I've been playing at Shooters Billiards for over two years, both 8-ball and 9-ball. Took this past session off and am going to start again at the beginning of next year. Not sure if I will do 8-ball or 9-ball or both. Seeing if there is any interest to start a new team. If not I'll just join one that is already there or split some existing players off into a new one. Last session our 9-ball team took 2nd place out of five teams and got back more than we payed in. Almost every 8- and 9-ball team I've played for or captained has placed 1st or 2nd. It is a handicapped league -- if you are a better player than your opponent, you have to win more games in your match. 8-ball = Tuesdays 7 PM 9-ball = Wednesdays 7 PM 3-5 person teams 12 wk sessions, three matches/night $10/wk if you play that week, nothing if you don't - $8 goes in pot, $2 to the house 1st and 2nd place gets cash back, can't remember the split exactly but it was between 70/30 and 60/40 PM me if interested