JCS Reporter - Week of January 15, 2007

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator


    First graders at McGee’s CrossroadsElementary School have a D.R.E.A.M.(New)
    McGee's Crossroads Elementary School held a D.R.E.A.M Night (Do Read Every Available Moment) for the first grade parents and students on January 8, 2007. The purpose was to share the importance of reading and to help parents help their child with reading strategies at home. D.R.E.A.M Night was organized by the teachers and they stressed the importance of reading for meaning and applying it later in numerous content areas as well with developing good writing skills. Parents received a guide prepared by the National Institute for Literacy in English or Spanish. The night was filled with fun because every student who attended received three books to take home. Also, door prizes to win a wonderful hard bound book of the students’ choice were an added feature of the night. The school encouraged all to come out and promote reading.
    For more information, please call Vicky Temple-Rains, Assistant Principal, at 919.894.7161.

    Princeton parents keep informed with Bulldog News (New)
    Princeton School has developed a monthly newsletter for parents entitled, Princeton Bulldog Parent News, to recognize student and staff achievements and activities. The newsletter includes an academic and athletic calendar listing the month’s activities.
    For more information, please call Kirk Denning, Principal, at 919.936.5011.

    Four OaksMiddle School has ‘Master Teachers’ (New)
    Four Oaks Middle School Principal Lisa Calcutt gives her teachers a brochure every Monday morning that provides skills, techniques and methods that can be used to improve classroom instruction. The resources are provided through a professional development program called, The Master Teacher, which includes brochures and a website.
    For more information, please call Lisa Calcutt, Principal, at 919.963.4022.

    WestViewElementary School recognizes good character in students (New)
    (PHOTO-Dec. stud of the month)Each month, one student from each classroom at West View Elementary School who best represents the character trait of the month is selected by their teacher and peers. Congratulations to these students who have displayed "compassion" and were role models for this character trait during the month of December.
    Kindergarten- Victoria Massengill, Crystal Pate, Alexandra Goldner, Troy Parish, Leah Stafford, Madison Haithcock, Joshua Weilhauwer, McKenzie Alley, McKenzie Flores.
    1st Grade- Megan Quinn, Savannah Martin, Hunter Brooks, Ben DeBord, Carlton High Jr., Rhonda Kodak, Abby Deans, Cole Fister
    2nd Grade- Kelly Christ, Brandon Rumpf, China Mae Brisco, Leticia Rochas-Solas, Carter May, Erik Crist, Emma Deans, Mallory Cheeck
    3rd Grade- Javier Mandoza, Cody Gagne, Nicole Lonesky, Emily Hodges, Anna Ford, Monica Willis, Ron Davenport, Morgan Hodge
    4th Grade- Boone Gambill, Wyatt Clarke, Preslee Honeycutt, Caleb Norton, Amber Hodge, Allie Sekulich
    5th Grade- Jonathan Adamski, Tripp Atkinson, Maggie Batson, Dillon Day, Sydney Fowler
    For more information, please call Carleen Nichols, Assistant Principal, at 919.661.6184.

    Fourth and fifth graders jump for fun at McGee’s CrossroadsElementary School (New)
    The McGee's Elementary School Jumping Patriots have been organized by Physical Education Coach Laura Jefferson. The club features 21 students in grades four and five. The lively practices rock the gym after school. The team is performing for local community events and the school. The students have many moves with the jump rope to musical routines, tricks, counts and foot action that thrills an audience. The team also features a dance unit that jumps to a rope like you would not believe.
    For more information, please call Laura Jefferson at 919.894.7161.

    UPCOMING EVENTS________________________________________________
    Artists-in-the-Schools sets January calendar of events (New events)
    Charles Pettee will perform at Benson Elementary School on Friday, January 12, 2007, at 8:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Students will clap and sing along with the oral traditions of the south and explore social studies through music.

    Gregg Gelb Swing Band will perform at McGee's Crossroads Middle School onFriday, January 12, 2007, at 1:40 p.m. During the performance, the Gregg Gelb Swing Band includes historical notes about the music and musicians of different eras of jazz.

