Is there a Web site listing the candidates and what they support? I'd like some objective info before I vote. Thanks.
It's going to be slim pickings. Do you like or dislike the job the current commissioners are doing? If you like, vote for incumbent If you no-likey, vote for the new guy This does not mean the new guy will be any better or worse, but it'll make a point.
ballot Does the ballot list who is incumbent? Sample ballot listed in the forums did not appear to show that. Check this out on the Johnston County Board of Elections page. It shows the incumbents.
appears this lists all the incumbents except for school board incumbent donna white. maybe donna is not proud of the school board past achievements. i believe she has typically been on the losing end of most votes published in the newspapers.
Another source is to check out the Commissioners meeting minutes and read the issues they vote on. (This may take some time, but you can learn a lot about how they deal with some of the issues.) I've learned that incumbent Jeff Carver (who works for BB & T) has been key in saving the County a lot of money. He brought suggestions to the board that included refinancing loans at a lower rate. He also voted quite frequently with Allen Mims to slow growth or at least get an updated growth plan. He and Mims are often out-voted by others.