Ok.....If anyone knows someone or you yourself are having legal problems, seek out an attorney. Trying to go about it ON YOUR OWN, unless you have the legal schooling and skills to know what your doing, is NOT a good idea. I understand the need to save money these days but in the long run, you will spend it, and probably MORE, trying to get the legal help you should have had to start with to get you out of the mess you've ended up in after WINGING it. Family and friends, unless they are in the legal field of your need, are NOT the "ideal" wealths of knowledge you think they may be. While they mean well and are only trying to help, it more than likely will be a "bust". I have seen more messes come in to our firm where people have tried to do it on their own and get told at court, "Get an attorney...fast." Just a suggestion, ya'll!
I second that.................my sister tried to do a traffic thing on her own and that turned out real bad...............ok now, but it was a mess.