The kids and I got some books from the public library in Smithfield. I originally went to Smithfield because the library is bigger and had more for the kiddos to do. However, with the $ of gas, I was wondering if I could return the books to the Clayton public library, since they are both JoCo libraries. Thx.
There is a good chance that they will, but unlike the other libraries in North Carolina, the Town of Clayton actually owns the library and their collection.
You can return books to any Johnston County library without any problem or penalty (as long as you are on time). I do this all the time. Karen
My wife just confirmed you can take books checked out of Smithfield to the Clayton Library and they will ship them to Smithfield.
You're correct. Books can be returned to any Johnston County location, but videos have to go back to Smithfield. You can also request that books be sent from any branch to the branch closest to you and then you pick them up there. Another great way to save on gas. Be sure to get hooked up to go online.