JCS Reporter - Week of March 5, 2007

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    JCS Reporter
    A weekly media tip sheet of story and photo ideas produced on behalf of
    the Johnston County Schools
    Week of March 5, 2007
    For information about this document, please contact the Office of
    Public Relations and Information at (919) 934-6031, ext. 241 or 242

    Corinth-Holders to Host Class of 2011 Event

    Eighth graders from Corinth-Holders will participate in Class of 2011
    Day on Friday, March 8, at the school. Class of 2011 Day is an all day
    youth leadership conference where students participate in a variety of
    personal growth and development sessions. This year's guest speaker is
    Cynthia O'Neal, a former Corinth student who graduated from Duke
    University and is now a successful attorney in Raleigh. For more
    information, contact Betsy Huddleston or Paula Coates at 919.365.7560.

    Trooper Visits West View

    Trooper Brian Jones from the Wake County Highway Patrol visited all
    eight of the Kindergarten classes at West View Elementary on March 1 to
    talk about highway safety and the importance of obeying the rules and
    laws, both in school and on our highways. The kindergartners at West
    View have been studying a unit on community workers and helpers, so they
    invited Trooper Brian Jones so that they could meet an important
    community worker discuss the importance of active citizenship and
    responsibility. Trooper Jones helped the students understand the
    linkages between human decisions and consequences. For more information,
    please call Carleen Nichols, Assistant Principal Intern at

    "Heart-to-Heart Reading" First Grade Parent Involvement at West

    This Valentine's Day was more than candy and flowers for parents of
    first grade students at West Clayton Elementary School. It was a day
    for parents to express their love by participating in a workshop that
    will ultimately help their children to become better readers. This
    activity is part of West Clayton's Parent Involvement Program that
    includes specific goals within the 2006-2007 School Improvement Plan.
    Reading specialist, Sue Derstein, provided a reading workshop for
    parents at 9:15 a.m. on Wednesday, February 14. Following the workshop,
    the parents were given the opportunity to put the strategies they
    learned into practice by returning to the classrooms to work with small
    groups of students on reading activities. Parents worked in the
    classrooms from 10:00-10:45 a.m. First grade teachers, students, and
    parents enjoyed and learned from this worthwhile event. Their goal was
    to help their students reach their highest potential by creating a
    strong partnership between home and school.
    For more information, please call Dorlisa Johnson, Assistant Principal,
    at 919.553.7113.

    At Selma Middle School:

    Three Long Time Staff Members Say Goodbye
    On January 31, 2006 three of Selma Middle School's finest
    contributors to the overall function of the school - Mrs. Brenda Exum,
    Mr. Ben Bunch, and Mrs. Beatrice Barnes - officially retired from
    service. They received quite a send off from the staff as they were the
    honored guests at a special celebration after school that afternoon for
    them and their families.
    Mrs. Exum, eighth grade teacher, takes 31 years of experience in both
    high and middle school classrooms with her. She found joy in watching
    the students' reactions when a lesson was going well and devoted much
    time to ensuring that each day was like that. She was a mentor to
    several teachers and staff members throughout her years of service.
    "Ms. Exum always challenged her students to be responsible and work
    hard," said Jeff Sullivan, Assistant Principal. Mr. Ben Bunch leaves
    after 15 years of service to Selma Middle. Mr. Bunch was famous for his
    smile, his willingness to help others, and most of all his love for the
    children. He was an avid supporter of the school's Academy Attire
    dress code and could be seen on News Channel 14 the very first day it
    was implemented!

    Mrs. Beatrice Barnes contributed to Selma Middle in so many ways. Not
    only was she on the custodial staff but she also helped in the school
    store in the mornings where she had another opportunity to interact with
    the students. Additionally, she was the resident holiday pie baker.
    The staff would order her delicious hand-made apple, cherry, sweet
    potato, and various other selections of pies weeks in advance. Ms.
    Barnes would take some time off to bake the pies and deliver them just
    in time for the holidays!
    For more information, please call Lisa Sullivan, teacher, at

    Also at Selma Middle,

    Students Place in Regional Tournament

    The Selma Middle Science Olympiad team competed in the Raleigh Regional
    Tournament on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2007. Two competitors, Amanda Mitchell
    and Erica Vann, both in the eighth grade, placed 2nd in the event, Write
    It Do It. These students spent countless hours preparing for the
    Olympiad, including some time spent with their sponsors, Tomeisha Barnes
    and Heidi Adams, Head and Assistant Coaches respectively, after school.
    "I am very proud of all the students who participated in the
    competition this year, said Assistant Coach, Heidi Adams. "I am glad
    to witness their hard work pay off in the form of medals. The second
    place win gave great satisfaction to the winners who also competed in
    the same event last year."

