JCS Reporter for the week of October 22, 2007

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Oct 23, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    JCS Academic Calendar Dates
    *October 23—School Advisory Council Association/PTA/PTO Annual Dinner,
    Clayton High School
    *October 30—Early Release Day for staff development
    *October 31—Student Vacation Day/Teacher Workday
    *November 8—Report Cards Go Home
    *November 12—Holiday (Veterans’ Day)
    *November 21, 22, 23—Thanksgiving Holidays

    Smithfield Middle Will Collect Clothes for Harbor, Inc. (New)
    The Smithfield Middle School National Honor Society is collecting clothes for Harbor, Inc.
    For more information, please call Anne Meredith, Principal, at 919.934.4696.

    Student Art Exhibit for the Johnston Memorial Hospital Pediatrics Unit (New)
    Princeton School Students Art Exhibit will be October 1 – November 30 for the Johnston Memorial Hospital Pediatrics Unit. Since its inception in 1996, this bi-monthly exhibit has provided local students a venue to display their work publicly, while offering patients, parents, hospital staff, and visitors the opportunity to experience the healing power of art. Each art show spotlights a different Johnston County School and is displayed on a two-month exhibition cycle.
    For more information, please call 919.553.1930.
    Also, at Princeton School,
    Princeton School Receives Grant to Host Shabu Family (New)
    Princeton School has received a grant to have the Shabu family from Africa to visit the week of October 22 -26. The Shabu family will work with the seventh grade students, and the students will be receiving hands-on experiences, and teaching the students arts and crafts, drumming and dancing. Africa is a large part of the seventh grade curriculum.
    For more information, please call Sherry Stanley at 919.936.5011.

    Johnston County GEAR UP Program Travels to ECU (New)
    Twenty-six students from Smithfield-Selma High School and twelve students from North Johnston High School visited East Carolina University with the GEAR UP program. These ninth grade students were hosted by the ECU School of Education on October 10. Included in the day was a tour of the campus, a presentation from the admissions department, and team building activities. Students were treated to lunch on the campus and talk to ECU students. This event is one of many planned for this year.
    For more information about the GEAR UP program, please call Megan Shaner at 919.398.0245 or Glenda Cook at 919.398.0566.

    West Smithfield Elementary Students Place at NC Stair Fair (New)
    Students from West Smithfield Elementary placed in the Web and Graphics Statewide Competition at the NC State Fair on Thursday, October 11, 2007. Four students were awarded top places in the statewide competition. The winners are: Elementary 3-5 Web Design, first place, Cassie Creech; Elementary 3-5 Graphic Design, fourth place, Elijah Sutton; Elementary Graphic Design K-2, fifth place, Jordan Hill; and K-2 Open Graphic Design, fifth place, Yamilet Fraire. Entries may be viewed on the NC State Fair website.
    For more information, please call Larkin Wallace or Melanie Radulescu at 919.989.6418.

    Rodney Peterson, New Principal at Meadow School, Offers Incentive (New) (Photos)
    Meadow School's PTA had a "mega celebration event" as an incentive for those students participating in its magazine sales on Friday, October 12. The students who sold an additional 3 magazines had the opportunity to try to throw a ball at a target to get the wet balloon to fall on the principal's head.
    For more information, please call Janet Pope, Assistant Principal, Meadow School, 919.894.4226.

    Four Oaks Middle Held Student-Led Conferences (New)
    School-wide student-led conferences were held at Four Oaks Middle School on October 16. Instead of the traditional parent-teacher conferences, students had the opportunity to lead parents in conferences that charted their school performance and their individual plans for success. Conferences served as a way to help students accept responsibility for improving academically, practice self-reflection and real life skills.
    For more information, please call Lisa Edwards Calcutt, Principal, at 919.963.4022.

