Junk Stand/ ODS at NC 50

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by EngNCSU, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. EngNCSU

    EngNCSU Well-Known Member

    Anyone else tired of looking at the "fruit" stand on the corner of Old Drug Store and NC 50? It was bad enough when the yard was full of junk, and I actually was pretty happy to see them clean that out, but now a fruit stand? It wouldn't be too bad if there were not at least 10 hand painted signs, that look, well, like crap.

    Do you have to have a permit to operate a fruit stand? They advertise local produce, but the other day they were selling BANANAS! Can someone tell me where I can get a Banana tree for my yard? :eek:)
  2. bbfan

    bbfan Guest

    That corner has been an eyesore for years! The shame of it is that it could be a really nice piece of property with the creek right there. They cleaned it up some- in my opinion, not enought to take it out of the eyesore category. I would not buy fruit from there just because of how trashy it looks-gross!
  3. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I know two people that have bannana tree's. One off of Cleveland School Rd, and my in-laws have one that they move in/out doors every year.

    The old man that lived there passed away, so it looks like to me that his kids are trying to clean up the property.
  4. UWISH

    UWISH Well-Known Member

    Well, if the DOT would ever fix the stoplight that they "fixed" in the first place it didn't take forever for the light to turn green coming off of ODS onto 50 the junky signs would just fly by!

    The other day when it rained so hard I guess the wind/water turned over one of their stands and squash and watermelons were floating in the ditch beside the road. YUMMY!:drool::drool:
  5. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Have you forgotten about the flooding that property has to deal with due to that creek?
  6. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    No, you don't need a permit. I don't see where it's any of your business what that man does with his property, unless you're helping pay for it and the taxes?
  7. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    I agree!

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