JCS Reporter - Week of February 5, 2007

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Feb 2, 2007.

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    ClaytonHigh School student profiled by Sports Illustrated (New)
    Clayton High School senior, Johnny Dutch, was featured this month on the Sports Illustrated website. Each week, the magazine selects the athlete who displays excellence on and off the field as a Primetime Performer. Dutch’s profile won $1,000 for his school. You can read the profile by going to: http://www.emailthis.clickability.com/et/emailThis?clickMap=viewThis&etMailToID=2062350967&pt=Y
    For more information, please call Coach Bennett Jones at 919.553.4064.

    Freshman represents JohnstonCounty in oratorical contest (New)
    Smithfield-Selma High School freshman Katie Cook represented Johnston County on January 20 in Raleigh at the American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest. One of the oldest and most prestigious contests of its kind, the American Legion has set the standard in encouraging high school students to master the Constitution through oratorical competition. Katie delivered a prepared speech entitled, "We the People." Her assigned topic was on the Eighth Amendment. Katie was sponsored by the Pou-Parrish Post 132 of the American Legion. Harvey Evans serves as the Chairman of the High School Oratorical Contest for the post. Katie is the 15 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook of Smithfield and plans to seek an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy.
    For more information, please call Jake Jacobs, Principal, at 919.934.5191.

    RiverwoodMiddle School students sent to writing boot camp (New)
    (PHOTO-Boot camp 1 & Boot camp 2)Basic training is going on all over North Carolina. Riverwood Middle School seventh grade language arts teachers and their students donned camouflage attire, recited writing chants, and marched their way toward mastery on the North Carolina State Writing Test which is scheduled for March 13. This is the third year for boot camp at Riverwood Middle. This intense training runs from January 30 through February 2. Students and their language arts teachers gather each of those four days in the media center during their regular classes to practice their writing skills and build enthusiasm. After boot camp, students and teachers will return to their classrooms to continue their training as they work toward advanced training and coveted “I passed the test,” stripes.
    For more information, please call Jeni Wiley, Language Arts teacher, at 919.359.2769.

    Fourth graders at Micro-Pine Level attended Winter Wonderland Writing Camp (New)
    Fourth grade students at Micro-Pine Level Elementary School met in the gym to hear two winter stories. They listened to a very boring story about Frosty the Snowman. Then, they watched as a nine foot snowman “came to life” during the reading of Snowmen at Night. The students were encouraged to think about what made the second story “come to life” and how they could make the stories they write come to life. The fourth grade students then had a great parade through the school, singing their “writing camp song” while the other students cheered them on to writing success.
    For more information, please call Jessica Pilkington at 919.965.3323.

    ClaytonMiddle School students visit WNCN (New)
    Clayton Middle School’s technology and news TALONS members visited WNCN news in Raleigh. They met with meteorologist Bill Reh in the studio to learn about all the technology behind gathering weather data for the news. News anchor Sharon Taswell was gracious enough to meet with the news team about the news writing process, explaining that they should "write down everything you do", whether keeping a journal or writing notes to friends and relatives. She reminded the group that writing is the core of news production. Director Michelle Barnard let the technology group get a hands-on lesson with the remote cameras, control room switcher and editing equipment. Technology team member Morgan Muir commented, "There were lots of buttons. The green screen was really cool. I was a floating head because I was wearing a green shirt."
    For more information, please call Linda Dextre, Media Coordinator, at 919.553.5811.

    Smithfield-SelmaHigh School Teacher named 2007 Conservation Teacher of the Year (New)
    (PHOTO-Ellen Ennis)Ellen Ennis, Environmental Science Teacher at Smithfield-Selma High School, was recently recognized as Johnston County’s Conservation Teacher of the Year by the Johnston Soil and Water Conservation District. Ellen has been teaching at Smithfield-Selma High School for nine years. She began her teaching career as a lateral entry teacher in the Physical Science curriculum at the high school. Ellen tries to make science fun for her students. She tries to incorporate as many hands-on activities for her students as possible. Even when teaching her students about the nutrient cycles, she has her students play board game simulations of these cycles. “This is sometimes the best way students learn,” she says. Ellen has been cited by her peers at SSS as, “one of the most deserving teachers of this award. She has unbridled passion for what she does and is such a pleasure to work with.”
    For more information, please call the school at 919.934.5191.

