dwight Carter invites rising second through 11th grade students to attend Spartan Basketball Camp, Monday, June 18 through Thursday, June 21 at SSS. The cost is $35. Hours are 9 a.m. to noon for rising second through sixth graders, and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for rising seventh through 11th graders. Camp highlights include an emphasis on fundamentals; man-to-man defensive skills; individual competitions; individual report cards; individual offensive skills; shooting skills analysis; team competitions; summer workout programs; and, individual and team awards. All participants will receive a Spartan Camp tee shirt. Payments must be made by June 15 to Dwight Carter, Spartan Basketball, 700 Booker Dairy Drive, Smithfield, NC 27577.
    For more information, please call Mr. Carter at 919.202.9323.

    NorthJohnstonMiddle School honored by Project Tomorrow as Speak Up 100 School (New)
    Project Tomorrow, formerly NetDay (www.tomorrow.org), the national education nonprofit group, announced the selection of North Johnston Middle School as a Speak Up 100 School on Monday, May 7, 2007. Speak Up 100 schools represent the top schools working to encourage and involve student, parent and teacher voice in education planning and decision-making.
    North Johnston Middle School received the Speak Up 100 recognition along with elementary, middle and high schools in rural, suburban and urban communities from the Department of Defense and 22 different states. These schools are selected for this national distinction from the 10,000 schools nationwide that have participated in the annual Speak Up surveys since 2003. Over 360 parents, students and teachers participated in Speak Up 2006.
    In making the announcement Julie Evans, CEO of Project Tomorrow, noted, “The Speak Up 100 schools offer powerful examples of the ways in which educators are using stakeholder input to drive new ideas and innovation in education and technology within their schools and districts. I am inspired and impressed by the multiple ways in which educational institutions are leveraging student views in their planning process and improving the learning environment. “
    Across the nation, Speak Up 100 schools are using the data from the online Speak Up surveys to develop strategic plans, enhance and change curriculum, determine professional development needs and make funding decisions.
    As a designated Speak Up 100 school, North Johnston Middle will be prominently featured on Project Tomorrow’s website (http://www.tomorrow.org/speakup/speakup_100.html) and will receive special recognition from Project Tomorrow including a unique Speak Up 100 logo to use on our school and district websites. Project Tomorrow is tapping into the expertise of this year’s Speak Up 100 schools to develop new questions for their Speak Up 2007 survey which will open October 1st. Additionally, Project Tomorrow will share the impact stories from the Speak Up 100 schools with its national partners and other organizations and agencies interested in the impact of student voices on education and technology policies and programs.
    Speak Up 2006 was made possible through the support of AT&T Foundation, Dell, Inc., William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and Advanced Network & Services.
    NetDay-Speak Up is a national initiative of Project Tomorrow (www.tomorrow.org), a national education nonprofit group based in Irvine, California. Project Tomorrow was formed from the merger of NetDay, a national education technology nonprofit with a Southern California based science education nonprofit group in September 2005. The vision of Project Tomorrow is to insure that today’s students are well prepared to be tomorrow’s innovators, leaders and engaged citizens of the world. The organization believes that by supporting the innovative uses of science, math and technology resources in our K-12 schools and communities, students will develop the critical thinking, problem solving and creativity skills needed to compete and thrive in the 21st century.
    Since 2003, Speak Up has surveyed over 857,000 K-12 students, their teachers and parents representing over 10,000 schools in all 50 states through an annual online survey event held each fall. The Speak Up data represents the largest collection of authentic, unfiltered stakeholder input on education, technology, 21st century skills, and math and science instruction, and the data is used regularly by education, business and policy leaders to inform federal, state and local education programs.
    For more information, please call Lee Yahnker, North Johnston Middle School 919.284.3374.

    RiverwoodMiddle School Chorus "A Dazzling Disney Spectacular" (New)
    The chorus at Riverwood Middle School performed familiar songs for all on Monday, May 7, 2007, at the Clayton. Spectators enjoyed songs from Disney's Mary Poppins, Cinderella, Snow White, Pete's Dragon, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and others.

    For more information, please call Candace Westbrook, Choral Director, at Riverwood Middle School 919.359.2769.

    NC History Fair at RiverwoodMiddle School (New)
    Mr. Pawlak's Social Studies classes hosted a Social Studies Fair in the Media Center on Friday, May 18, 2007 featuring North Carolina history and culture.
    For more information, please call Doug Pawlak, Social Studies Teacher at Riverwood Middle School 919.359.2769.

    Parent Information Night at Selma Elementary (New)
    Selma Elementary’s Dual-Language Immersion Program will be holding a parent information night for Upcoming Kindergarten students on Thursday, May 31, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. in the school’s cafeteria for pizza and the Media Center for the information meeting. The purpose is to provide parents with information about the Dual-Language Immersion program and give them the opportunity to apply for this program. There will also be a raffle for an Apple IPod for those in attendance.
    For more information, please call Kristen Percy, Social Worker at SelmaElementary School, 919.965.3361.

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    Tech Math Class Assists the Life Skills Class at Smithfield-SelmaHigh School (New)
    Mr. Swickard’s Tech Math Class assists the Life Skills class in Math for approximately 45 minutes once a month. Mr. Swickard observed that his class was more motivated and recharged the next day after leaving their classroom for a while and doing something a bit different and the students felt good about helping the life skills group. The goal of the Tech Math Class is to help teach math to the Life Skills group, giving the students a different perspective on math as well as trying to teach it. Both classes have the opportunity to interact in a positive, controlled environment.
    For more information, please call Mr. Swickard at Smithfield-Selma-High School 919.934.5191.

    SouthJohnstonHigh School Air Force Junior ROTC Unit NC-073 (New)
    Congratulations to Air Force Junior ROTC Unit NC-073 at South Johnston for earning the Distinguished Unit Award for academic year 2006-2007. The Distinguished Unit Award recognizes the personal growth and accomplishments of the cadets, the contributions of the instructors as mentors of the cadets, and the support of the school and community. The Distinguished Unit Award is limited to the best of the best of our nation’s 869 Air Force Junior ROTC units.
    For more information, please call SouthJohnstonHigh School at 919.894.3146.

    ClaytonMiddle School Makes Global Connections (New)
    Sixth grade students at Clayton Middle School have put a different spin on the elementary school Flat Stanley project. Flat Stanley, a book character, was sent to schools in 13 other countries during Spring Break. Students are awaiting his return to find out what life is like for students their age in other countries.
    Also at Clayton Middle, students are taking part in an international project with the objective of naming the New 7 Wonders of the World. Found at www.new7wonders.com, the project requires voting, the creation of PowerPoint presentations, and interaction with the New 7 Wonders committee. Visit the site to see Clayton Middle School students’ PowerPoint presentations.
    For more information, please call Debbie Woodruff, Principal, at 919.553.5811.

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