    The coaches and their teams thank their sponsors this year, Dr. Dicky
    Parrish of Selma, Selma IGA, and McDonalds of Selma. Without their
    donations, the Selma Middle Science Olympiad team wouldn't have looked
    like a team or felt like one. The Science Olympiad is a national
    competition held throughout the United States. It consists of about 20
    science events that cover all realms of the sciences. Students either
    study for tests in the required fields or make rockets, airplanes,
    aquifers, robotic cars, catapults, towers and many more things. The
    students practice from September until the regional competition in
    February. If they place first in the regional competition, they will
    compete in the State Finals. If they place in the state finals, they
    will then travel to the national competition held in late spring.
    For more information on the Science Olympiad, please contact Tomeisha
    Barnes (tomeishabarnes@johnston.k12.nc.us) or Heidi Adams

    Selma Middle Meets Africa

    In celebration of Black History Month, the Djembe Fire! And The Village
    of Kindia performance group took the Selma Middle School stage for two
    performances on Monday, February 19. To begin the performance, students
    were welcomed with a drum call and a traditional African welcome. Selma
    Middle students really got a feel for the different customs of African
    villages. The performance included daily youth rituals and traditions
    in the African forest setting. They followed the villagers as they
    carried water, planted seeds, pounded grain, and gathered wood in the
    For more information, please call Lisa Sullivan, teacher, at

    Women's Club Art Winner at Riverwood Middle (photo)

    Eighth grade student Adaria Coulter represented the school in another
    art competition. She placed sixth in the State Fair, first place in the
    Lion's Club art competition in our district and has now second place
    in the Clayton Women's Club Art Competition painting division at the
    district level. Adaria has also exhibited her work at Johnston Memorial
    Hospital's West Wing and through out the school. Her work will be
    shown will be shown at the Showcase of the Stars this month. For more
    information, please call Magen Pike, Art Teacher, at 919.359.2769.

    Also at Riverwood Middle,
    The school's sixth annual spelling bee was held on February 27 in the
    Media Center. Each language arts teacher sent a representative from each
    language arts class. There were 36 students participating in the final
    round. On the seventh round, there was finally a winner! The winners
    are (with their language arts teachers) first place, Tyler Lindley (Mrs.
    Baker); second place, Daniel Moss (Mrs. Cruz); and third place, Stefan
    Garcia (Mrs. Jenkins). Tyler will represent Riverwood Middle at the
    Johnston County Spelling Bee on March 22 in Selma. For more information,
    please call Harriet Baker, Language Arts Teacher, at 919.359.2769.

    Princeton Hosting Annual Reverse Drawing

    Princeton School's 14th Annual Bulldog Reverse Drawing for a $5000
    cash prize will be held on Saturday March 17 at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria.
    The event is sponsored by the PHS Athletic Department. A $50 donation
    will include a steak dinner; an extra meal ticket is $10. Door prizes
    will be distributed throughout the night. For more information, please
    call Ken Williams, Career Development Coordinator, 919.936.5011,
    extension 319.

    Cat in the Hat Visits Selma Elementary

    The Cat in the Hat visited Selma Elementary and read the book, The Cat
    in the Hat, on March 2. Each grade level also viewed an age-appropriate
    video related to a Dr. Seuss book for Read Across America Day in honor
    of Dr. Seuss' birthday and The Cat in the Hat turning 50 years old.
    For more information, please call Leta Woodall, Media Specialist, at

    River Dell Welcomes Germ City Crew

    On March 22 NC Agriculture Commissioner, Steve Troxler will visit River
    Dell Elementary with the "Germ City" crew to help educate our
    students in germ prevention. Commissioner Troxler will put on his
    "hat" and read to our students as they participate in this
    special learning activity at River Dell Elementary.
    For more informat

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