My hubby called me today and wants to quit smoking. He has smoked 2 packs for years and years. I smoke, only 1/2 to 1 pack a day. Sometimes he "smokes me out" and I cant even take it. Could you post that counter that you used. I know there is already a thread on this, but my searches for it have failed me. I always told him that if he would quit, I would too. Any advise for us? How do you get through the withdrawal of the nicotine. He wants to know from me what he should do, slow down or crumble them up. I really dont know what to tell him. HELP...
You can get the counter at, there is a paid version, and a free version. Just look at the bottom of the page to download the free version. I quit with Welbutrin. I took the drugs for 2 weeks prior to my quit date, and for 1 week afterwards and I did pretty well. My two cents is this: 1-You have to be ready! 2-It absolutely was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life. Good luck sweetie!
Don't be alarmed if your hubby and you start coughing in a couple of weeks, short time of it, just the old lungs starting to clear out the mess that's in there and things are trying to work properly again. Hope you can do it, you'll feel so much better in the end.
This site was helpful for me when I quit. I've been quit for 5 and a half years and smoked close to 2 packs a day. I also used the patches and they worked. There are lot of different way to quit now though, so check out everything. It was the hardest thing I ever did, but also the best thing I ever did. I can say the first year was the hardest, and after that, I did think about it occasionally, but it was brief and it was just easier to not smoke by then because it was so damn hard to quit. There is no such thing as having just one cigarette. It is an addiction! Never stop trying to quit, because it will eventually stick. Good can be done!
Have you thought about doing the shot? You can call Dr Lewis Stocks at 850-0880 (stocks surgical) the cost is about $150 - $160 a shot behind the ear!! so many people I know said it worked great!
Today is my YEAR anniversary of quitting. So, like Ken said, with a grain of salt these suggestions come to you...... First of all I wish you lots of luck, it's the best thing ever. I quit cold turkey. But I found something to do with my time instead of smoking. It's super hard if you or hubby are 'nervous smokers' like I was. But if you truly want to quit, you will. I use the 'quit keeper' on my desktop for my computer and I look at that thing sometimes 3-4 times a day.....(and I will share my 'stats' with you) It was a huge help for me. And gum. Also, I stayed away from temptation the first three months (drinking, friends who smoked, etc). HEre is the link to the QUITKEEPER and I copied and pasted my 'stats', just cuz I am proud of myself. Good Luck!!! link: Stats from Quit Keeper: I have been quit for 11 Months, 4 Weeks, 2 Days, 15 hours, 4 minutes and 41 seconds (364 days). I have saved $510.47 by not smoking 2,552 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Week, 1 Day, 20 hours and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 7/9/2006 8:00 PM:-D
I decided to quit two days before thanksgiving!! Used the patch and have not smoked since. I was smoking 2 packs a day. I had an advantage though!! I no longer drive and my hubby does not smoke. So, it was not easy to get cigs. Also, my sunday school class laid hands on me and prayed. I've tried many times to quit and always failed. EASY!! NO!! But, I did it. Still want one occasionally but rarely. Yes, I've gained weight but I feel better. I will pray for you. Please try!! The rewards are awesome!! Blessings, Pat
We are 6 hours away from not smoking anymore. I am nervous. WARNING: Anything I may type on here that is rude or out of character, please please forgive me. I got the counter, gonna go get us gum or the patch. straws and toothpicks to chew on. I hope that we can do this............I almost want to cry and I dont know why. OK SOME SELF TALK TO MYSELF>>> Cry, why would you cry you wussy. It is making you life better. ughhhhh.... you are not a wuss ,JUST DO IT... School starts back on Wednesday, maybe that will help. I mean you are in a HEALTH FACILITY. DANG> maybe there is support on 4042 and at school? By the way I passed my math with a 93 and A and P with a 99....hehehe ok back to your regular chat......sorry.
Quitting smoking is tough but also extremely wise. My .02, plan a project to keep you busy the first week!
Absolutely! Plan something that will keep your hands busy, and your mouth busy, too! Maybe learn to play the harmonica. Or maybe the tuba. j/k It's hard, but so well worth it. Good luck to you and your husband. Hey, maybe you could start a bagpipe band! :lol:
I ate a lot of Tootsie Roll pops. I sucked on sugar free candy until I figured out that the sweetner in sugar free candy acts as a laxative. That was a bad idea. I bought sugar free popsicles. Carrott sticks. I kept a pen in my hands. And hey, if you fall off the wagon, it's okay. Just don't say, well, I smoked one, might as well go buy a pack. No, just start over. It's hard, but it's worth it.
Yes, it seems like gaining weight is inevitable when you quit smoking. BUT, I don't think it has to be. True, we substitute food for cigs when we should just eat healthier and exercise. Yes, it was very hard to quit but I was tired of the coughing and breathless feeling. Also was tired of being a smoker in a smoke free world. So, I was ready to quit and my mind was made up. Had many failures in the past. Members of my family told me if I would quit they would. So far, none have. But, I don't preach to them. When they are ready they will quit. If at first you don't succeed just keep trying. Don't beat yourself up if you fail!! You can do it!!!!!!! PAT
weight gain versus smoking, depends on the person. Had a neighbor that quit smoking after 30 years, at the same time she lost 50 pounds and started going to the gym, it's been 5 years without the smokes and she still looks great with the 50+ pounds gone. My brother stopped smoking 7 years ago after 20 years of it, started running and going to the gym, he now does the ironman races, has a 32 inch waist, no flab for him. Personally I think my brother has switched one addiction for another, altough it's a healthy one.
Hey just to let some know. I am finally off my vicodin. Been on it since back surgery. I did a lot of crying and blood pressure went up(it is always low or right on) I had headaches, sweat a lot. It was bad but I had my hubby to lean on.. Reminds me of that song. *T4T singing* Lean on me, when you're not strong and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on....... Hey isnt there going to be a song lyrics game out this week. Anyone know the name of it?
My husband got a prescription from his doc for can search it on the web. You set a date to stop smoking and start the pill two weeks worked for him, but he had to still take the pill for a couple of months. Insurance paid for it, however, not to discourage you, but he has started back...he says he will quit again. But the medicine is really good....sort of like antabuse, which is given to alcoholics and when they consume alcohol it makes them sick, well, same thing with Chantix, when you smoke it makes you sick....he took a drag from someone's while he was on it and it made him really sick. Good luck
I chose running as my 'vice' after stopping smoking....and I haven't gained any weight either. I am addicted to running/walking. I refused to let food be my next addiction.