    Trent Arterberry will perform at East Clayton Elementary School on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at 9 a.m. Internationally traveled mime artist, Trent Arterberry, uses mime, storytelling, and audience participation to support themes of good decision-making, avoidance of substance abuse, and perserverance to achieve one's goals.

    Trent Arterberry will perform at Riverwood Middle School on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, at 1 p.m. Internationally traveled mime artist, Trent Arterberry, uses mime, storytelling, and audience participation to support themes of good decision-making, avoidance of substance abuse, and perserverance to achieve one's goals.

    Donna Washington will perform at West Clayton Elementary School on Wednesday, January 17, 2007, at 9, 10 and 11 a.m. Donna presents a wide range of tales from many different cultures: Korean stories, Greek and Celtic myths, African folk tales, Arthurian legends, English lore, and American folk heroes.

    Bright Star Children's Theatre will perform Aesop’s Tales at Cleveland Elementary School on Thursday, January 18, 2007, at 8:45 am and 9:45 am. A whirlwind and hilarious tour through some of the most famous of these 2,600 year old stories in an effort to explore character education with students.
    Anyone interested in observing any performances should call the school to request permission and confirm the date and time of the performance. The Artists-in-the-Schools Program is supported by the Fred Smith Company, the Johnston County Arts Council, Johnston County Schools and corporate, foundation and individual donors.

    Fourth grade students at MeadowElementary School to publish work (New)
    Meadow Elementary School students are looking forward to publishing individual books in the 4th grade writing class under the supervision of MaLinda Turnage. Parents and students are excited about this process and excited about the Special Focus grant that Mrs. Turnage and Mrs. Honeycutt received for the students to do this. Students and their families are invited to a presentation from 7 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, about the grant awarded by the Johnston County Education Foundation and the book publishing project that 4th grade students are working on. The publishing station and student work will be on display in the media center for family members to view. Light refreshments will be served.
    For more information, please call Ms. Turnage at 919.894.7064.

    Superintendent continues meetings with community groups (New)
    Superintendent, Dr. Anthony Parker, will host a Ministers Meeting at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 18, 2007, in the Media Center at Clayton Middle School. Church leaders from this area are invited to attend.
    For more information, please call Lori Dixon or Carolyn G. Ennis at 934.6032, ext. 242 or 257.

    Tutors are needed to help make a difference in the life of a child (New)
    Johnston County Schools is seeking college graduates and/or college students (ages 18 and up) for AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) and 21st Century After-School tutors in the following schools:
    · Benson Middle (AVID and 21st Century)
    · South Johnston High School (AVID)
    · North Johnston Middle (AVID and 21st Century)
    · Selma Middle School (AVID and Afterschool)
    · Smithfield Middle School (AVID and 21st Century)
    · Corinth Holders School (AVID and 21st Century)

    These tutors will provide small group tutoring during the day for AVID and after-school tutoring for 21st Century. All tutors must attend “Tutorology” (How to tutor) training. **Each tutor will be paid $10.00 per hour of training and tutoring.**
    The next “Tutorology” session will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Four Oaks Middle School on Thursday, January 18, 2007.
    For more information or to receive an application, please call Vickie Boyette at 919.934.4361, extension 375, or Wesley Rich at 919.894.3889.

    Character Education winners treated to ice cream social at Meadow Elementary (New)
    Character Education winners from Meadow Elementary School will be treated to an Ice Cream Social with their parents at 2 p.m. on Thursday, January 18, 2007, in the cafeteria. The Guidance Department rewards students for displaying great character education traits. Administrators want the parents/guardians to have an opportunity to celebrate with their children.
    For more information, please call Karla Denning, Counselor, at 919.894.4226.

    “Toying with Science” to be presented at RiverDellElementary School (New)
    As part of the Cultural Arts Assemblies, Gary Krinsky will present, "Toying with Science", at River Dell Elementary School on Thursday, January 25, 2007, for 4th and 5th grade students.
    For more information, please call Susan Banks at 919.553.1977.

