JCS Students Participating in Great American Smoke-Out

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    November 18, 2004 is Great American Smoke Out Day, a
    nationally recognized event that challenges people to stop using tobacco
    and raises awareness around the many healthy ways to quit smoking.
    Johnston County schools have been asked to participate by creating a
    paper chain. Students and staff will write a statement and connect them
    together, indicating their commitment to not smoke. Students and staff
    may also make a chain to commit to quit smoking. The objective is to
    get as many people involved in the Great American Smoke Out Day as

    The Great American Smoke Out was established in 1971 when Massachusetts
    resident Arthur P. Mullaney asked people to give up smoking for a day
    and to donate money.

    "We thank all of those who support our efforts to create and maintain
    safe and drug-free schools in Johnston County," said Sway Archible,
    Student Assistance Program Consultant with the Student Services

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