'Jesus' Rifles outrage some

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Jester, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member


    You know, I really don't see the big deal here. You have a privately run company that puts serial numbers on their products for their own reference and have done so with no negativity for years. Even though they have a government contract, I fail to see why the Pentagon should dictate what kind of serial numbers a civilian-owned company can use for their own purposes. I wonder if the Pentagon will have all this equipment destroyed for the sake of appeasement of those who protest?

    Since the license plates on privately-owned automobiles are technically belonging to the respective states, I suppose the state DMVs around the country will start outlawing religious verses on personalized plates because they run the risk of offending someone on the roadways or perhaps all religious symbolism will be removed before a vehicle can be state registered. Sounds extreme, I know, but I can't help but ponder where such discontentment for specific religions and political correctness run amok will take us.

    What say you?
  2. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    :popcorn: this could get ugly
  3. Vinalexnc

    Vinalexnc Well-Known Member

    If I understand this correctly these serial numbers with the religious symbolism in them is only the sights or the light enhancing scope piece of equipment not on the actual rifle. Most media seems to not reallymention that part of it. So if a soldier is offended with this part of his equipment having these references on them he/she doesnt have to use them. Many soldiers customize thier equipment. I am sure most soldier 1. havent even notice the reference and 2. dont really care. Especailly if the piece of equipment works well.

    I wonder are any soliders complaining about this?? And again if they are they dont have to use this type of scope on their rifle.

    And yes this is another example of political correctness going to far and again minority rule not the majority.
  4. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    If they were only selling to private enterprise, I'd have no problem with it. As it is, they're sold to the federal government, which isn't supposed to favor any particular religious belief.

    Moreover, DOD then sells/gives/loans these scopes to other nations in hopes of developing a closer alliance with them. Yet, if their religious belief set is different from the manufacturer, cultural issues arise.

    Add to this, that these scopes, used in the Middle East, are useful propaganda to those who continue to successfully recruit Al Queda, the Taliban, or any other religious figures bent on casting the US forces as occupiers, or as crusaders.

    We need add no fuel to the fires of recruiting efforts of those in the Middle East against whom we are fighting.

    As a taxpayer, and a veteran, I object to these scopes being purchased by government entities.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  5. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member

    The Gov't isn't supposed to prohibit the free exercise thereof either. I don't want to wish the company loss of business, but the gov't doesn't have to buy them. But they can't force the company to stop with the references. (Per the constitution)
    Al Queda will not stop recruiting just because the Bible verse references are removed. People who believe that they would doesn't understand Al Queda. YOU CAN'T REASON WITH THEM.
    As a taxpayer and a verteran, I don't condone or condemn these scopes being purchased by the government.
    I agree that this whole political correctness idea is getting way out of hand.
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I don't think Gen. Petraeus's concern has anything to do with political correctness.
  7. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member

    Hatteras, I hope I didn't come accross as attacking your opinion. If I did, I'm sorry. I'm just tired of all of the groups crying "THAT OFFENDS ME". and then we turn around and succumb to their requests. I know it's not a direct attack, but our free speech is being attacked.
  8. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member

  9. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member

    Anyway, it's futile. Y'all have a great day
  10. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Seriously? You don't give the General much credit.

    Of course al Qaeda will continue to do what they do, but why should we play into their hands?
  11. Vinalexnc

    Vinalexnc Well-Known Member

    Hatteras6 you do make very valid points about being used as propaganda by others and fueling the fire. It made me think about this a bit more.

    My initial take on the story the other day was that these religious references were just a coincidence and these numbers were just your typical serial numbers and casting numbers used in the making of just about all plastic parts and someone made a connection and ran with it. They do look like just about any other serial number or casting number used in the making of plastic parts. I'm sure I could look under the hood of my car and find plastic injected mold type parts with similar type of numbers and may even find some that I could make some sort of religious connections to. Just like the old urban legend about Proctor & Gambles logo being a reference to satanic beliefs.

    I was a little surprised that yes the company was intentionally doing this but seeing that the passages they are referencing fit to the products they are producing completely understand that aspect of it. To me it’s just like any company using a quote from say Shakespeare on their product as a slogan. Don’t get me wrong I am a person of faith but do see the bible as a piece of literature written by man.

    Yes the company should have made the DOD aware of the references and/or just deleted them from the scopes being sold to the DOD or the DOD should not have bought them.

    I guess I still see this as something being blown out of proportion and wonder if ‘others’ would have even known about the references if certain minorities in this country and our own media wasn't using the story as 'propaganda' to get attention and make ratings.

    Then again the fanatics on all sides will use anything as propaganda for their cause now a days.
  12. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    It is sorta an odd practice for a firearms type business to engage in. But since Trijicon does make some of the finest sights I've ever seen, I'm all for providing our troops with the best equipment available, no matter what they say on the side.

    Wasnt that long ago that they pulled all the military bullets that were made in Israel from the conflict areas over there. So I bet they'll take the scopes outta service or atleast grind down the markings.
  13. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I assume you wouldn't have a problem then if they referenced verses from the Qur'an?
  14. Vinalexnc

    Vinalexnc Well-Known Member

    No I personally would not care if they quoted the Quran on the pieces of equipment if the passages being referred to apply like these bible passages did. But I am sure that someone would be offended and complain. Especially since we are not just the nation of the offended but we are the world of the offended.

    Hey terrorist bomb makers probably inscribe religious passages on their IED, and bomb vests. If I remember correctly Hamas or the Palestinians…. well one of them inscribes religious passages on the rockets they launch into Israel.
  15. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Yes, and I recall soldiers being punished for rubbing remnants of pork meals onto artillery rounds...and writing notes on them (as if the note would be read by those targeted) referring to the target now being unclean due to pork contamination, and this denying entrance to Heaven. I seem to recall some Navy crews getting fired up for the same reasons, placing pork products on aircraft rounds, and gun rounds intended to be fired towards the Iraqi military during Gulf 1.

    War is dirty enough, that additional incitement is unnecessary.

    As was so intelligently said already, why play into their hands?
  16. Vinalexnc

    Vinalexnc Well-Known Member

    Your right about not playing into their hands...

    did see online where the scope comapny said they will no longer do it and will provide the military with kits to remove it from scopes already in servcie.

    you know when you bottom line this whole thing isn't it sad that in this day and age we are really just fighting a religious war
  17. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

    If putting porks blood on our ammo and putting pigs on a bus slows down the radicals from attacks because they know they wouldn't see the virgins than by God "do it" screw them.
  18. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Ok, "Typical Liberal" is obviously a Sock Puppet of some conservative, is this individual some liberal Sock Puppet?
  19. not to smart

    not to smart Guest

  20. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    To alienate as many members as possible.

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