JCS Reporter for the week of February 4, 2008

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    TA of the Year at Cleveland Elementary School (New) (Photo)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Ms. Sue Godwin, Cleveland Elementary Teacher Assistant of the Year, poses with a few students after creating a bulletin board from the book, The Mitten. The names of the students are: Madison Effinger, Hernan Hernandez and Edith Broadwell (holding the book). [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Cleveland Elementary at 919.550.2700. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Also at Cleveland Elementary School, [/FONT]​

    Coins for Congo (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]February 11-15, the PTA is sponsoring "Coins for the Congo." This opportunity invites all students to bring in their coins to help two schools in Brazzaville, located in the Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. The schools are Moukondo Primary School and CEG de laPaix. This effort is spearheaded by Mary Nell Ferguson, retired Principal from Cleveland Elementary School. Ms. Ferguson was inspired after her nephew visited the Congo in the Spring of 2007 and sent her pictures of the desperate conditions. The country has many needs for their school buildings and school supplies. Ms. Ferguson has been in contact with the U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of the Congo and he chose two particular schools in Brazzaville that need the most help. The hope is to raise money to purchase English as a second language books for the teachers and the children. Every dollar raised will go directly toward the purchase of these books or other needed materials that the Ambassador determines. The average class size for Moukondo Primary School is 124 students. For CEG de laPaix, there is an average class size of 60 students. They have no running water, roofs, desks, or playground equipment. We hope that students could give from their heart as we collect "Coins for the Congo." Our school goal is $1,000. The class that collects the most money in each grade level will receive a special treat. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Cleveland Elementary at 919.550.2700. [/FONT]

    Student to Perform with the Raleigh Symphony Youth Concerto (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]West Johnston High School student Kate Pearson is one of the winners of the Raleigh Symphony Youth Concerto Competition. Kate competed against other high school and college students from across the state for this honor. She will be playing the first movement of the Mendelssohn violin concerto with the symphony this spring. Kate is the first Johnston County student ever to compete or be a winner in this competition. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Kay Hewitt at 919.934.9529, Extension 105. [/FONT]

    Teen Panel Presentations (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Teen panels have been available to middle school students for the past several years. Teen parents bring the realities of teen parenthood to adolescents and enable them to make wise decisions to avoid teen pregnancy. During the 2006-07 school year, evaluations were completed by middle school students who heard the teen parents. A review of the evaluations indicated that a majority of the middle school students thought the sessions were helpful. During the presentations, teens will share their concerns, challenges, and problems in dealing with pregnancy and parenting as teenagers. These courageous teens speak from the heart and send a powerful abstinence until marriage message. Ann Arant, Nathalia Faber, Marcella Morgan and Tonia McCormick of the Adolescent Parenting Program at the Johnston County Department of Social Services, have organized panels of teens who will be talking to seventh grade students this month. The Johnston County Teen Panels won the Youth Achievement Award presented by the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of North Carolina. In the spring of 2006, WRAL –TV interviewed teen panel members and included these interviews in a program, called Sex, Lies, and School, which won an Emmy Award. The public is invited to attend the teen panel presentations, and parents are especially encouraged to attend with their children. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Etta Marett at 919.934.9810, Extension 247. [/FONT]
    Schedule for Presentations:
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Monday, February 4 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. McGee’s Middle [/FONT]​

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]1:10 p.m. - 2:10 p.m. Cleveland Middle [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Tuesday, February 5 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Smithfield Middle [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Clayton Middle [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Wednesday, February 6 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Riverwood Middle [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Thursday, February 7 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. North Johnson Middle [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]1:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Princeton [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Friday, February 8 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Meadow [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Benson Middle [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Monday, February 11 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Archer Lodge Middle [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Selma Middle [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Tuesday, February 12 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. South Campus Middle [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Four Oaks Middle [/FONT]​

    Read Across America (New)