    Smithfield-Selma High School GEAR UP Hosts CFNC Family Night (New)
    Students can’t wait until senior year to prepare for graduation. That is why the staff, families, and students of Smithfield-Selma High School have come together with GEAR UP to set goals earlier. The GEAR UP program is a federally funded grant that targets middle and high school students at Selma Middle and Smithfield-Selma High Schools. GEAR UP helps them achieve their academic goals in high school and become successful in college and life beyond. Currently, the grant works with grades 7-9, but will follow this year’s ninth grade cohort through graduation. New to SSS this year, GEAR UP has already hosted two CFNC family nights to introduce parents to the high school, college, and career resources of College Foundation, Inc. The first night, October 16, was a huge success. Families in attendance were shown how to use the CFNC website to take virtual college tours, learn about scholarships and financial aid, and preview careers that are on the rise in North Carolina. On October 23, the second family night will be conducted entirely in Spanish, will feature guest speaker Donna Weaver from CFNC Spanish Services. In addition to the above mentioned topics, we will also discuss the SAT/ ACT and special resources from CFNC available only in Spanish. This partnership between the GEAR UP program and SSS High is producing a college bound climate in our community. All families are welcome to participate.
    For more information, please call Megan Shaner, GEAR UP Coordinator, at 919.398.0245.
    Also at Smithfield-Selma High School,

    Third Time is a Charm: Smithfield-Selma Marching Spartan Regiment Grand-Champions at Jacksonville, NC’s White Oak High School Band Classic (New)
    On Saturday, October 13, the Smithfield-Selma Spartan Marching Regiment won the Grand-Championship Title for the third consecutive year at White Oak High School’s Band Classic in Jacksonville, NC. What made this particular win such a “charmer” was the fact they not only were up against some great bands in their own category of 4A, but much bigger band programs in category 5A. The SSS Band competed in category 4A and won first place in that division. Additionally, by being bestowed the honor of Grand-Champions they also defeated much larger bands in the Class 5A category. The SSS Spartan Regiment has been working on their field show entitled “360 degrees” since mid-July and their win in Jacksonville, NC comes on the heels of another impressive win the previous weekend at Wakefield High School’s Heart of Carolina Band Invitational on October 6. The Spartans were Grand-Champions at Wakefield as well. The Spartan’s original show and music score is very complex and spotlights circles or anything round. Some have compared the field show to the Cirque du Soleil – (French for Circus of the Sun) – a popular Las Vegas show. The SSS Spartan Regiment’s horn line has impressed many judges with its tone integrity and great dynamics. The percussion section has won many first place trophies in the last 3 years when going up against other great bands. The SSS Color Guard has demonstrated great coordination skills and athletic ability through their execution of difficult maneuvers, including the act of being spun in a circular cage amongst their peers and the sensitive instruments on the field.
    The award-Winning SSS Spartan Regiment traveled to Maryland on October 19-21 to participate in the Bands of America competition. They will complete their seasonal performance with one more home football game on October 26, and two more local competitions on October 27 and November 3. Check out their website at .
    For more information, please call Angela Piper at 919.965.3448 or 919.915.9800.
    Also at Smithfield-Selma High School,

    HOSA Week (New)
    The schedule for HOSA week activities includes the following: on Monday morning, the Mayor of Smithfield will come to school and sign a Proclamation proclaiming HOSA week and officially announcing the beginning of the celebration. SSS has been recognized nationally for having the largest membership in the nation. Monday is Freshman Day: All freshmen will wear HOSA shirts. All freshmen members will have their picture made in the front lobby at the beginning of 4th block. MONDAY is HAT DAY. Any student can wear a Hat but they must pay $1.00 to Ms. Deese and she will give them a stick-on pass that they must keep on all day. The money will go to St. Judes Children Hospital. Tuesday is Sophomore Day and Teacher Appreciation Day. All sophomores will wear HOSA shirts and have their picture made in the lobby at the beginning of 4th block. Refreshments will be placed in the teachers’ lounges.
    Wednesday is Junior Day. All juniors will wear HOSA shirts and have their picture made in the lobby at beginning of 4th block. NASCAR Day: Everyone in school should wear their favorite NASCAR colors or shirts. We will have wheelchair races in the 1500 hall during all 4 lunches. We will honor Jeff Gordon for building a
    Pediatric Hospital in North Carolina
    . Thursday is Senior Day. All seniors will wear HOSA shirts and have their picture made at the beginning of 4th block.
    Hero Day: Anyone can come by Ms Dees room (1504) and fill out a HERO certificate for someone in their life who they admire and feel is worthy of HERO status. We will post these certificates and after HOSA week they can be awarded to the HERO. There will be an after school movie this day instead of a HOSA meeting. Friday is All HOSA Day. Every HOSA member needs to wear HOSA shirts. We are planning a group photo of everyone that day.
    HOSA Munch Day: Refreshments will be served in Ms Deese's room throughout the day for HOSA members.
    For more information, please call Pat Deese at 919.934.5191.

