Are people now flocking back to Wake Co schools from Johnston Co? We are trying hard to get back into Johnston Co. I was told recently (by someone I consider to be a quack) that the trend is reversing and people are trying to leave JC schools. I just didn't think this was true, but I overheard a lady at CVS complaining about JC schools so she was moving to Wake. Is this really the case?
I've heard most taking theirs out to homeschool. I was shocked when I took my two out to homeschool last year at just how many were having many of hte same issues. I don't know what the trend is but spoke to a Wake County teacher this past week. She said the situation is bad everywhere. Doesn't matter the county. Some of her classes will be 35 to a class this year due to budget strains. I for one know about a lot of the EC changes as it affects my kids a great deal. I know Wake county is starting to eliminate resource classes and have the children go to the EC class instead during that time. Usually Wake & Johnston do about the same kind of thing. Don't know about you all but I am highly concerned this year w/ some of the stuff I've heard. However, you can never go on anythign until school starts. Until then...benefit of the doubt. Hoping for a good school year. stephanie--mom to 7
My son started school today (Wake County), but they have 26 students in his class and it is a 4th/5th combination class.
I used to go to Wake county schools growing up and they are nothing like they were back then. I would much rather keep my kids in the Johnston Co. school they go to then send them to any wake county school.
NOT ME!! I moved to Wake to get away from Johnston. We had a TERRIBLE experiece with Wilsons Mills. My kids love the Wake County schools.
So what,, thats you... they probably had a problem with you and celebrated when you left.... :jester::jester:
You mean just like I celebrated when u got banned?? Go crawl back in that hole you came out of...............
I know rising 3rd graders from Church and they have been in 3 different schools so far. Brothers in middle school on different tracks, etc etc. No thanks. When we moved to this area from Charlotte in 2002, we looked only in Johnston County due to schools. K-2nd has been great with great teachers. And more than likley we will get through elementary school with only 1 school. We reevaluate private schools once middle school comes up in a few years.
My kids don't do the track out thing. We are on a modified calander for the Elementary school and a traditional calander for the middle school.
The one thing I would really like about my kids going to Wake County is the year-round schedule. They love their summer break, but it's too long! I'm in school now getting my teaching certificate. I'd rather teach in Wake County for the same reason (plus they do pay better!) I will say that we have had nothing but a good experience in Johnston County so far. My daughter goes to Dixon Road, and I love it! That's where I do my student teaching too. I've been very happy with the teachers she's had so far. I have no problem with the school. I just like the year-round calendar better. The kids don't get so burnt out! Go 9 weeks, get 3 weeks off. That's a great schedule - for teachers too!
I cant there is a turtle in the hole now... maybe I can poke it out of there... :jester::jester: Lighten up sister... :boxing:
We do love the year round schedule; just three more weeks til another break! Unfortunately, we will have to give up the year round calendar in two years anyhow. Since we are currently slated for Garner High School, we are heading to JC and will either end up at WJH or Cleveland HS.
They still have to take tests to pass their grade, but its not the same as EOG's (I've never homeschooled, but thats what I was told).