    Speaker’s hollerin’ to help students with writing (New)
    Tony Peacock, National Hollerin' Champ, will visit the 4th grade writing classes at Meadow Elementary School as a Writer in Residence from Monday, January 29, 2007, through Friday, February 2, 2007. Mr. Peacock will be refining writing skills in preparation for the state writing test. His focus is to teach students to narrow their writing topics and to use elaborate details. He also encourages students to express their individual voice as a writer. As a bonus, Mr. Peacock shares his personal stories and experiences as the National Hollerin' Champion with the students, coupled with a mini-hollerin' workshop.
    For more information, please call MaLinda Turnage, 4th grade writing teacher, at 919.894.4226.

    AIG Center celebrates 20 years
    The AIG Center's 20th year celebration will be held at 3 p.m. on Sunday, February 4, 2007, in the AIG center gym. The AIGCenter serves 23 schools in JohnstonCounty. The center has over 575 students attending during the week.
    For more information, please call the AIG Center at 919.934.9529.

    David Parker to perform at RiverwoodMiddle School (New)
    David Parker will be bringing his upbeat and affecting performance in which he blends music, movement and humor with sign language to Riverwood Middle School on Monday, February 5, 2007, at 1 p.m. in the Riverwood Middle School gymnasium. David has been performing and in constant demand since 1983. He has been traveling throughout the United States and Canada delivering his message of “breaking down barriers between people”. Mr. Parker is a veteran of television and theater. He has performed at the Kennedy Center and the Brooklyn Academy of Music among countless others. His awards include the “Distinguished Service Award of the National Council on Communicative Disorders.” He has made appearances on CBS, NBC, PBS, and Nickelodeon’s Nick Junior. He is also the author of a new children’s book series, “The Best Me I Can Be” available from Scholastic, Inc.
    For more information, please call Chris Germanoski, Band Director, at 919.359.2769.

    Johnston County School leaders asked to present at conference (New)
    Johnston County Schools’ Megan Shaner, Rose Pittman, Wesley Rich and Dr. Chris Godwin have been selected as presenters at the 2007 North Carolina College Access Conference to be held in Asheville on Wednesday, February 14 – Friday, February 16, 2007. The group will present, “We’re going to college: The GEAR UP/AVID Partnership of Johnston County Schools!”
    For more information, please call Chris Godwin at 919.934.4361, extension 372.

    WestClaytonElementary School’s Student Council to participate in a Book Drive
    The West Clayton Elementary School Student Council is conducting a book drive from Thursday, December 14 to Friday, February 16, 2007. The students plan to collect books from each classroom over the next several weeks and then distribute these books to shelters, hospitals, children’s homes, and various places where children are in need of books. The book drive will end the same week as the school’s Book Fair where the Student Council will have a basket on display for additionally purchased books. The students of the Student Council decided on this project because they believe that all students should have access to books and that reading increases academic success.
    For more information, please call Dorlisa Johnson, Assistant Principal, at 919.553.7113

    Johnston County Schools Seeking Kindergarten Registrants
    Parents of upcoming kindergarten children are encouraged to reserve a seat for their children for the first day of school by registering at the child’s school starting Friday, February 23, 2007. Children must be five years old on or before October 16, 2007, to enroll. Parents are strongly encouraged to enroll their children on February 23 or as soon as possible after that date to assist the schools in planning for the upcoming school year.
    It is important for parents or guardians to go to the school that serves their address to register their children. Registration takes approximately 15 minutes. Please bring the following: Child’s Certified Birth Certificate
    Photo Identification (to match parent’s name on Birth Certificate)
    Child’s Social Security Number
    Physical Examination / Immunization Record
    Proof of Residence (utility bill, land contract, etc.)
    (A driver’s license is not adequate proof of residence.)

    Presenters needed for Career Day at Wilson’s MillsElementary School
    In preparation for Career Day for its fifth grade students, Wilson's Mills Elementary School is seeking interested adults who are willing to contribute 15 minutes of their time to present information about their jobs and careers to the students. Stations will be set up in the school's gym and small groups of students will be led from station to station to hear the presentations. The event is tentatively scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Friday, March 23, 2007.
    For more information, please call Chris Strayer, the school guidance counselor, at 919.934.2978.

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