JCS Reporter: Summer Edition #1

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    JCS Bus Drivers Honored For Perfect Attendance (New)

    On Wednesday, June 13th Transportation Services honored 51 school bus
    drivers/monitors who had perfect attendance for the year. The drivers
    were given plaques to recognize their dedication and hard work for the
    year. Dr. Anthony Parker, Superintendent, and Dr. Ed Croom, Deputy
    Superintendent, addressed drivers to share their appreciation for the
    job that the drivers do each day.
    For more information, please call Sherrie Morgan, Assistant Director,
    Transportation, at 919.8340, extension 23.

    South Johnston Students Give to Relay for Life (New)

    South Johnston High School staff and students raised over $7,000 for
    the Relay for Life. The effort was led by Heather Ribar and the walk
    was in memory of Kyree Miller, a former student who recently passed away
    due to cancer.
    For more information, please call Shelly Cook at 919.894.3146.

    West Smithfield Gives to Animal Shelter (New) (Photo)

    West Smithfield Elementary's Student Government Assoc. presented a
    check for $150 to Mr. Ernie Wilkinson for the Johnston County Animal
    Shelter. The money was raised by selling kiss-a-grams for .25 each.
    (The first picture shows the SGA members with Mr. Wilkinson. The second
    shows Erica Thomas, 5th grade student, presenting the actual check to
    Mr. Wilkinson.)
    For more information, please call Vanessa Watson, Media Coordinator
    West Smithfield Elementary School at 919.989.6418, Ext. 131.

    South Johnston students and teachers headed to South America

    Three South Johnston High School teachers, two former teachers, and
    four students will be traveling to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands in
    South America this summer. In a non-school sponsored trip, teachers
    Michael Avery, Allyson Puskar, Sandra Bishop, Elaine and J.D. Roberts
    will be taking South students Bridget Allen, Nick Barbour, Brooke Britt
    and Misten Upchurch to the Ecuadorian capital of Quito, to the Equator,
    the Cotopaxi Volcano, and to the famous Galapagos Islands, 600 miles off
    the Ecuadorian mainland in the Pacific Ocean. The islands were an
    inspiration to many of the theories of Charles Darwin. This is a
    cross-curriculum trip that combines Spanish, History and Biology.

    Teacher Michael Avery, who is leading the group, said: "This is an
    excellent opportunity for the students and teachers to try their Spanish
    in a real-world situation. They will also be learning so much about
    South American and Spanish history. Students will also never forget the
    memorable trip to the Galapagos Islands, seeing flora and fauna that is
    exclusive to the islands - a living, breathing Biology lesson." Mr.
    Avery also said the students will get the opportunity to work with
    injured wildlife at a wildlife reserve. The trip dates are from June 14
    to June 23.

    For more information, please call Michael S. Avery, Spanish teacher,
    South Johnston High School, at 919.894.3146.

    Clayton High School Standout Named Gatorade State Boys Track & Field
    Athlete of the Year

    In its third decade of honoring the nation's best high school
    athletes, Gatorade Thirst Quencher (June 15, 2007) announced Johnny
    Dutch of Clayton High School as its 2006-07 North Carolina Boys Track &
    Field Athlete of the Year.
    Gatorade joins with RISE Magazine to name State Boys Track & Field
    Athlete of the Year award winners representing 50 states and the
    District of Columbia. State winners are selected not only for their
    outstanding athletic performance, but also for meeting high
    academic-achievement standards while exemplary personal character on and off the track. Dutch, along with his fellow State Athletes of the Year,
    is now a finalist for the prestigious Gatorade National Boys Track &
    Field Athlete of the Year award to be announced later this month. The
    6-foot-1, 170-pound senior hurdler is a nine-time state champion and a
    two-time Class 4A state meet MVP. The six-time All-American has also won
    three national championships: in the 110-meter high hurdles at the 2005
    Junior Olympics and the 2006 Nike Outdoor Nationals, and in the 60-meter
    high hurdles at the 2007 Nike Indoor Nationals. Dutch's time of 7.07
    seconds in the 55-meter hurdles is a national prep indoor record. His
    personal-best 60-meter hurdle time of 7.73 and this year's
    state-meet-winning time of 13.39 seconds in the 110 hurdles were both
    ranked No. 1 nationally among 2007 prep competitors at the time of his

    Dutch has maintained a 3.18 GPA in the classroom. He is an enthusiastic
    member of the school drama club, an active participant in student
    government and remains a dedicated participant in his church youth
    group. "He's perfect combination of speed, technique and mental
    focus," said Clayton coach Bennett Jones. "He's unreal for someone
    his age. You could coach for 30 years and never see an athlete quite
    like him."

    Dutch will attend the University of South Carolina on a track
    scholarship this fall.

    The Gatorade Player of the Year program recognizes one winner in each
    of the 50 states and the District of Columbia in football, girls
    volleyball, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls basketball, baseball,
    softball, and boys and girls track & field. The selection process is
    administered by RISE Magazine, which works with top sport-specific
    experts and a media advisory board of accomplished, veteran prep sports
    journalists to determine the state winners in each sport.
    Dutch joins recent North Carolina Boys Track & Field Athletes of the
    Year J-Mee Samuels (2005-06, Mount Tabor HS), Andre Tillman (2004-05,
    North Rowan HS), and Matt DeBole (2003-04, Mount Tabor HS) on the
    state's list of former award winners.

    For more on the Gatorade Player of the Year program, including
    nomination information, a list of past winners, and the announcement of
    the Gatorade National Player of the Year, visit

    For more information, please call Jerry Smith, Principal, Clayton High
    School, at 919.553.4064.

    Johnston County Schools Salutes Fourth Junior Leadership Johnston Class

    The fourth Junior Leadership Johnston Class graduated on Friday, June
    22. Fourteen students, including one from Johnston Christian Academy,
    were immersed in leadership seminars, activities, field-trips, and
    hands-on projects during the annual summer weeklong program. Pictured
    are from left to right:

    Jason Massey - Princeton
    Jonathan Bridges - Princeton
    Jonathan Daniels - SSS
    Joseph Partin - WJHS
    Becky Wiedemann - Clayton
    Ryan Keen - NJHS
    Sydney Johnson- SJHS
    Brady Hedglin - Clayton
    Dawn Locklear - WJHS
    Cathryn Medlin - SJHS
    Emily Blackman - NJHS
    Regan Gatlin - SSS
    Sarah Elizabeth Campbell - SSS
    Megan Little - JCA
    For more information, please call Joy T. Callahan, Director, Johnston
    County Workforce Development Center and Department Chair, Business and
    Industry, Johnston Community College, at 919.209.2027.

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