Johnston County Register of Deeds against fee increase

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Johnston Co Guy, Jul 18, 2008.

  1. From: Craig Olive
    Johnston County Registrar of Deeds
    Subject: Fee increase for deed of trust documents
    Reference: HB 2436
    Date: July 17, 2008

    There they go again!

    Without debate the NC State Legislative leadership has imposed an 83% increase in the fees to purchase a home. With our citizens struggling to pay for their homes, the NC Legislative leadership has added this additional burden to the cost of homeownership.

    Recording fees for deed of trust will increase from $14 to $24 for the first page.

    The North Carolina Association of Register of Deeds has not requested this increase. The money which could amount to $10 million a year will fund a mapping program that has already received a $4 million grant from FEMA. This work is to be completed by the summer of 2009. One wonders what the money will be used for thereafter.

    North Carolina citizens are ill served by a legislature that passes tax and fees increase without debate. As the elected Registrar of Deeds of Johnston County, I am strongly opposed to the implementation of this fee and call on the public to contact their legislators and demand to resend this unwarranted increase in the cost of homeownership.

    This fee reminds me of King George’s Stamp Act, which led to a revolutionary war in opposition to taxation without representation. When fees and taxes are increased without debate, we are being taxed without representation.
  2. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    I got that email today as well, How could they possibly impose one more fee that would affect the housing market right now! It is getting incredibly irritating and beginning to feel like getting kicked while your're down.
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Hum. Thanks for letting me know about this. I am going to have to absorb it before I comment. I certainly agree with your comment on representation.

  4. The Flood Map Company called my office on Friday after I sent out the news release. He was calling around to all 100 Register of Deeds in the State and was asking us, just how many do we record each year. I asked him where was the money going after it was funded? He told me that he just works for the company. I asked him where was the company located that is on this deal with the State General Assembly and he said, "we are from Washington DC". That told me what I needed to know. He also said that other Registers of Deeds across the state was upset like I was.

    So some company has a deal with someone that slipped this bill in the final budget. That is always the case.
  5. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Hum, Craig is a family friend. Dang, P, you are too transparent. What crawled up your fanny recently?


    P.S. I's an election year and all of a sudden anything anyone registered in another party says is wrong...go figure.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2008
  6. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Picking and choosing which years to complain about others running for office. Like I said P, I have voted for him but when he allowed himself to be used as a pawn I lost my faith.

    To the topic; our State Legislature seems not to understand that people need every penny in today's economy.


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