JCS Reporter - Week of June 2, 2008

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, May 30, 2008.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    JCS Academic Calendar Dates
    *June 10 – Last Day for Students/Early Student Dismissal
    *June 12 – High School Graduations

    JCAEOP Recognizes Johnson, Martin for Professional Excellence (New)
    The Johnston County Association of Educational Office Professionals named Deborah P. Johnson its Administrator of the Year during its annual Bosses’ Night event held at Archer Lodge Middle School on May 6. Johnson is Principal at Polenta Elementary School.
    The Association also honored Launa Martin, naming her the Educational Office Professional of the Year. Martin serves as a receptionist at Clayton Middle.
    For more information, please call Pat Bridgers 919.934.6031.

    Westbrook Receives Praise for Extra Effort (New)
    South Johnston High School athlete Audrey Westbrook has received WRAL-TV’s Extra Effort Award. Westbrook was nominated by the athletic department. This is a weekly award given to a very deserving student-athlete.
    For more information, please call Ester Garner at 919.894.3146.

    Selma Elementary Mentioned in News Article on UNC-Chapel Hill Website (New)
    Janice Jett, newly named Principal at Selma Elementary School, is quoted in a recent article on UNC-Chapel Hill’s UNC-Global website. Jett shares her views on the importance of global learning and how it is incorporated in the Johnston County Schools at Selma Elementary. The article, entitled, LEARN NC: Preparing Future Graduates for a Changing World, can be found at http://global.unc.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=623&Itemid=94
    For more information, please call Janice Jett at 919.965.3361.

    Second Graders Travel to DurhamMuseum(New)(Photo)
    Recently the second grade classes at Cleveland Elementary went on a fun-filled field trip to Durham Museum of Life and Science. The children explored the Magic Wings Butterfly Pavilion. The second graders have been studying the life-cycle of butterflies. Each class received a shipment of larvae which they delicately cared for until the butterflies emerged miraculously from their chrysalis after approximately two weeks. Mrs. Caines' Cuties released fifteen Painted Lady Butterflies into one of the schools butterfly gardens. The children's science notebooks are full of fascinating daily observations. The class discussed ways to improve our environment in order to help butterflies flourish in our community.
    For more information, please call 919.550.2700.
    Also at ClevelandElementary School,
    Student Honored for His Creative Writing Skills (New)(Photo)
    Darrion Underwood, a fifth grader at Cleveland Elementary, was recently honored for his creative writing skills. Pictured with Darrion are Principal Linda Edmundson, Darrion's mother, Ms. Sharon Bryant, Ms. Lorine Davis, Executive Director of the Johnston County Education Foundation, and Ms. Beth Lamar, Darrion's teacher.
    For more information, please call 919.550.2700.
    Pep Rally Held at Cleveland Elementary (New)(Photo)
    Third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers and staff hosted a "pep rally" to help students get excited about the End of Grade tests. The pep rally featured a skit on how to approach the tests and a set of EOG cheers provided by the Cleveland Middle School cheerleaders.
    For more information, please call 919.550.2700.

    End-of-Year Celebration (New)
    West Smithfield Elementary School will host an end-of-year celebration at the school from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday, June 6. Students and staff will celebrate a year of hard work!
    For more information, please call Todd Holmes, Principal, at 919.989.6418.

    Penny War Held at ArcherLodgeMiddle School(New)
    The students at Archer Lodge Middle School had a Penny War, May 12 – May 16, benefiting American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. Through many battles for top rank, seventh grade was victorious in the war. A total of $1,818.17 was raised for this worthy cause. Way to go Gators!
    For more information, please call Tracey Ulcickas at 919.553.0714.

    SJHS Talent Show (New)
    The South Johnston Student Government Association sponsored a talent show Wednesdayevening, May 14 from 6-9 pm in the SJHS auditorium. All proceeds from the show benefited the Johnston County Relay for Life. The evening went exceptionally well with seventeen acts performing an array of talents from singing and dancing to juggling and balancing. The evening’s Master of Ceremonies was South Johnston’s own Mr. Jeremy Byrd and the judges for the evening were Ms. Savak Allen, Ms. Amanda Daugherty, and Mrs. JoAnne Honeycutt. At the end of the evening the winners were announced and prizes were distributed the following day. Third place was earned by Taylor Sanders who won $50 for his recital of Debussy’s Arabesque 1 on the piano. Jayvon Tyler won second place and $100 for his dance routine to a medley of Michael Jackson hits. First place and $150 went to Amber Wood for her vocal rendition of Beyonce’s “Listen.” The event raised $1,600 for Relay.
    For more information, please call 919.894.3146.

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