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]River Dell Elementary will have a "Read Across America" on
    Wednesday, March 5[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], from [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Our special guests will include our students, Secretary of State Elaine Marshall and Senator Janet Cowell. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Bonnie Vause at 919.553.1977. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Also at River Dell Elementary School, [/FONT]​

    River Dell Elementary Receives Grants (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]River Dell Elementary received a grant from Clayton Wal-Mart Community Foundation for $1,000. This grant will be used to purchase books for our library. The grant was written by Bonnie W. Vause with the support of the principal Bridgette Spaulding. Also, a mini-grant was awarded from North Carolina Association of Educators for staff professional development. The NCAE foundation supports North Carolina schools with mini-grants for needs within schools in many other areas such as medical aid for our students. Contact Kelvin Spragley at NCAE for more information on mini-grants. ​
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Bonnie Vause at 919.553.1977. [/FONT]

    Fifth Grade Poets at South Smithfield Elementary School (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Fifth grade students in Mrs. Mary Martin’s class are published poets! After students in Mrs. Martin’s class worked on analyzing many different types of poetry, they were able to create their own masterpieces. The poems were submitted for publication in the "Creative Communication" 2007 edition. The following students were chosen to have their poems published: [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Pedro Alvarez- "Cheetahs" [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Karla Flores- "That Fence" [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Emma Lampe- "Books" [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Zach Leposa- "Dying Nature" [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Stephanie Matute- "Mouse in a Hole" [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Roger Munguia- "Be Yourself" [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Lindsay Perkinson – "The Tunnel" [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Alex Watts – "Rain" [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Keith Williams – "Wonders in the Sky" [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Also at South Smithfield Elementary School, [/FONT]
    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Poster Contest (New)

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Chablis Lavender, a first grade student in Mrs. Stephanie Carter’s class, was the first place winner for the K-2 division of the NAACP’s Dr. King poster contest. Chablis received a $75.00 savings bond from the organization. [/FONT]
    Johnston County Soil and Water Conservation Contest (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]The fifth grade students at South Smithfield Elementary recently participated in the annual poster and essay contests sponsored by the Johnston County Soil and Water Department. The following students were honored at the banquet held ​
    January 25, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. Antonio Blake, a student in Ms. Beth Gniewek’s class, won first place in the poster contest. Grady Everette, a student in Mrs. Megan Barnes’ class, won honorable mention in the poster contest. Lindsay Perkinson, a student in Mrs. Mary Martin’s class, won honorable mention in the essay contest. [/FONT]
    Parent Make and Take Workshop (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]On February 5, 2008, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., South Smithfield Elementary will be offering a parent "Make and Take" Workshop. Teachers will be assisting the parents in making useful EOG vocabulary booklets, writing tips booklets, math flashcards, and sight word rings. Parents will also receive helpful strategies for improving students’ comprehension and word attack skills at home and at school. [/FONT]
    Scientists to Teach at South Smithfield Elementary (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Scientists from Hightouch/Hightech science in Morrisville will be teaching all grade levels during the months of February, March and April. The scientists use hands-on techniques to teach all strands of the science curriculum. Students will utilize South Smithfield’s new science lab to make rockets, explore mass, matter, biomes, and even make a little snow! [/FONT]
    Student Government Association Project at South Smithfield (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]The Student Government Association at SSE is currently raising money for the organization "Compassion without Borders", which is a nonprofit group that assists the country of Mexico in offering free animal clinics to its citizens. The organization’s goal is to rescue starving animals and place them in foster homes, immunize pets, and offer free spay and neuter clinics. Anyone interested in helping our students with this worthy project, or learning more about the organization can contact advisor Mary Martin at the 919.934.8979. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call South Smithfield Elementary School at 919.934.8979. [/FONT]
    Glendale-Kenly Students Honored at Banquet (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Two students from Glendale-Kenly Elementary were honored at the Soil and Water Conservation Annual Banquet on ​
    Friday, January 25 [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]at the new Agricultural Building. The students were honored under the 5th grade essay contest entitled "We All Live In A Watershed". Jackson Hooks won second place out of all of the Johnston County entries and Jenna Renfrow won first place. Both students received certificates, ribbons, and monetary prizes. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Amy Renfrow at 919.284.2821. [/FONT]

