JCS Reporter

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    CHS Students Win First Place in Chemathon Bowl (New)
    Clayton High School Students competed against 12 other teams from 7 schools in ECU's Chemathon Quiz Bowl and won first place. Students took the regional test for the US National Chemistry Olympiad - students who made high scores on the test will be invited to take the national exam in April. (They will receive the invitations from ECU later if they qualify.) Also, students competed in the chemistry quiz bowls (4 sessions each).
    For more information, please call Heather Hafer, Clayton High School at 919.553.4064.

    Corinth Students Visiting NC A&T State (New)
    Corinth-Holders students traveled to NC A&T State University for hands-on research activities on Friday, April 27. The field trip is a follow-up to a recent presentation this year by NC A&T State professors in the biotech field.
    For more information, please call Betty Bennett, Principal, at 919.365.7560.

    Cool Character Club at Wilson's Mills Elementary School (New)
    Students at Wilson's Mills Elementary School recently became members of the Cool Character Club by reading one book for each Character Pillar (Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Trustworthiness, Caring and Citizenship). They then completed a book report for each one and submitted them to Ms. Christina Strayer, the School Counselor. Pictured are Kathryn Jenkins from Mrs. Kelly Murphy's Kindergarten class, Xiomara Gallegos from Mrs. Kristen William's fourth grade class, and Summer Hawkins also from Mrs. Kelly Murphy's Kindergarten class.
    Also at Wilson's Mills,

    Service Project Entitled "Food for Thought" Completed at Wilson's Mills Elementary (New)

    Wilson's Mills Elementary School's Character Club, the Mustang Mentors, recently completed a service project entitled "Food for Thought". This program encouraged reading by providing free books of interest to students. The Mentors collected new and gently used books from staff, students and parents and then gave them to Kindergarten through fifth grade students during breakfast.
    For more information, please call Dee Edmundson, Principal at 919.934.2978.

    Johnston County Middle Schools Cheerleading Competition (New)
    On Saturday, February 3, 2007, the Four Oaks Middle School Cardinal Cheerleaders participated in the second annual Johnston County Middle School Cheerleading competition at Princeton High School. The squad performed a flawless routine consisting of group and individual tumbling, dance, cheer and stunts. The dance was choreographed by the girls themselves and interwoven with cross tumbling. They chose their favorite cheers and mingled them with group tumbling. The highlight of the routine was a prep-level wall that rotated 180 degrees and ended in the two outer groups spinning out to a hitch with the center stunting group doing an extension. There were also two beautiful basket tosses in the routine.
    For more information, please call Coach Melanie Autry at 919.963.4022.

    Cinderella Dinner Theatre (New) (Photo)
    Students at Four Oaks Middle performed "Cinderella" to a sell-out crowd on
    February 15, 2007. Thirty students participated in the event sponsored by the FOMS PTA and organized by five teachers. The musical was directed by Lisa Allen. The event was a smashing success and FOMS hopes to make it a school tradition.
    For more information, please call Lisa Allen at 919.963.4022.

    Four Oaks Middle School Student Wins Essay Contest (New)
    Bailey Coe, 6th Grade Student at Four Oaks Middle School, won the Regional Soil and Water Conservation Essay Contest. His essay was entitled, "Wetlands are Wonderful." Bailey was presented with a check for $100 and a certificate.
    For more information, please call Lisa Edwards Calcutt, Principal, at 919.963.4022.

    Battle of the Books (New)
    The Four Oaks Middle School Battle of the Books Team participated in the Johnston County Battle of the Books Competition on March 1, 2007. The event was held at Selma Elementary School. Four Oaks Middle's team placed fourth in this event. The Battle of the Books contest is an annual event where students are given a list of 27 books to read. The contest consists of questions which tests students' knowledge and understanding of the books which have been read.
    For more information, please call Debra Westbrook and Angie Pierce at 919.963.4022.

    JCS Nurse Coordinator Talented Artist, Author (New)
    The artwork of Jean Tripp, School Nurse Coordinator for the Johnston County Schools, will be on display throughout the month of May at the Johnston County Public Library in Smithfield. Tripp has also written a book called, "My Summer with My Nana," which will be on display.
    For more information, please call Jean Tripp at 919.934.9810, extension 287.

    Book Fair at West Smithfield Elementary School (New)
    West Smithfield Elementary will host a Buy One - Get One Free Book Fair beginning Wednesday, May 2nd and ending Wednesday, May 9th. The times are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily.
    For more information, please call Vanessa Watson, Media Coordinator, West Smithfield Elementary School at 919.989.6418, Extension 131.

    Four Oaks Elementary will perform two special events (New)
    On Friday, April 27, 2007 beginning a 6:30 p.m. "A Talent Extravaganza" will be held in the gym at Four Oaks Elementary School. Talented students and teachers will be performing.
    On Tuesday, May 8, 2007, third grade students from Four Oaks Elementary School will present the musical "Mighty Minds." This event will be held in the gym. Showtimes are 2:15 p.m. and 7:00 pm.
    For more information, please contact Elaine Butler at 919.963.2165.

    Smithfield-Selma High School Student Accepted in Program (New)
    Jonathan Daniels from Smithfield-Selma High School has been accepted into North Carolina State University's Satellite Program (Science and Technology Enriching Lifelong Leadership in Tomorrow's Endeavors). It is designed to introduce sophomores from rural North Carolina high schools to science and technology related educational and career paths on the NC State campus each May. Forty students from across North Carolina were selected to experience a wide array of demonstrations, lectures, and hands-on laboratory experiments with the assistance of professors and currently enrolled students from the College of Engineering, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Textiles, and the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
    For more information, please call Patrick Jacobs, Principal, at 919.934.5191.