    West Johnston High School Scholarship BBQ Dinner (New)
    A scholarship BBQ Dinner will be held at West Johnston High School on Friday, November 2, from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Plates are $7, eat-in or take out.
    BBQ & fixings will be provided by White Swan. Proceeds will provide scholarships to WJHS students. You may pre-pay for your tickets or buy them at the door from any WJHS PTSA, Wildcat Club or Band Parent Association board member. This event is co-sponsored by the WJHS PTSA, The Wildcat Club and the West Johnston Band Parents Association.
    For more information, please call Beth Pickens at 919.697.5663.

    Yard Sale Fundraiser at Princeton High School (New)
    Princeton High School will be having a Yard Sale Fundraiser on November 3. It will begin at 8 a.m. and last until. Donations are being accepted. Proceeds will go to Relay for Life, Princeton Public Library and a Princeton Parent with medical issues.
    For more information, please call Gwendolyn Kea at 919.936.5011.

    Jump Rope for Heart Event

    Jump Rope for Heart will involve grades K-5 at Meadow School and will be conducted in Physical Education classes throughout the week of October 22 – October 26, 2007. This year's Jump Rope for Heart goal is $4,000. This event offers many benefits. The money Meadow School raises will help fund potentially lifesaving research in heart disease and stroke. It will also fund the development of educational materials that teach the importance of heart health and staying fit. Also, Meadow School can earn gift certificates for physical education equipment. Jump Rope for Heart teaches community involvement and builds school spirit.
    For more information, please call Cindy Biggerstaff at 919.894.4226.

    North Johnston High School to Host Parent Information Seminar
    North Johnston High School will hold its annual Parent Information Seminar in the auditorium on Tuesday, October 23. Grades 9 & 10 will meet from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Information will be provided to parents and students on graduation requirements, resources and academic planning. Additional presenters and information will be provided by our AVID program coordinator, GEAR-UP coordinator & Career Development.
    For more information, please contact Wendy Gupton at 919.284.2031.
    Grades 11 & 12 will meet from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.Parents and students will be provided informationon academic planning, scholarships and college admissions information. The presenter is Mrs. Wendy Jebens, Assistant Director, Office of Admissions UNC-CH.
    For more information, please contact Donald Coates at 919.284.2031.

    Highway Patrolman, Sheriff’s Deputy to Visit Selma Elementary
    A member of the Highway Patrol and Sheriff’s departments will visit Selma Elementary to talk to the second grade classes about safety. They will also display their patrol equipment Thursday, October 25 beginning at 8:30 a.m. The activity follows second grade Social Studies curriculum and teaches children about safety.
    For more information, please call Lisa Murphy at 919.965.3361.

    Writing Night for Fourth Graders
    South Smithfield Elementary will have a special "Writing Night" for fourth grade parents on Thursday, October 25. Pizza will be served from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The teachers will present a writing workshop for parents from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Teachers will share student writing samples, Johnston County rubrics, and scoring processes. Parents will be shown ways to assist their child with the writing process and encourage writing across the curriculum.
    For more information, please call Kathy Hamilton at 919.934.8979.
    Also, at South Smithfield Elementary School,
    Exploration Day at South Smithfield Elementary School
    South Smithfield Elementary will host its 3rd annual "Exploration Day" on Friday,
    November 2. The events will last from 8:45 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. and will include: Langley Space Center and astronaut Donner Grigsby, Museum of Life and Science and live animal presentations, and Hightouch/Hightech science group will present hands-on science lessons. South Smithfield Elementary will also offer the Starlab with astronomy lessons and a colonial group will make home made butter and peanut butter with the students.
    For more information, please call Kathy Hamilton at 919.934.8979.