    Anti-Gang Awareness (New) (Photo)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]On ​
    Friday, January 25[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], Deputy Sheriff Keith Garner from the Johnston County Sheriff’s Office, spoke with 5th graders at Corinth-Holders Elementary about the dangers of gangs in our community. Students learned about how gangs evolved and why they pose such a threat to our friends and families. Deputy Garner shared his wealth of knowledge and impressed upon the students the enormous consequences that accompany life in a gang. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Also at Corinth-Holders Elementary School, [/FONT]​

    McTeachers Night at McDonald's in Zebulon (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]On ​
    Thursday, January 17[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], McDonald’s in Zebulon hosted another McTeacher's Night for Corinth-Holders Elementary School. The school collected [/FONT]$564 [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]that will be used to improve the school playground. [/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Marco Suarez at 919.365.7560. [/FONT]

    McGee’s Crossroads Middle Students Compete for All-District Band (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Students from McGee’s Crossroads Middle School traveled to Fayetteville on ​
    January 26, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], to compete for a chair in the District Band. The audition consisted of performing six scales from memory, a chromatic scale, a prepared solo and sight reading. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Eighth grader Allie Jarrett placed third on trumpet, seventh grader Dylan Gooch placed fourth on trumpet, and eighth grader Alina Brewer placed second on Horn. These three students earned the opportunity to participate in the All-District Symphonic band clinic Tuesday, February 12, 2008, at West Johnston High School. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Anthony Brown, Director of Bands, at 919.894.6003. [/FONT]

    Four Oaks Middle School Will Host a Dinner Theater (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Students, directed by Lisa Allen, will perform "Sleeping Beauty" on ​
    Tuesday, February 5 [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]at [/FONT]
    6:00 p.m.

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]in the school's cafetorium. Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased from the school by calling 919.963.4022. Tickets to the dinner theatre will only be sold in advance of the performance. A second production, without dinner, will be held on [/FONT]Thursday, February 7 [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]at [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 each and will be sold at the door on the evening of the performance. Both performances are Four Oaks Middle School PTA fundraisers. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call 919.963.4022. [/FONT]

    Selma Elementary Will Host an Open House (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Selma Elementary School "staffulty" will host an hour-long Open House on ​
    Friday, February 8 [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the school to highlight "the wonderful things that take place at our school on a daily basis. Selma Elementary is the HEART of the community and we want to share this special place with you!" The Open House will begin with breakfast and a PowerPoint presentation, the observation of a Literacy First classroom, and close with remarks from the principal and staff. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call 919.965.3361. [/FONT]

    North Johnston Middle School Students to Visit North Johnston High School (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]On ​
    Wednesday, February 13[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], North Johnston Middle School students will make a visit to North Johnston High School for a registration summit on completing the 2008 registration forms. There will also be information shared from various elective teachers on course descriptions and requirements. The session will also include a complete tour of the various CTE (Career & Technology) departments where students can get a first hand look at what takes place, and meet teachers and students. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Wendy Harris at 919.284.2031 or Rose Pittman at 919.284.3374. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Also at North Johnston High School, [/FONT]
    Eighth Grade Activities Fair to be Held at NJHS Gymnasium (New)
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]NJHS will host its annual 8th grade Activities Fair for rising 9th grade students entering NJHS in the fall of 2008 on ​
    Thursday, February 21, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. All current 8th grade North Johnston Middle School students and their parents are encouraged to attend the pizza party beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the NJHS cafeteria. Immediately following there will be a valuable information session in the auditorium from 6:15 -7:00 p.m. that will provide information on course requirements and expectations. The evening will culminate with an Activities Fair in the Gymnasium where students and parents can meet teachers, coaches, sponsors and staff and gain valuable information pertaining to various clubs and activities. [/FONT]

