JCS Reporter - Week of Jan 8, 2007

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator


    Classes offered before traditional school day begins at SouthSmithfieldElementary School (New)
    South Smithfield Elementary School is offering several early morning classes for its second through fifth grade students. Second grade students have the opportunity to take a technology class that allows them to explore various technology tools such as creating PowerPoint presentations, sharing emails, and identifying GPS coordinates. Third through fifth grade students are taking Spanish classes. The Spanish classes performed for the PTA during December and the 5th graders sent cards, written in Spanish, to missionaries in Honduras. There are currently 12 students in the 2nd grade technology class and there are 40 third through fifth grade students in the Spanish classes.
    For more information, please call Carla Taylor, Principal, at 919.934.8979.

    Gingerbread Houses made with parent involvement at WestClaytonElementary School (New)
    (PHOTO-Gingerbread)Second grade students and their parents participated in a sweet project on December 13 and 15, 2006. As part of their study of Christmas in Germany, the students designed and decorated gingerbread houses with their parents. After completing the in-class project with their parents, the students completed a home extension activity where they created pictographs with their candy data. The second grade teachers, students, and parents found this event to be worthwhile as it encouraged parents and students to work together to improve their communication and mathematical skills.
    For more information, please contact Amanda Huddleston, second grade teacher, or Dorlisa Johnson, Assistant Principal, at 919.553-7113.

    RiverwoodMiddle School Beta Club organized Giving Tree for the holidays (New) (PHOTO-GTree)The Beta Club of Riverwood Middle School recently held its annual Giving Tree. Members were asked to bring in gifts for area children. In all, over 200 presents were donated. The members spent one afternoon wrapping and sorting gifts. With the help of the school’s social worker and guidance counselors, the gifts were delivered in time for the holidays.
    For more information, please call Jeni Wiley, Beta Club Advisor, at 919.359.2769.

    Glendale-Kenly’s Green Kids contributed to worthy causes (New)
    The Glendale-Kenly Green Kids collected toys for the Kenly Area Ministries Empty Stocking Fund and also made a donation to Homes for Bluebirds in memory of its founder, Jack Finch, who died November 9th. He spent 40 years working to bring back the bluebirds from the brink of extinction through his non-profit business. Mr. Jack supported the Glendale-Kenly Green Kids and their bluebird trail at Glendale-Kenly and graciously hosted many educational Green Kid field trips to Homes for Bluebirds. The Green Kids Club is an environmental/art club supported by the 4-H of Johnston County as a special interest 4-H Club. It is made up fifth graders from Glendale-Kenly.
    For more information, please call Ann Rogerson Weaver at 919.284.2821.

    Cooper 4th graders sent holiday greetings to Iraq (New)
    (PHOTO-Letters to Iraq)Mrs. Kristy Kotorman’s fourth grade class at Cooper Elementary School made Christmas cards for the United States Marines stationed in Iraq. Mrs.Kotorman has a special connection to this unit because her nephew is a Marine stationed there.
    For more information, please call Mrs. Kotorman at 919.553.0256.

    Kindergarteners at SouthSmithfieldElementary School learned to serve community (New)
    The kindergarten classes at South Smithfield Elementary School collected 350 canned goods and took them to the Food Closet at Centenary United Methodist Church in Smithfield. The teachers wanted the students to know exactly how each student could help their own community with wants and needs. This was a great way for the students to actually take their canned goods and see where they are housed. Richard Williams, the director of the Food Closet, came and talked with each class about the organization. This was very informative and the children understood how they could help members of their own community. The classes visited the food closet on December 18, 2006. This is an activity South Smithfield Elementary School will want to become a grade level tradition.
    For more information, please call Sandra Edwards, kindergarten teacher, at 919.934.8979.

    Canned Food Drive Competition Pays off Big for Riverwood Middle Schoolers (New)
    Mrs. Tapley’s eighth grade Social Studies classes at Riverwood Middle School have been participating in a community service project benefiting the Salvation Army. Canned food items were brought in with big competition among each class. Block five brought in the most cans totaling 228 in all. The total number of cans that were donated was 604. The classes are working on their next community service project for Habitat for Humanity. For more information, please call Mrs. Tapley at 919.359.2769.

    Market Street Advisors name Smithfield-Selma High Schooler ‘Student of the Month’ (New)
    (PHOTO-Student of the Month)Market Street Advisors will be recognizing a Student of the Month each month this school year. Smithfield-Selma High School student Trenton Langston, received the award for December. The award is based on the following criteria:
    · A strong work ethic, striving to achieve fullest potential, going above and beyond
    what is required or expected
    · A positive attitude both inside and outside of the classroom
    · Readily volunteers time to help others
    · Cooperative and respectful towards others
    · Enthusiastically accepts challenges
    · Reliable
    For more information, please call Jake Jacobs, Principal, at 919.934.5181.
    Jake Jacobson, Principal, Dr. Alan E. Young, Trenton Langston, Student of the Month, and Phillip S. Smith, Market Street Advisors.