    Band students selected to All District Band (New)
    Band students across Johnston County participated in the South Eastern District All District Band Auditions held at Mac Williams Middle School in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on Saturday, January 20. The South Eastern District is made up of 16 counties in North Carolina and over 600 students came to the auditions. JCS is proud to announce 17 of its own Johnston County Band students were selected to be a part of the All District Band Clinic which will be held on February 9and 10 at Overhills Middle School in Spring Lake, North Carolina. Students are from McGee’s Middle : Allie Jarrett, Frankie Johnson, Jill Nyberg, Reed Pfeiffer, Alina Brewer, Emily Langdon; Riverwood Middle School: Emily Duff, Brie Harter, Danny Vittum, Patrick Whaley; Clayton Middle School : Elizabeth Minton, Madeleine Moran; North Johnston Middle School: Dustin Boykin; Four Oaks Middle School: Josh Joyner; Cleveland Middle School: Brian Beaman, Bradley Richardson, Samantha Hayes. In addition, three of those students qualified to audition for the All State Band. They are Emily Duff of Riverwood, Samantha Hayes of Cleveland, and Allie Jarrett of McGee’s. Congratulations to these outstanding young Johnston County students.
    For more information, please call Chris Germanoski, Band Director at RiverwoodMiddle School, at 919.359.2769.

    RiverwoodMiddle School poets produce published pieces (New)
    (PHOTO-Poetry winners)Mrs. Faison's sixth grade students at Riverwood Middle School were invited to participate in a poetry contest through Creative Communication, Inc. This corporation selects only the best poems that are submitted for approval. Three students from Mrs. Faison's language arts class have been accepted into this publication. Congratulations to Reba Bass, Emily Pounds, and Katelyn Restrepo for becoming published poets. Aside from being published, these students are now eligible to become a "Top Ten Winner." If chosen, they will receive a monetary award. The school is very proud of these students’ great accomplishments.
    For more information, please call Joni Faison, Language Arts Teacher, at 919.359.2769.

    UPCOMING EVENTS________________________________________________

    Basketball game is FUNdraiser at NorthJohnstonMiddle School(New)
    NorthJohnstonMiddle School is hosting a very exciting FUNdraiser. The school is holding a faculty/staff vs. student athletes’ basketball game on Friday, February 2, 2007. The game will begin at 7 p.m. in the gymnasium. The cost is $2. The money will be divided between NJMS Athletics and Relay for Life of Johnston County. Many of the NJMS staff and faculty will be participating in this event. Please come out and join the Jaguars for a night of entertainment. See your child’s teacher, principal, and others in a different atmosphere.
    For more information, please call Amanda Surratt at 919.284.3374.

    Elementary students get lesson in Chemistry at South Smithfield (New)
    A chemist from North Carolina State University visited South Smithfield Elementary School on Friday, February 2, 2007, to present a program to all third through fifth grade students. The chemist will engage the students in a hands-on interactive program related to freezing nitrogen and its properties.
    For more information, please call Kathy Hamilton or Brian Smith at 919.934.8979.

    Artists-in-the-School sets February calendar of events (New)
    Felix Pitre performed at East Clayton Elementary School on Friday, February 2, 2007, at 9 a.m. Felix Pitre shares many of the Hispanic traditions that were passed down to him from his own family, bringing to life the culture of Latin America with puppetry, stories, songs, instruments and dance, performed in English interwoven with Spanish words.

    2 Near the Edge performed at Cleveland Middle School on Friday, February 2, 2007. Through dance, song, and audience participation, the dancers from 2 Near the Edge celebrate selected individuals and events from the civil rights era through the present.

    David Parker will perform at Riverwood Middle School on Monday, February 5, 2007, at 1 p.m. David Parker uses his musical abilities and his genuine love of people to develop communication skills, enhance self-esteem, and promote creative expression. See Feb. 5th entry below for more information.