    Riverwood Elementary Fundraiser
    The next PTA fundraiser will be Friday, October 26, 2007.
    For more information, please call Frank Knott, Principal, at 919.359.6300.

    McGee’s Crossroads Elementary School to Hold a PTA Fall Festival
    The PTA Fall Festival at McGee’s Crossroads Elementary is scheduled for Friday, October 26. This event will feature an evening for the entire McGee's community to come out and support the PTA with the assistance of parents and the staff at McGee's Elementary School. The money raised will be used to create a leveled book room and purchase extra materials for the classrooms. The fun, food, fellowship time is from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Attendees can walk for a cake, try their luck at dunking a teacher/staff member, participate is a silent bid for the best decorated pumpkin, try their luck at numerous games and test their taste buds on sweet treats and hot dogs.
    For more information, please call Vicky Temple-Rains at 919.894.7161 or PTA Contact Jennifer Miller at 919.894.1770.

    Vikings Against Hunger
    Selma Middle School, in conjunction with the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina, is sponsoring the 2007 Students Against Hunger Food Drive. Beginning October 1 through November 30, 2007, Selma Middle School will be collecting nonperishable items such as canned meals, peanut butter, cereal, canned fruits and vegetables, rice, paper products, hygiene items, infant products and nutrition drinks in an attempt to fight the war on hunger. Selma Middle School’s 2007-08 theme is T.E.A.M: Together Everyone Achieves More. The school is once again looking to the community to help eradicate this epidemic that is all too familiar for families of Central and Eastern North Carolina. This is Selma Middle School’s first “Vikings Against Hunger” crusade with the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. Close to 20,000 individuals are living at or below the poverty level in Johnston County. Out of those 20,000 individuals, nearly 7,000 are children. The students, faculty and staff at Selma Middle School deem it necessary to be active participants in the fight against hunger due to these alarming statistics and are calling on our community and surrounding communities for assistance. All donations can be sent to/dropped off at Selma Middle School Attn: Vikings Against Hunger, 1533 North US 301 HWY, Selma, NC 27576. Please include a donor’s name so an expression of gratitude can be shown to the individuals and/or companies that contributed to VIKINGS AGAINST HUNGER.
    For more information, please call Katey Rowley or Amee Smith at 919.965.2555.

    2007-2008 Upcoming Band Performances at Clayton Middle
    December 8, 2007 Clayton Christmas Parade (7th and 8th grades)
    December 18, 2007 Winter Band Concert (all grades)
    April 12, 2008 Busch Gardens Band Festival (8th grade only)
    May 13, 2008 Spring Band Concert (all grades)
    For more information, please call Clayton Middle at 919.553.5811.

    Second Annual Holiday Bazaar at West View Elementary School
    West View Elementary School will be hosting "Hootie's Second Annual Holiday Bazaar" on Saturday, November 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Santa will be on site for pictures, craft vendors for Christmas shopping, and students can enjoy shopping at "The Owl's Nest Gift Shop".
    For more information, please call Nancy Parker, Assistant Principal, at West View Elementary at 919.661.6184.

    Artists-in-the-School Programs for the Month of October and November

    October 1st marks the beginning of the ninth year of the Artists-in-the-Schools program. Since its inception in 1999, Artists-in-the-Schools has raised over $900,000 to fund over 900 cultural events in the Johnston County Schools. Building on the success of the previous seven years, Johnston County Schools will play host to over 50 different artists for more than 150 cultural programs in the 2007-08 school year. This vital program has become an integral part of the Johnston County Schools and reaches over 30,000 students at all 37 Johnston County Schools, K-12.

    Anyone interested in observing any performances should call the school to request permission and confirm the date and time of the performance. The Artists-in-the-Schools Program is supported by the Fred Smith Company, the Johnston County Arts Council, Johnston County Schools and corporate, foundation and individual donors.

    Mad Science will perform at West View Elementary on October 24, 2007. Mad Science will present an interactive program of amazing science and unbelievable feats of science and nature.

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