JCS Salutes This Year's National Board Recipients

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, May 11, 2007.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    JCS Teachers Honored for Earning National Board Certification

    SMITHFIELD*Johnston County Schools recently honored its largest group of teachers in the district's history--35-- for earning National Board certification this school year, bringing the number of national board certified teachers in the district to 163. Dr. Anthony Parker and the division of School Improvement and Professional Development hosted a reception on May 3, presenting each recipient with his or her National Board certificate in a frame for display in their classroom or a location of their choosing.

    Patricia Hester, Senior Executive Director of School Improvement and Professional Development, recognized the teachers and challenged them to encourage their peers to strive for national board certification. Johnston County Schools provides mentors and resource support as well as annual leave days to those who participate in the process.

    Dr. Parker echoed her sentiments, thanking the teachers for persevering throughout the process and for going above and beyond the call of duty in the interest of continuous improvement and high standards.

    "We are very proud of you and thank you for your commitment to children," he said.

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