Just ranting. My 2 year old grandson had an accident. He was out cold and stopped breathing. My daughter called 911 and an ambulance came and took him to JMH. The ambulance dropped them off at the emergany entrance and left them to walk in. Then they sat there for 1 and 1/2 hours waiting. She called his ped. and he is now on his way to Wake-Med. What the h*** kind of hospital lets a baby wait after being unconscious and not breathing? And I didn't know the ambulance was also a taxi service, because this is the way they were treated. Also another experience with them. My daughter was pregnant and the baby died. She had to go deliver it. Well while at JMH and waiting to deliver a dead baby a nurse came in with a baby boy and said to her here is your new son. I wouldn't take a sick animal there.
I am praying for your grandson. I agree with your assessment of JMH. And we have one coming to Clayton in the near future. I wish it was Wake Med or Rex coming to Clayton.
My son almost died there at 5 weeks . (Seriously) I could rant for 1/2 hour, in the end we were able to get transfered and never got a bill, but it could have very easily gone the other way. While waiting for the transport to come, the head nurse said "I wondered how long it would take you to move him!!" How is your grandson???
My heart goes out to you and your family. I will never have any sort of business with this hospital. Thank you so much for sharing.
Have you talked to the ambulance company/supervisors??? From my understanding they are not to leave until taken BACK to a room/ or checked into the ER??? Because when I was in a car accident and pregnant about 5 years ago the ambulance drivers told me this??? But it was in Wake County though and maybe their just their rule?????? I am so sorry to hear your news and will keep them all in my prayers!!!
He is on his way to Wake-Med for a Cat-scan. Thank you all for your thoughts a prayers. If he is like his Grammie he has a hard head. This poor baby has been through h*** since day one. I told my daughter to give him a hug from his Grammie then when he is all better I will get even for scaring the h*** out of me. As far as I am concerned JMH should just shut down it is useless. No one in my family will ever go there again.
OMG, that is horrible. I've always heard bad things about that place. Thoughts and prayers for your family and grandbaby.
Stupid freakin' JMH aaaand Betsy Johnson will rot in hell. I don't like either.:roll: Drive me to Wake!
When DH, DS & I moved back to JoCo --- I had to make DH promise to let me DIE on the way to REX before he would let anyone (EMS or ???) haul me to Johnston Memorial. I was serious. That place has been a MASH station forever - pack them & ship them out... It is not better today than is was in the 1960's or 1970's. Ugh. Hope you GS is getting better & will be OK.
I had to call the rescue squad to my husband at 3:00 in the morning earlier this year. When they got there and got him in the ambulance and had all the monitors hooked to him I asked them if we were going to Wake Med. They said no, we had to go to JMH. My hubby jumped up and started pulling the monitors off of him and told them there was no way he would ever go to JMH. I ended up driving him to Wake Med. Funny thing, the paramedics acted like this happens quite a bit. :shock:
JMH should have their state license reexamined, or their JCAHO accreditation. C6 had some surgery..they had no air cond..and had fans in the hallways, curculating nosocomial bacteria. I called infection control and they put the fans in pt rooms and closed the doors. No circulation at all, but we didn't pick up any hospital bacteria superbugs. No more JMH for me...I'd rather walk to WakeMed.
I can rant on about JMH too... DH had double hernia surgery there, and the whole process from start to finish was crap. I hate it and would rather take my chances making it to Rex or WakeMed before going back there. Someone actually said in another thread that I was lucky incase of an emergency that the new JMH facility is going to be in my backyard practically. Ummm.... NOT.
I've lived in JC long enough to know that you do not go to JCM even when dying. BUT, what I don't understand is how EMS works...if I have to call 911 and our local EMS responds to the house, am I right in reading that they HAVE to take my family member to JCM and not Wakemed if that's our request?