Johnston County High School Summer Academy

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    Where and When:
    Session 1: Smithfield Selma High School
    June 15 - July 13 7:30 – 11:30 (MORNING SESSION)
    Session 2: Smithfield Selma High School
    June 15 – July 13 1:00 – 5:00 (AFTERNOON SESSION)

    Summer Academy Principal: To Be Selected

    Time: Teachers will be employed from June 14 until July 14. Teachers will be on duty 15 minutes before instructional time begins and 45 minutes after instructional time ends. Workday hours (no students) are from 8:00 until 3:30.

    Cost: $75 (for repeated course)
    $250 (for English III taken for the first time but needed for
    graduation: 6 weeks attendance is required)

    Lunch: Snacks will be permitted; however, no meals will be provided.

    Enrollment Deadline: June 10, 2004

    Contact: Guidance Counselors at high schools

    Courses Offered:
    English I Algebra IA Civics and Economics
    English II Algebra I Earth/Environmental Science
    English III Algebra II Biology
    English IV Geometry Physical Science
    Essentials of English World Geography Chemistry
    Intro to Mathematics World History Physics
    Spanish II French II
    Algebra I U. S. History

    English III may be taken for the first time only if taking the course will put the student back on track to graduate with his/her class. English III taken for the first time will be offered from June 15 - July 27 from 8:00 - 1:00 with July 5 as a holiday.

    SAT Prep Classes will be offered each session. These sessions will be open to all students who would like to receive assistance in fine-tuning their vocabulary and mathematics skills needed for outstanding SAT performance.

    Web Academy: Students who need courses that are not offered in the Johnston County High School Summer Academy may register for an on-line course through Cumberland County’s Web Academy. Students must obtain prior approval from their school principal and pay for the course. Registration and orientation dates for six weeks repeat course will be available in May. Additional information can be obtained from guidance counselors or from the Web Academy’s web site (

    End of Course Exams: End-of-Course Exams will be given on July 12.

    Summer Graduation: July 13, 2004 2:00 pm Smithfield Selma High School

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