Junior Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by UNCHEELS, Jul 8, 2008.


    UNCHEELS Well-Known Member

    Do any of you have experience with, have participated in or heard of the Junior Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference? My son was invited to attend. Of course there is a cost associated with it so I was trying to see if I could gather more information about it.

    Here is an excerpt from the invitation:

    "Attending the Conference represents a unique opportunity for your child to personally witness and participate in what is sure to be one of the most significant presidential inaugurations in the history of our nation.

    As a special guest on the National Mall, he will look on as the 44th President of the United States is sworn into office. Following the inauguration, he will experience the sights and sounds of a jubilant nation when he watches the inaugural parade over lunch at the historic Marriott Wardman Park Hotel and attends a Gala Inaugural Ball. He will be inspired by several keynote speakers, including seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, and attend a special reception at the Smithsonian Institution. Throughout the Conference, he will also have ample time to explore the many cultural and historic sites that only our nation's capital has to offer."
  2. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    My Step Daughter was invited to this several years ago and attended. If you think your child is headed for a career related somehow to the Government, I highly recommend it ! It is an honor and what a great thing to put on their academic resume!

    UNCHEELS Well-Known Member

    So she was pleased with the conference and got something out of it? If invited, do you think she would go again?
  4. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    Yes, we feel that she enjoyed it and got quite a bit from it, from seeing all the governmental officials, hearing them speak, etc. Plus, she got to leave her Mom for a few days. LOL. But seriously, a well worthwhile experience if one can afford it. Im sure she would do it again. She wants to become a lawyer and lives in the DC area.

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