    Susan Schuhmacher will conduct a five-day residency at Princeton School from Monday, February 5 through Friday, February 9, 2007. During this residency, the fifth grade students will explore color mixing, brush strokes, and a variety of "washes" on paper tiles.

    David Parker will perform at Princeton School on Tuesday, February 6, 2007, at 9:30 am and 11:30 am. David Parker uses his musical abilities and his genuine love of people to develop communication skills, enhance self-esteem, and promote creative expression.

    Glenis Redmond will perform at Clayton Middle School on Thursday, February 8, 2007, at 8:30 a.m. Glenis will perform her original poetry touching themes of self-esteem, respect, heritage, tolerance, and community.
    Anyone interested in observing any performances should call the school to request permission and confirm the date and time of the performance. The Artists-in-the-Schools Program is supported by the Fred Smith Company, the Johnston County Arts Council, Johnston County Schools and corporate, foundation and individual donors.

    PrincetonSchool to give a C-H-E-E-R for local competition
    Princeton School is hosting the middle school cheerleading competition on Saturday, February 3, 2007, at 11:30 a.m. All the middle schools in the county will be represented. The doors will open at 11 a.m. for spectators. The admission is $4 per person.
    For more information, please call Kirk Denning, Principal, at 919.936.5011.

    AIG Center celebrates 20 years (New exhibit)
    The AIG Center's 20th year celebration will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, February 4, 2007, in the AIG center gym. The AIGCenter serves 23 schools in JohnstonCounty. The center has over 575 students attending during the week. The AIGCenter was one of three schools in the nation to receive animals from the Smithsonian. In the fall of 2004, the JohnstonCountyAIGCenter was the recipient of a generous donation from the Smithsonian Institute. The Center is the proud custodian of a springbok, bushbuck, roan antelope, two male lions, a leopard and a warthog. The collection was expanded in 2006, with the donation of two white-tail deer head mounts by the Ball family and a caribou head mount on permanent loan from the United States Forest Service.The AIG Center hosts the Ohio State University International Photography Exhibit. The public may view the exhibit during school hours and at the AIG Center’s 20th Anniversary Celebration.
    For more information, please call the AIG Center at 919.934.9529.

    David Parker to perform at RiverwoodMiddle School
    David Parker will be bringing his upbeat and affecting performance in which he blends music, movement and humor with sign language to Riverwood Middle School on Monday, February 5, 2007, at 1 p.m. in the gymnasium. David has been performing and in constant demand since 1983. He has been traveling throughout the United States and Canada delivering his message of “breaking down barriers between people”. Mr. Parker is a veteran of television and theater. He has performed at the Kennedy Center and the Brooklyn Academy of Music among countless others. His awards include the “Distinguished Service Award of the National Council on Communicative Disorders.” He has made appearances on CBS, NBC, PBS, and Nickelodeon’s Nick Junior. He is also the author of a new children’s book series, “The Best Me I Can Be” available from Scholastic, Inc.
    For more information, please call Chris Germanoski, Band Director, at 919.359.2769.

    Get ready, get set, Kindergarten, here we come (New)
    Johnston County Schools presents: "Get Ready, Get Set...Kindergarten, Here We Come", a free informational session on kindergarten transition. In this session, parents will learn valuable information about the upcoming kindergarten registration process; learn about the daily experiences of a typical kindergarten student; find out specific types of activities you can offer your child to give him or her a "jump start" on kindergarten; allow your child to begin the process of transitioning into a school setting. The session will be held on Thursday, February 8, 2007, at South Smithfield Elementary School. A free dinner will be served from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. and the workshop will be held from 6:15 p.m. to 7 p.m.
    For questions or to register, please call Sarah Thompson at 934.4361, extension 376.

    Johnston County School leaders asked to present at conference
    Johnston County Schools’ Megan Shaner, Rose Pittman, Wesley Rich and Dr. Chris Godwin have been selected as presenters at the 2007 North Carolina College Access Conference to be held in Asheville on Wednesday, February 14 – Friday, February 16, 2007. The group will present, “We’re going to college: The GEAR UP/AVID Partnership of Johnston County Schools!”
    For more information, please call Chris Godwin at 919.934.4361, extension 372.

