JCS Spelling Bee Competition Slated for Thursday

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    District's Top Speller to be Named at Annual Bee, Possibly Move On to

    SELMA-- Students from across the district will converge at Selma
    Elementary School on Thursday, March 16 at 3:30 p.m. to compete for the
    top speller's spot. The participants-- winners from individual school
    spelling bees-- will awe judges and members of the audience with their
    spelling aptitude and prowess down to the very last round.

    The event will take place in the auditorium.

    Johnston County Schools is seeking sponsorship to enable the district
    winner to advance to the national competition. To be eligible, the
    student winner's trip must be primarily sponsored by a daily or weekly
    newspaper outlet.

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