JCS Reporter - Week of 3/19/2007

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Mar 15, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

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    Susan Fowler of PrincetonSchool Named Employee of the Month (New)
    Mrs. Susan Fowler of Princeton School was recognized by Dr. Anthony Parker, JCS Superintendent, as The Johnston County Schools Employee of the Month for March 2007. Mrs. Fowler has Custodial duty on the Elementary wing at Princeton School.
    For more information, please call Ken Williams, Career Development Coordinator, PrincetonSchool at 919-936-5011 Ext 319.

    WestViewElementary School Students Recognized for Character (New)
    West View Elementary students were recognized in February for demonstrating fairness. Students included:
    Pre-Kindergarten - Jesus Santiago-Lopez
    Kindergarten - Joshua Moody, Elizabeth Haithcock, Alan Ferris, Jennifer Gray, Reagan White, Josh Harlow, Carolyn Christ, Kayla Womack
    First Grade - Isabel Urquiza, Makayla Johannes, Hunter Potteiger, Mckinley Mullins, Nicholas Sekulich, Aleahya Hunter, Angela Green, Gaven Rook
    Second Grade - Levi Martin, Seth Bunn, Yelitza Hernandez-Flores, Nairi Miller, Mikey Hewitt, Nicholas Hesse, Ashlee Brigman, Dawson Jackson
    Third Grade - Breanna Parton, Veronica McLean, Bronwyn Hales, Tiffany Chrisey, Mikayla Childers, Landry Moore, Jasmine Stancil, Amy Wall
    Fourth Grade - Mckenzie Brisco, Taylor Budzynski, Trevor Delker, Megan Rhodes, Cody Morris, Keith Smith, Joey Kuley
    Fifth Grade - Dillon Haggins, Simone High, John Atherholt, Liam Thompson, Tori Strickland
    For more information, please call Carleen Nichols, Principal Fellow Intern, at 919.661.6184.

    West Smithfield Students Go to College (New)
    West Smithfield Elementary fourth graders have already gone to college!!! Fourth graders have been studying Native Americans as part of our school-wide multi-cultural unit. The NC Museum of History invited them to go on a virtual field trip around the state to see how Native Americans of NC lived. The students went to Johnston Community College where they participated in an interactive discussion with a staff member from the museum via telepropters located at the museum and the college. The students were given artifacts, maps and other information and were able to watch video clips made by Native American children. The students then taught other groups what they had learned.
    For more information, please call Vanessa Watson, Media Coordinator, WestSmithfieldElementary School at 919.989.6418, extension 131.

    Students of the Month Honored by Market Street Advisors (New)
    Market Street Advisors recognized students from Smithfield-Selma High School, North Johnston High, and Princeton for a strong work ethic, striving to achieve their fullest potential, and going above and beyond what is required or expected. The Student of the Month receives a $50 Saving Bond and a trophy.
    Honored were Whitney Womack, Student of the Month, Smithfield-Selma High School; Kenneth Dunston "KJ", Student of the Month, North Johnston High School; and Riley Boyette, January Student of the Month, Princeton.
    For more information, please call Phil Smith, Market Street Advisors at 919.989.7055.

    SSS Honors Scholar –Athletes (New)
    Smithfield-Selma High School coaches and administrators honored scholar-athletes at its annual Sports Banquet held on February 19. Recognized for outstanding academic and athletic skill were:
    Most Outstanding Wrestler-Gib Ricks
    Coaches Award-Trenton Langston
    Most Improved-Cory Bobeck

    Men's Swimming
    Most Valuable-Graham Wooten
    Most Improved - Bryant Noteboom
    Coaches Award-Sloan Stevens

    Women's Swimming
    Most Valuable-Paige Ridout
    Most Improved-Ragan Gatlin
    Coaches Award-Nan Daniels

    Men's Basketball
    Coaches Award-Jamel Pettiway
    Best Rebounder, Most Improved-Derron Potts

    Women's Basketball
    Coaches Award-Ashley Ennis
    Hustle Award-Dorothea Person
    Most Improved-Danielle Lee

    Indoor Track
    Coaches Award- Kevin Rose
    Most Improved-Nate Autry
    Most Valuable-Josh Autry, Alonna Wilkes

    Coaches Award-Caitlyn Smith
    Most Improved-Brooke Crowder
    Most Outstanding-Anna Campbell
    For more information, please call Mike Joyner, Athletic Director, SSS, at 919.934.5191.