    State Troopers teach second graders at SelmaElementary School(New)
    On Dec. 8, 2006, four N.C. State Troopers visited with second graders at SelmaElementary School and talked about safety issues. There were two troopers from JohnstonCounty and two troopers from WayneCounty. The students discussed communities and community workers in Social Studies. The lesson was to present good role models to students as part of character education. The students were sworn in as Junior Troopers which gave them a sense of pride.
    For more information, please call Lisa Murphy at 919.965.3361.

    UPCOMING EVENTS________________________________________________
    Students and their families invited to nightly observing sessions (New)
    Students in the Autumn Astronomy elective at the AIG Center are invited to a night time observing session at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9, 2007, at the Center. Students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Viewing highlights include Andromeda Galaxy, Orion, Vega and M Objects. Students and family members are reminded to dress warmly since the entire session will be held outside; bring binoculars or a telescope if you have them; and to stay with the group. For astronomers, nothing is more frustrating than a cloudy night. There is always a possibility that the observing session may be canceled due to the weather.
    For more information, please call Bob Goodwin at 919.934.9529.

    Financial Aid Workshop to be held at Smithfield-Selma High School (New)
    Smithfield-Selma High School will hold a Financial Aid Workshop at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9, 2007, in the school’s Media Center. The guest speaker will be Bill Cox, Deputy Director for Grants, Training, and Outreach with the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority. FAFSA forms will be available during the workshop.
    For more information, please call Jake Jacobs, Principal, at 919.934.5191.

    Artists-in-the-Schools sets Janaury calendar of events (New)
    Charles Pettee will perform at Benson Elementary School on Friday, January 12, 2007, at 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Students will clap and sing along with the oral traditions of the south and explore social studies through music.

    Gregg Gelb Swing Band will perform at McGee's Crossroads Middle School onFriday, January 12, 2007, at 1:40 p.m. During the performance, the Gregg Gelb Swing Band includes historical notes about the music and musicians of different eras of jazz.

    Trent Arterberry will perform at East Clayton Elementary School on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at 9 a.m. Internationally traveled mime artist, Trent Arterberry, uses mime, storytelling, and audience participation to support themes of good decision-making, avoidance of substance abuse, and perserverance to achieve one's goals.

    Trent Arterberry will perform at Riverwood Middle School on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at 1 p.m. Internationally traveled mime artist, Trent Arterberry, uses mime, storytelling, and audience participation to support themes of good decision-making, avoidance of substance abuse, and perserverance to achieve one's goals.

    Donna Washington will perform at West Clayton Elementary School on Wednesday, January 17, 2007, at 9, 10 and 11 a.m. Donna presents a wide range of tales from many different cultures: Korean stories, Greek and Celtic myths, African folk tales, Arthurian legends, English lore, and American folk heroes.
    Anyone interested in observing any performances should call the school to request permission and confirm the date and time of the performance. The Artists-in-the-Schools Program is supported by the Fred Smith Company, the Johnston County Arts Council, Johnston County Schools and corporate, foundation and individual donors.

    AIG Center celebrates 20 years (New)
    The AIG Center's 20th year celebration will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, February 4, 2007, in the AIG center gym.
    For more information, please call the AIG Center at 919.934.9529.

    WestClaytonElementary School’s Student Council to participate in a Book Drive
    The West Clayton Elementary School Student Council is conducting a book drive from Thursday, December 14 to Friday, February 16, 2007. The students plan to collect books from each classroom over the next several weeks and then distribute these books to shelters, hospitals, children’s homes, and various places where children are in need of books. The book drive will end the same week as the school’s Book Fair where the Student Council will have a basket on display for additionally purchased books. The students of the Student Council decided on this project because they believe that all students should have access to books and that reading increases academic success.
    For more information, please call Dorlisa Johnson, Assistant Principal, at 919.553.7113

    Johnston County Schools Seeking Kindergarten Registrants (New)
    Parents of upcoming kindergarten children are encouraged to reserve a seat for their children for the first day of school by registering at the child’s school starting Friday, February 23, 2007. Children must be five years old on or before October 16, 2007, to enroll. Parents are strongly encouraged to enroll their children on February 23 or as soon as possible after that date to assist the schools in planning for the upcoming school year.
    It is important for parents or guardians to go to the school that serves their address to register their children. Registration takes approximately 15 minutes. Please bring the following: Child’s Certified Birth Certificate
    Photo Identification (to match parent’s name on Birth Certificate)
    Child’s Social Security Number
    Physical Examination / Immunization Record
    Proof of Residence (utility bill, land contract, etc.)
    (A driver’s license is not adequate proof of residence.)

    Presenters needed for Career Day at Wilson’s MillsElementary School (New)
    In preparation for Career Day for its fifth grade students, Wilson's Mills Elementary School is seeking interested adults who are willing to contribute 15 minutes of their time to present information about their jobs and careers to the students. Stations will be set up in the school's gym and small groups of students will be led from station to station to hear the presentations. The event is tentatively scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Friday, March 23, 2007.
    For more information, please call Chris Strayer, the school guidance counselor, at 919.934.2978.

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