    MATHCOUNTS Scheduled for February 7
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]The annual Johnston County ​
    MATHCOUNTS [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]competition will be held on [/FONT]Thursday, February 7 [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Smithfield First Baptist Church in the fellowship hall. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Dr. Chris Godwin, Executive Director, General Education, at 919.934.4361, extension 372. [/FONT]

    SJHS Band Students to Hold a Spaghetti Supper
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]The South Johnston High School Band Students will have a spaghetti supper on ​
    Monday, February 11, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Tickets can be purchased from a band student. Tickets are $6 and the meal includes spaghetti, salad, bread, and dessert as well as tea. The money raised from this event will be used to buy new uniforms which should be here by April. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Lem B Hardy, II, Director of Bands at South Johnston High School 919.894.3146, extension 3117. [/FONT]

    Goodies for Gands!
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]On ​
    Thursday, February 14[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], the staff at Micro-Pine Level is inviting all grandparents or a special "older" person to come and have a snack with their grandchild. We would like to recognize these special people because they have a very important impact on their grandchild's life. Grades 3-5 will be celebrating from 9:00-9:45 a.m. and grades K-2 at 1:00-1:45 p.m. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Carla Johnson at Micro-Pine Level Elementary 919.965.3323. [/FONT]

    JCS Health and Benefits Fair Planned for February 18
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]The Johnston County Schools Human Resource Services department will host the district’s first Health and Benefits Fair on ​
    Monday, February 18 [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Smithfield Middle School cafeteria. The event will feature vendors offering various services such as health screenings, financial services, retirement planning, counseling services, educational assistance, fitness assessments, and nutrition information. Door prizes such as a DVD player, $25 gas cards, gift cards, cash, and other goodies will be distributed. Among the many vendors participating are the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, HealthQuest, and the Johnston County Education Foundation. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]For more information, please call Rick Johnson, Benefits Coordinator, at 919.934.6031, extension 262. [/FONT]

    Artists-in-the-School Programs for the Month of February
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Anyone interested in observing any performances should call the school to request permission and confirm the date and time of the performance. The Artists-in-the-Schools Program is [/FONT]

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]supported by the Fred Smith Company, the Johnston County Arts Council, Johnston County Schools and corporate, foundation and individual donors. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Bryant Holsenbeck will conduct a visual arts residency at ​
    West Johnston High [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]
    February 4-6, 2008

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. In this three day residency, Bryant will work with students to explore their environment and discover many different possibilities for making things out of simple throw-away objects [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Stageworks will perform "The Write Stuff" at [/FONT]Benson Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 7, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. In this performance, students are introduced to problem solution/evaluation writing through an exciting game show format. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Mad Science will perform at [/FONT]Polenta Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 7, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 8:45 a.m. and [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]9:45 a.m. Mad Science will present an interactive program of amazing science and unbelievable feats of science and nature. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Birdman Dave will perform at [/FONT]West Clayton Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 7, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 9:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Using live birds, storytelling, and audience participation, "Birdman" Dave will take students for a journey down the Amazon and all of its amazing wonders. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Glen McNitt will conduct an origami workshop at [/FONT]Meadow Middle [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 7, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. In this day long workshop, Mr. McNitt will teach students to interpret Origami diagrams and includes each student folding several Origami models. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Glen McNitt will conduct an origami workshop at [/FONT]Meadow Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 8, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. In this day long workshop, Mr. McNitt will teach students to interpret Origami diagrams and includes each student folding several Origami models. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]African American Dance Ensemble will perform at [/FONT]McGee's Crossroads Middle [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]
    February 8