    Poole wins 2nd place (New)
    Brandon Poole, President Smithfield-Selma FFA, won 2nd place in the FFA Public Speaking federation contest held at South Johnston. He will have the opportunity to compete regionally in April.
    For more information, please call Kristina Brake at 919.934.5191.

    An alternative approach to learning Romeo and Juliet at PrincetonSchool (New)
    Students in Mrs. Willis’ class are taking an alternative approach to learning “Romeo and Juliet.” In an effort to incorporate her students’ creative attributes, Mrs. Willis allowed her students to create masks as a means to get them in the mindset of eligible men and women of Shakespeare’s time. During this period, unmarried young men wore masks at traditional feasts so women could judge men for their inner personalities and not outer beauty. Mrs. Willis decided that this would be a perfect opportunity for her students to create masks that showed all aspects of their personalities. The criteria for the masks were as follows: pick a color that signifies your personality, pick three symbols that signify your personality, and type a one-page paper explaining all of the aforementioned. Mrs. Willis used the paper as a means of showing writing across the curriculum. The overwhelming response from her students was that the project was a great idea because it showed their understanding of Shakespeare without taking a traditional test. Mrs. Willis wants to put the masks on display in the hallways of Princeton High School so her students’ cohorts can marvel at a job well done. For more information, please call PrincetonSchool at 919.936.5011.

    “GEAR UP Girls” Expand their Horizons at NC StateUniversity (New)
    NC State University hosted the Johnston County GEAR UP females at their annual “Expanding Your Horizons” career conference in an effort to inspire 8th grade girls to consider careers in math, science, and technology. This conference was initiated by the Research Triangle Science and Mathematics Partnership and is now coordinated by the Science House at NC State University. Twenty-one girls in the GEAR UP program from North Johnston Middle, Benson Middle, and Selma Middle, began their day with the keynote speaker, Nicole Holmes, General Manager of General Electrics Nuclear Manufacturing, who spoke about the importance of women in science and her role in today’s workforce. The students then separated into groups and were escorted to buildings across the campus. Some girls visited the vet school, while others worked with biologists, chemists, and engineers in areas such as DNA Electrophoresis, Hydrology, Solar Cars, Statistics, Test Tube Frogs, Chromatography, and the Mysteries of Polymers. Melissa Williams, GU student, worked with the CSI lab and took DNA from pea soup and learned how to read the results. Some girls also took DNA from strawberries and processed these as well. Throughout the day all of the girls experienced various aspects of science, math, and technology careers. GEAR UP is a program which will assist the 8th grade students at Benson Middle School, Selma Middle and North Johnston Middle School from now until they graduate from High School. These students will be provided information on decision making in high school and appropriate choices for college and careers. They will have the opportunity to explore colleges and universities as well as business and industry. GEAR UP is always looking for partners to assist with the grants goals.
    For more information, please call Rose Pittman or Megan Shaner GEAR UP Coordinators, Johnston County Schools

    Cooper Elementary participated in Read Across America (New)
    Mrs. Blims’ Kindergarten class at Cooper Elementary School participated in Read Across America on March 2. The class celebrated Read Across America by wearing pajamas, reading Dr. Seuss books, and eating green eggs and ham.
    For more information, please call Debby Tutt, School Receptionist 919.553.0256.

    Cool Character Club at Wilson’s MillsElementary School (New)
    Students at Wilson's Mills Elementary School became members of the "Cool Character Club" by reading one book for each Character Pillar and completing a book report on each for a total of 6. Students receive a prize when they complete their reports and turn them in to our School Counselor, Ms. Christina Strayer. Pictured are Haydee Galdamez (Mrs. Pat McCarthy's 4th grade class), Oscar Bobadillo (Mrs. Pat McCarthy's 4th grade class), and Tyler Stanley (Mrs. Kristen Williams' 4th grade class).
    For more information, please call Dee Edmundson, at Wilson’s Mills Elementary 919.934.2978.