    Four OaksMiddle School to host first dinner theater
    The Four Oaks Middle School PTA is pleased to announce its first dinner theater featuring the production of Cinderella. The main goal of the dinner theater is to feature the talents of the students and to present an opportunity for the community and school to come together for a unique experience of food and special entertainment. The program will take place at 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 15, 2007, in the school cafetorium. PTA members will be selling tickets.
    For more information, please call Lisa Allen, chorus teacher, or Kim Robertson, PTA President, at 919.963.4022.

    WestClaytonElementary School’s Student Council to participate in a book drive
    The West Clayton Elementary School Student Council is conducting a book drive through Friday, February 16, 2007. The students plan to collect books from each classroom over the next several weeks and then distribute these books to shelters, hospitals, children’s homes, and various places where children are in need of books. The book drive will end the same week as the school’s Book Fair where the Student Council will have a basket on display for additionally purchased books. The students of the Student Council decided on this project because they believe that all students should have access to books and that reading increases academic success.
    For more information, please call Dorlisa Johnson, Assistant Principal, at 919.553.7113

    Johnston County Schools seeking kindergarten registrants
    Parents of upcoming kindergarten children are encouraged to reserve a seat for their children for the first day of school by registering at the child’s school starting Friday, February 23, 2007. Children must be five years old on or before October 16, 2007, to enroll. Parents are strongly encouraged to enroll their children on February 23 or as soon as possible after that date to assist the schools in planning for the upcoming school year.
    It is important for parents or guardians to go to the school that serves their address to register their children. Registration takes approximately 15 minutes. Please bring the following: Child’s Certified Birth Certificate
    Photo Identification (to match parent’s name on Birth Certificate)
    Child’s Social Security Number
    Physical Examination / Immunization Record
    Proof of Residence (utility bill, land contract, etc.)
    (A driver’s license is not adequate proof of residence.)

    Guest readers invited to 50th birthday celebration of The Cat in the Hat at McGee’s Elementary School
    Guest readers have been invited to McGee's Elementary School to read and celebrate the 50th birthday of The Cat and The Hat from Monday, February 26 through Friday, March 2, 2007. Guests are invited to be a part of the school’s annual celebration to honor Dr. Seuss and Read Across America. The Cat and The Hat is 50 years old this year. Dr. Seuss' birthday is March 2, 2007.
    For more information about being a guest reader, call Vicky Temple-Rains, at 919.894.7161.

    School project includes 40 community members
    South Smithfield Elementary School’s 3rd grade students are involved in a community project. The students have selected approximately 40 community members to invite to the campus. Guests include retired teachers, pastors, doctors, lawyers, and many business owners. District Attorney Susan Doyle, County Manager Rick Hester, Clerk of Court Will Crocker, and School Board member Butler Hall are among special guests who are visiting the campus and being interviewed by 3rd grade students. The students work in teams to record the background of each guest and write a biography about him/her. In art class, the students will be drawing portraits of each person. A ceremony to honor each community member who has participated is planned for Friday, March 2, 2007, at 9 a.m.
    For more information, please call Carla Taylor, Principal, at 919.934.8979.

    Polenta Elementary invites parents to school (New)
    Polenta Elementary School is planning a Parent Involvement activity called "Family Games Night." Students and their families are invited to participate and bring board games and then families can meet other families to play games. This event is planned for 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, 2007, in the school cafeteria. Drinks and snacks will be provided.
    For more information, please call Deborah Bennett at 919.989.6039.

    Presenters needed for Career Day at Wilson’s MillsElementary School
    In preparation for Career Day for its fifth grade students, Wilson's Mills Elementary School is seeking interested adults who are willing to contribute 15 minutes of their time to present information about their jobs and careers to the students. Stations will be set up in the school's gym and small groups of students will be led from station to station to hear the presentations. The event is tentatively scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Friday, March 23, 2007.
    For more information, please call Chris Strayer, the school guidance counselor, at 919.934.2978.

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