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], [/FONT]2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 1:30 p.m. This visual extravaganza of dance, music, and song provides an introduction to the dance, music, and cultural history of the nations of Africa. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Kinetyx Dance Ensemble will perform at [/FONT]North Johnston Middle [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 8, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]9:00 a.m. Performed by dynamic, athletic, and engaging dancers, this one-hour performance will include audience participation and a repertoire of choreographic works that teach mathematics, science, language arts and world culture. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Vaneep Sandhu will conduct a multi-cultural residency at [/FONT]Meadow [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 11-13, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. In this three day residency, Vaneep Sandhu will introduce various aspects of Indian heritage to the seventh grade students, including dance, fabrics, religions, and values of the Indian people. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Almost Recess will perform at [/FONT]North Johnston High [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 12, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 8:00 a.m., as well as conduct an in-class workshop with voice students. Almost Recess will perform songs-both originals and covers- and band members describe how they create their music, incorporating explanations of vocal arrangements, songwriting, and the history of a cappella, voice parts, vocal drumming, and types of a cappella. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Birdman Dave will perform at [/FONT]Princeton [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 12, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 9:30 a.m. using live birds, storytelling, and audience participation, "Birdman" Dave will take students for a journey down the Amazon and all of its amazing wonders. [/FONT]​

    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Christian Swenson will perform at [/FONT]Princeton School [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 14, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 9:30 a.m. Using only body and voice, Christian draws form a global palate of styles, including Indian dance, Balinese drama, scat-singing, mime-morphing, and central Asian throat-singing to take the audience on a one of a kind adventure. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Almost Recess will perform at [/FONT]Archer Lodge Middle [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 14, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 8:00 a.m. Almost Recess will perform songs-both originals and covers- and band members describe how they create their music, incorporating explanations of vocal arrangements, songwriting, and the history of a cappella, voice parts, vocal drumming, and types of a cappella. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Lee Bryan will perform at [/FONT]Cleveland Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 15, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 8:45 a.m. and [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]9:45 a.m. Original songs, magic tricks, and puppets deliver an environmental message in this unique vaudeville revue. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Lee Bryan will perform at [/FONT]Glendale-Kenly Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 15, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Original songs, magic tricks, and puppets deliver an environmental message in this unique vaudeville revue. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Moscow Nights will perform at [/FONT]River Dell Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 15, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 2:00 p.m. Moscow Nights will offer students an entertaining and authentic glimpse into Old Russia through music, song, and dance. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Tony Peacock will conduct a week-long writer’s residency at [/FONT]Meadow Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 20-21, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. Tony Peacock's five-day residency will increase student awareness of North Carolina writers and encourage the development of each student's voice. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Joe Edwards will conduct a sculpture workshop at [/FONT]Clayton High [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 25, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]. This day long clay sculpture workshop will lead students in innovative hand-building methods utilizing slab-building, coil-building, and form-building techniques. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Bright Star Children's Theater will perform "Aesop's Fables" and "Heroes of the Underground" at [/FONT]Micro-Pine Level Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 26, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 9:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. "Aesop's Fables" is a whirlwind and hilarious tour through some of the most famous of these 2600 year old stories to explore character education, while "Heroes of the Underground" captures the stories of those that risked their lives to help people out of slavery. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Glenis Redmond will perform at [/FONT]Clayton Middle [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 27, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 10:00 a.m. Glenis will perform her original poetry touching themes of self-esteem, respect, heritage, tolerance, and community. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Diane Macklin will perform at [/FONT]McGee's Crossroads Elementary [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 29[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], [/FONT]2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at 9:15 a.m. This interactive multicultural storytelling program combines chants, songs, music and movement from the Americas and beyond. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Diane Macklin will perform at [/FONT]McGee's Crossroads Middle [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]on [/FONT]February 29, 2008[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman], at [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]1:30 p.m. This interactive multicultural storytelling program combines chants, songs, music [/FONT]
    [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]and movement from the Americas and beyond. [/FONT]​


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