    Second Annual Spelling Bee held at Wilson’s MillsElementary School (New)
    Wilson’s Mills Elementary School held their Second Annual Spelling Bee on March 8. It was open to all fourth and fifth grade students. Judging the competition were Miss Carmen Swinson, fifth grade teacher and grade chair, and Ms. Christina Strayer, school counselor. Mr. Eddie Clarkson, remediation assistant, served as pronouncer, while Mrs. Lucy Treni, remediation teacher, served as the Spelling Bee coach. The winners of the Bee are all fourth graders: First place, Haley Creech – Mrs. Holmes’ class, Second place, Alisha Stallworth – Mrs. Williams’ class, and Third place, Morgan Eatmon – Ms. DiMaria’s class. Haley will go on to compete on behalf of Wilson’s Mills Elementary in the Johnston County School’s Spelling Bee to be held on March 22 at Selma Elementary School.
    For more information, please call Dee Edmundson, at Wilson’s Mills Elementary 919.934.2978.

    HOSA Students attended state competition (New)
    Thirty-one Smithfield-Selma High School HOSA students attended the State competition March 8-10 in Greensboro. SSS had 10 top ten finishes. Three students will advance to the National competition in June in Orlando, Florida and two additional students will attend to accept a National Volunteer Service Award. Smithfield-Selma also won an award for the largest membership in the state. SSS has 221 members. Students attending the HOSA LeadershipConference were as follows:
    Allen, Traci Sanders, Jonathan
    Alston, Shatonia Simmons, Jessie
    Anderson, Krista Simmons, Tiana
    Arey, Alex Smith, Danielle
    Ashley, William Smith, Jordan
    Barbour, Kiara Spain, Ashley
    Boone, April Yansom, Matthew
    Bradley, Heather
    Byrd, Caroline
    Carroll, Todd
    Coates, Austin
    Cook, Kathryn
    Culbertson, David
    Eason, Brent
    Fowler, Jeremy
    Haynes, Lisa
    Helms, Jessica
    Helms, Patricia
    Jones, Octavia
    Judkins, Keyeria
    Lee, Holly
    McCullen, Conley
    Oldham, Matthew
    ONeal, Amy
    Piper, Sarah
    For more information, please call Pat Deese, HOSA Advisor, at 919.934.5191.

    Get ready, get set, Kindergarten, here we come!
    Johnston County Schools presents: “Get Ready, Get Set...Kindergarten, Here We Come”, a free informational session on kindergarten transition. In this session, parents will learn about the daily experiences of a typical kindergarten student; find out specific types of activities you can offer your child to give him or her a “jump start” on kindergarten; children will begin the transition to the school setting by meeting their teachers, asking questions about kindergarten, and meeting other students...all while having fun! Several sessions remain:
    Tuesday, April 17, 2007 @ Meadow Elementary
    Thursday, April 19, 2007 @ Glendale Kenly Elementary
    For more information, program times, or to register, please call Sarah Thompson at 934-4361, extension 376.

    Steve Troxler, Agriculture Commissioner, to visit River Dell Elementary
    On Wednesday, March 21, NC Agriculture Commissioner, Steve Troxler will visit River Dell Elementary with the “Germ City” crew to help educate our students in germ prevention. Commissioner Troxler will put on his “hat” and read to our students as they participate in this special learning activity at River Dell Elementary.
    For more information, please call Bridgette Spaulding, Principal, at 919.553.1977.

    Presenters still needed for Career Day at Wilson’s MillsElementary School
    In preparation for Career Day for its fifth grade students, Wilson's Mills Elementary School is seeking interested adults who are willing to contribute 15 minutes of their time to present information about their jobs and careers to the students. Stations will be set up in the school's gym and small groups of students will be led from station to station to hear the presentations. The event is tentatively scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Friday, March 23, 2007.
    For more information, please call Chris Strayer, guidance counselor, at 919.934.2978.

    Human Resources Services will host the annual Job Fair
    The annual Johnston County Schools Job Fair is scheduled from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday,
    March 31, 2007, in the Smithfield-Selma High School cafeteria.
    For more information, please call Kay Gardner at 919.934.6031, extension 251.

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