    Muddy Mudcat Reading Incentive Program (New)
    Meadow students in grades K-5 log their reading throughout the school year. Students reading at least 30 books receive an individual pass to attend a Muddy Mudcat baseball game. Students reading 50 or more books receive a family pass (good for 5 people) to attend a game. Meadow awarded 250 Family passes and 100 individual passes to students on Wednesday, April 15, 2007.
    For more information, please call Darene Honeycutt at 919.894.7064.

    Career Fair at West Clayton Elementary School (New)
    On Friday, March 23rd, the Kindergarten students at West Clayton Elementary had a Career Fair as part of their Parent Involvement Activities for the school year. Professionals from the community were invited to share information with the students about their jobs and careers. The students rotated through each of the nine Kindergarten classrooms to learn about various jobs. Some of the professionals who gave of their time to be with us were in the areas of construction, cosmetology, law enforcement, fire and rescue departments, and hair design. The students had a great time learning about careers. They were given goody bags to carry home the materials they received from the professionals.
    For more information, please call Bruce Bunn, Principal, at 919.553.7113.

    Flame for Learning (TOY) Banquet
    The Flame for Learning (Teacher of the Year) Banquet will be held at the Country Club of Johnston County on Monday, April 30. Social * 6 p.m. Banquet * 7 p.m.
    For more information, please call Carolyn G. Ennis or Lori Dixon at 919.934.6032,
    Ext. 257/242.

    McGee's Middle Hosts First Annual Student Art Sale and Creative Yard Sale
    The MCMS Art Club is sponsoring the First Annual Student Art Sale and Creative Yard Sale, Saturday, May 5th from 8am - 12pm (rain date May 12th). The purpose is to raise funds for guest artist visit: Asian Calligrapher Alice Jinxiu Zhao and art supplies for Mr. Blanco's school in Costa Rica, a VIF Teacher at McGee's. The Yard Sale location will be in the front parking lot spaces of the school. Parking for the event will be in the Bus Lot and at the Elementary School. Cost of a single space will be $10. Unloading will take place between 7am - 8am. Please bring your own tables and chairs.
    The Art Club will gladly accept donations. Non-clothing items will be collected Friday, May 4th from 2:45 p.m. to 6p.m. in the Media Center.
    For more information, please call Charlene Bowling 919.894.6003.

    County-Wide Dinner Meeting Scheduled
    The School Advisory Council Association PTA/PTO Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 7, at 7 p.m. at Smithfield-Selma High School. Dinner will be served from 6:45 - 7:30 p.m.
    For more information, please call Carolyn G. Ennis or Lori Dixon at 919.934.6032,
    Ext. 257/242.

    Clayton High School Art Exhibit, The Clayton Center, Clayton, May 2-30.
    Call 919.553.1737 for more details.
    The Clayton Visual Arts will present the art students of Clayton High School at the Clayton Center beginning May 2, 2007. A reception for the artists will be held at the Clayton Center on May 10, 2007 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The Clayton Center is located at 111 East Second Street in downtown Clayton. The reception is free and open to the public.

    RMS Wins Olympic Medals
    RMS students participated in Special Olympics on Friday, April 20, 2007. Several students received awards, they are: Chris Locus 2nd place in 100 meter run and 2nd place in running long jump; Austin Newcomb 4th place in 50 meter run and 2nd place in softball throw; TJ Yeager 1st place in shot put and 3rd place in 50 meter run; Heather Yeager 1st place in 200 meter run and 1st place in softball throw; Jan Johnson 4th place in 50 meter run. These students are in Mrs. Peggy Tippett's class. In Mrs. Allyson Teem's class students also received awards, they are: Thomas Stieneke 1st Place in the softball throw and 3rd Place in the 200 meter run; Lamont Edmundson 3rd Place in softball throw and 5th Place in 200 meter run.
    Riverwood Middle School is very proud of our students great athleticism and achievements. Thank you to Riverwood Booster Club for donating shirts to the athletes. Riverwood Middle would also like to thank Food Lion at Hwy. 40/42 for donating a gift certificate for snacks. For more information, please call Peggy Tippett or Allyson Teem, at 919.359.2769.
    Girls vs. Boys Penny Wars for the Cooper Elementary Scholarship Fund
    Cooper students raised a grand total of $216.21 for the Cooper Elementary Scholarship Fund. The Penny War results between the boys and girls left the girls the champions with 3811 pennies and a total of $115.36 and the boys with 2420 pennies and a total of $100.85 raised. Five years ago Cooper Elementary established a scholarship for children that graduate 5th Grade from Cooper. The Johnston County Education Foundation manages the fund and Cooper will be awarding the first scholarship of $500.00 in two years. For more information, please call Dr. Julie Jailall, Principal, at 919.553.0256.

    Micro-Pine Level Walks for MS
    Micro-Pine Level teachers and staff participated in the five-mile MS Walk in Raleigh. The Smooth Steppers won first place for our tropical tent theme and raised over $3,000 to help fight and find a cure for MS.
    Also at Micro-Pine Level,
    Micro-Pine Level will be inviting many professionals to come speak to our students about their specific occupation for Career Day on May 4. By collaborating with community members, our school will open the doors of opportunity for our children. We hope to encourage the students to explore the many resources and careers available to them.
    For more information, please call Angie Jacobs, Principal, at 919.965.3323.

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